Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1752: Meet Cross, Blade of Spiritual Closure

Remember [New] for a second,! In a short time, Niya has not been able to participate in the design of the Floating City Mystery Lock, but Xia Duo can see her efforts and the learning progress that is catching up fast.

If nothing else, Nia will definitely be able to participate effectively before he completes the entire design of the Mystery Lock.


Three days later, Severnton.

The teleportation area of ​​the headquarters of the Austrian Federation suddenly walked out of a caster who was wearing a crimson robe, a starry belt around his waist, holding a scepter, five stars on his head, a tall, blurred face.

This is Xia Duo, who was just teleported from the Tower of Time. The reason why he came over in advance is to look at the agenda of tomorrow's meeting first. Of course, this reason is the same for everyone.

But for Shado, there was one more reason - Eorem informed him that the method for dividing the core of the psychic substance had been found!

Leaving the teleportation area, Xia Duo bypassed the market area and the library with ease, and came to the innermost administrative office area, where Eorem's office and study of the Austrian Federation was located.


As soon as he reached the outside of the study, Shado heard a faint quarrel coming from inside, and he stopped subconsciously. At this moment, Eorem's voice came to his ears——

"Come in!"

Xia Duo thought for a while, pushed open the door and walked in, only to see a gloomy middle-aged mage walking towards the door.

When the two sides passed by, the man's expression turned slightly pale, and he nodded to Xia Duo, who also nodded slightly and walked towards Eorem.

As the door behind him closed, a trace of doubt appeared on Shado's face, and he asked Eorem, "Teacher, what is Cross coming for?"

That person was Cross just now, and Xado had only seen each other once before, but he almost didn't remember seeing each other again in the teacher's study this time.

However, Cross dared to quarrel with Eorem, but when he saw himself, he still pretended to be nothing, pretending to be nothing. If he bullied Eorem and became the president of the Austrian Federation, he would not beat him!

At this time, Eorem's answer also arrived: "He-he wants me to remove a few topics for tomorrow, huh, the young man is a little temperamental."

"What issue? Is that mine?"

"It's not yours. It is estimated that the Seven Towers took action. Several territories in the western part of the Green Tower Alliance are connected in series to protest Cross' malicious interference in the internal affairs of their territories."


Shado was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this the responsibility of the Sevington Council? How did it get discussed with the Austrian Law Federation?"

"Yeah, Cross said the same just now."

Eorem's eyes clearly showed a smile, and he didn't seem to take the noise from Cross to heart at all, "Only in terms of the nature of the incident, it should really be managed by the Severnton Council!

"But you also know that Nether lords are mostly spellcasters and have their own mage towers. It is reasonable to protest at the joint meeting of the great arcanists in the name of the mage tower organization."

Of course, what Eorem didn't say is that if the general lord does not have the support of the Great Arcanist, there is a high probability that he will not fight against another Great Arcanist, especially such an obvious and blatant confrontation.

"Forget it, let's not talk about him, you probably came to me to ask how to divide the spiritual core!"

Saying that, Eorem walked behind the desk, took a warm-colored jade knife from the bookshelf with his hand, handed it to Shado, and said:

"That's it!"

Xia Duo took the knife and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity as soon as he got it. There is no doubt that this is a psionic instrument, and it is far more powerful than the ones he bought from Everisca. .

"Teacher, this is-"

"The blade of spiritual closure is said to be custom-made from the southern Zamdas. I have tried it, and it can indeed be used to cut the spiritual core."

After finishing speaking, Eorem took out two large, four small and six multi-faceted crystal beads from the dimensional bag, and said, "Try it."


Shado took the six spiritual cores from Eorem, but did not choose to cut them, but put them away, and took out a complete spiritual core that was larger than the six.

Xia Duo held the knife in one hand and the spiritual core in the other, but what he did not expect was that when he approached the warm-colored [Spiritual Closing Blade], the spiritual core immediately exuded a strong magical aura.

No, perhaps "spiritual brilliance" would be more appropriate.

When the light bloomed, Xia Duo felt light on his hand, and at the same time, the jade knife in his other hand fell onto his palm almost without hindrance.

The next moment, the light in the palm converged, and two multi-faceted crystal beads that were one size smaller than just now appeared. At the same time, Xia Duo also felt the gravity of the spiritual core again.

It was light, but it was there, and it did disappear before.

"See something?" Eorem asked.

Xia Duo shook his head in silence, and cut another knife. Just like before, although he noticed that the magic net around him responded, it was not any element he was familiar with.

And with his current magical attainments, it can be completely judged that these elements have almost no practical significance. If they are forced to be used, they may only be able to pull out a few elemental turbulence.

However, Xia Duo was not at all surprised by such a result.

He didn't even understand the few more toy-like psionic instruments he bought before. This obviously more powerful and possibly more perfect [Spiritual Closure Blade] is obviously more difficult to understand.

"Psionic energy is really mysterious!" Xia Duo couldn't help sighing.

"It's really mysterious, but it's too idealistic. What Arcanists like me need is knowledge that can be understood and verified repeatedly. Psionic power is not suitable for us. You can decide the importance of this aspect yourself!"

"Don't worry, I have never thought that psionic energy is magic. As for psionic energy, my opinion is that it can be used for me occasionally, and there is no need to go too deep into it. Of course-"

Xia Duo has always been interested in the unknown. At present, psionic energy is obviously a kind of unknown. "If one day we really exhaust our magic, psionic energy may be able to open up a whole new field for us."

"Perhaps, if magic can really be exhausted, then magic is not real magic!"

After Eorem finished speaking, he quickly changed the subject. Of course, Shado didn't want to go further on this topic. When it comes to this topic, it might end up being a battle of ideas.

And he and Eorem should not have a dispute over ideas, at least not yet. The so-called truth becomes clearer and clearer, and the same is true for ideas. If we really discuss the topic of psionic power, differences may surface. Difficult to bridge.

It's better to stop here, it's hard to be confused!


"Does the teacher think tomorrow will go well?"

"Of course, I'm absolutely sure of that!"