Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1751: Explain the mystery, intentionally misle

Remember [New] for a second,! The next day, the official meeting of the Northland Alliance continued in the Hall of the Covenant of Everisca.

In addition to the discussion and voting on matters related to the establishment of the new institution, there is also a major proposal that has lasted for a year, that is, the issue of the demarcation of the borders of the northern countries.

In previous meetings, all border issues involving big countries and small countries were basically concluded quickly and confirmed in the form of formal resolutions.

However, if there is no buffer zone between great powers, there will almost certainly be territorial disputes, the most serious ones being Netheril and Comansor. Regarding the eastern forest—the area that Comansso calls "Tessa Forest" issue of sovereignty determination.

Although the pioneers on the border of the two sides, after several rounds of testing, finally formed a buffer area that was jointly vigilant and monitored by both sides, but at the alliance meeting, it is still a matter of which side the buffer area belongs to. A hard-hitting job.

From the next day, the representative of Netheril's speech has been replaced by another seven-tower wizard who has been in charge of the matter, while the Comansor side is still Adimine who has received the recall order.

When the meeting got to the point, the two sides immediately started a series of sparring performances.


On the other side, in the South, the Tower of Time.

Xia Duo, who is studying the Hengchun enchantment book together with Niya, unexpectedly received an official message from the Austrian Law Federation——

The joint meeting of the Great Arcanist he convened was responded by everyone. After coordination, the Arcanist Federation set the time on the fourth day of September.

And now it's the last day of August!

Xado's current identity on the Austrian Federation is still under the name of the Tower of Time, and this time the news was conveyed through the communication system of the Austrian Federation, and it is impossible to bypass Ni who is intrinsically connected to the Tower of Time. elegant.

Although he had told Niya about this before, when the incident really came, Niya couldn't help but worry, "This time it should be smooth, right?"

"Of course, Cross violated the unspoken rules. This matter can be big or small, but once he is brought to the table, the Seven Towers will definitely not let him pass easily."

Xia Duo gave Niya a calm look. This time, Cross will be sanctioned. There is basically no suspense, but whether the new patent law can be successfully darkened depends on luck.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Niya this, lest Niya be too worried. In fact, whether the new patent law can be implemented or not will affect Netherier's "future national fortune".

For Xardo himself, it doesn't have much impact. As for Cross, who has already been sanctioned, does he dare to continue imitating the Tower of Time communication artifact?

If he really dared, Xia Duo would naturally not be afraid to have a real PK with him.


After soothing Niya's emotions, Xia Duo continued to explain the Hengchun Barrier——

"The creator's mental skills of this mysterious lock are divided into four parts by the core nodes, sharing the rejection and suppression of the mysterious lock itself by the magic net environment, which has actually fallen to the lower level."


"A good mystery lock should be integrated with the magic net and not separate from each other. If it is necessary to fight against the magic net itself, how much spare power is there to achieve its proper function?"

Niya has seen very few Mystery Locks, and she may only think that Mystery Locks is a super-large compound spell, but Xia Duo, who has seen many Mystery Locks, is more willing to call My Locks "a special kind of material made from the strings of the magic net". Creation"!

The only difference is that spells are difficult to last, and the most basic requirement of creation is to be able to exist stably for a long time.

This is indeed the case. As long as the normal mystical locks are properly maintained, they can basically be maintained permanently, and the top-level non-material node mystical locks can be maintained for a long time as long as they are not destroyed, even if they are not maintained.

As for whether it is permanent or not, it is still uncertain for the time being, because there is not a single case of the type of mystery that Xia Duo has learned about collapses naturally.

And the mystical lock with material nodes, as long as it is not maintained for a long time, it will start to collapse from the node until it all collapses.

The Hengchun Barrier sent by Evereska cannot be said to be useless, useful or very useful, and very basic, suitable for beginners to get started, but Evereska must have reservations.

Xia Duo never believed that the Hengchun barrier used by Everesca was also like this!

"Look, turn to the macro perspective of the magic web from here, and then weave it like this—" Xia Duo explained and started to demonstrate, and a faint field suddenly appeared in the study.

As soon as this domain appeared, it affected the strings of the magic net of the four directions, forming a highly ordered whole, and then Xia Duo continued:

"Look, a large number of element units have been automatically diffracted at the microscopic level. If you only start from the microscopic level, the best result is the book!"

The essence of Mystery Lock is an order structure built on the macroscopic structure of the magic net, which contains a large number of specific magic net string combination relationships at the micro level.

If you only study or construct the labyrinth from the microscopic level, it is almost impossible to touch the core mystery of the labyrinth, and it is almost impossible to build a truly qualified labyrinth.

Everisca looked very generous and directly sent a Mystery Lock to Shado, but it was not without the intention of misleading Shado. After all, Nite Magic was largely focused on the microscopic level of the magic net and lacked a macroscopic perspective.

Elf magic is actually more macro-focused.

If Shado is a Nether native and has not received a complete elf magic education on the projection plane, he may be taken into a ditch.

but now--

He was completely able to get back on the right track and guide Niya to get started smoothly.


When I was concentrating, time always passed quickly. Before I knew it, it was noon. After lunch, Xia Duo took Niya to the aquamarine plane as Now Floating City Flight Control The system has been completed, and an additional [Misera] device has been built, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Although Xia Duo has decided to build the Floating City Mystery Lock first and then complete the rest of the system, some of the systems that have been designed can already be built, and we only need to wait for the Mystery Lock to be completed before completing the final finishing work.

The construction of the floating city is not a linear relationship between the various system items. It must be completed before the next one can continue.

In fact, even if it is a mysterious lock, it will not have too bad consequences when it is finally completed, but it will only increase the maintenance cost.

Based on economic considerations and the convenience of subsequent related tests, Shado put the construction of the Mystery Lock in the front.

However, when he arrived at the floating city, Xia Duo did not start building anything immediately, but discussed with Niya the design idea of ​​the lock, basically Xia Duo said it and Niya listened.

After discussing for a while, Nia continued to think, while Shado began to operate the printing press to print the Mithril circuits required for the subsequent systems.

After printing for a while, continue the discussion, and so on.