Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1737: Breeding plans, killing spirits

Normally, the leaping beast should be a relatively common magical beast on the etheric plane, and even if it comes to the main plane, it should not be too special.

But now, the skeleton alone makes it possible to become a novel alternative to mithril, or in other words, by studying the skeleton of the warp beast, mages are expected to find a cheaper way to make magic items.

And if it is added with delicious meat, it is entirely possible for the leaping beasts to become the most valuable economic species in the future, but if you want to breed them on a large scale at a lower cost, you need something similar to the ether advance base that can limit their free phase transitions. special environment.

Of course, if it can be domesticated, it will be even better, even if the initial investment is slightly larger, but you can always enjoy the dividends later.

Thinking of this, Shado immediately asked Barry, "Do you know which adventurer teams here are better at hunting leap beasts?"

"If it's just hunting, then most of the adventurers who appear here are very good at it. After entering the base, the jumping beasts are not much different from ordinary beasts on the main plane. The key is how to lure them over."

Xia Duo immediately asked: "How to lure them over?"

"I do not know then."

Barry spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Usually every three or five days, the Master Mage of the Seven Towers will drive out a group of etheric creatures, including leaping beasts, into the base, and all adventurers of this part of the prey can hunt freely. In addition, only a very small number of adventurers can trap themselves, and most of these people also have the background of the Seven Towers."

That's it!

Xia Duo was thoughtful. Sure enough, only by going out more can he find that the shadow of the Seven Pagodas is really everywhere. Although the forward base here seems to be in the hands of the Austrian Federation, it actually benefits more. Still seven towers.

He originally thought that, if possible, it would be best to recruit a team of adventurers to capture and domesticate the leaping beasts for him here. If it is to explore domestication techniques, or to breed easy-to-raise breeds, both are good results.

Now it seems that no matter what he wants to do, I am afraid that there is no way around the Seven Pagodas.

However, aside from the fact that the skeleton of the jumping beast might become a substitute for Mithril, it is necessary to build a small farm here just for the convenience of eating meat.

As for whether Qita will notice the breeding potential of the jumping beast, Xia Duo thinks that this is not a problem. If the bones of the jumping beast cannot be used as a substitute for mithril, even if Qita also participates in domestication and breeding, it is nothing more than a lot. Just a few meat factories.

And if the skeleton of the warp beast really has the potential to replace mithril, the participation of the seven towers can better ensure that magical items made of this new material can appear on the market normally in the future.

In layman's terms, the Seven Pagodas are so powerful that it is impossible for Xia Duo to avoid their monopoly on this new material of great strategic value, in every sense.

In addition, if this new material is really possible, then the pressure on the elves is not expected to be small, and there must be a taller in front.

Thinking like this, Xia Duo vaguely had a plan in his heart.

Next, he inquired about some other items in Bally's booth, such as the skin of the warp beast, which was rarely seen in other booths.

According to Barry, this kind of leather is a natural protective material, and even if it is only made of leather armor and worn on the body without any special processing, it can play a fairly good protective effect.

Especially in the face of etheric creatures that use psychic attacks or force field spells as their main attack methods, it can be called "take it from that and use it for that"!

Gu Tung

At this stage, there are very few jump skins for sale on the market, and most of them are digested by adventurers. The jump skins on Bally's side are more of a display, or an advertisement that attracts people to stop and ask.

That's how Xia Duo was attracted.

In addition to the leaping beasts, the adventurers at the Ether Advance Base cannot stably hunt other etheric creatures. In this respect, most of the etheric creatures driven by the people from the Seven Towers are flesh and blood, and most of them are leaping beasts.

On the other hand, it is naturally too weak. If a group of ordinary people were to hunt distorted phantoms, what would they be armed with!

First of all, the psychic amulet is essential, and secondly, it is the scroll of psychic attack spells, or other corresponding magic items.

Moreover, judging from the flexibility of ordinary people's manipulation of magic items, unless they can kill them in one hit, or wait for the distorted phantom to react, no matter how many ordinary people, no matter how good the equipment is, they are not enough to kill.

According to Shado's estimation, if all the adventurers in the ether advance base add one piece, it is estimated that they can't kill a distorted phantom.

Therefore, even if he and the stall owner named Barry in front of him were able to chat, he did not inquire about the core of the distorted phantom.

Generally speaking, except for high-level mages who have prepared in advance, others have only a dead end when encountering distorted phantoms.

Xia Duo is also not going to let ordinary people use their lives to pile up one or two twisted phantom cores.

However, the core of the distorted phantom is the spiritual substance, but the spiritual substance is not necessarily the core of the distorted phantom. It is only because the core must be dropped after the distorted phantom is killed, which makes it easy to confuse the two.

Now that the Ether Advance Base has been open for some time, Xia Duo has long known about the spiritual material other than the distorted phantom core.

Any etheric creature, including the warp beast, may drop esoteric materials, and most of them appear as multi-faceted crystal balls, similar to the distorted phantom core, the difference is only in the number of facets.

However, the core of the twisted phantom, killing the twisted phantom will definitely drop, and killing the leap beast to obtain the spiritual essence, but only rely on luck, if you are lucky, you can kill one or two.

For the time being, although Xia Duo heard about the spiritual material obtained by killing the leap beasts, he hadn't heard of any rules to follow.

He speculates that it may be related to wisdom. The higher the wisdom, the higher the explosion rate, but this is only speculation. Only when the farm is established will there be a chance to systematically verify it.

He had a vague feeling in his heart that if it was verified to be true, it would mean that for every additional piece of spiritual material, an additional intelligent life would be lost.

Even he can already imagine that some extreme mages may study the killing of spirits in order to obtain spiritual substances more conveniently (not only humans, but also common and easy-to-obtain intelligent creatures such as dwarves, elves, and gnomes) .

For these possible situations, Xia Duoduo just felt helpless. All he could manage was his own one-third of an acre of land, and even in his own territory, he could not guarantee that it would never appear. Evil Mage.

Human nature has a noble and good side as well as a despicable and evil side. It is impossible for him to control people's hearts, and even if he can, he will not do it.

All he can do is to continuously promote the Daxia order, guide people to be kind, and at the same time increase the crackdown on criminal violations, especially the criminal behavior of the caster, which is the most important thing.