Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1768: Gold-plated sector, 1 point twists and t

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"The next topic is about the Demon Limiting Treaty."

Eorem's words immediately attracted the attention of the people of the Seven Towers, which was different from the order of the topics announced in advance, especially Scoum, whose eyes were obviously a little emotional.

But Eorem continued as if he had not seen it, and continued:

"The Northland Alliance recently established a new [Supermagic Incident Evaluation and Investigation Department], and the person in charge is a high-level mage from Everisca, and of course a respectable elder.

"Under the person in charge, is the [Review Committee], which is composed of spellcasters with a certain reputation in the Northland. I was fortunate to be nominated by Badigar, and was recognized by the representatives of the Northland Alliance, and was also among them.

"All reviewers will have several investigation teams under their names, responsible for the investigation of super-magic incidents outside the country they belong to."

Speaking of this, Eorem paused for a while, and glanced at the different faces of everyone, "Maybe someone wants to say, what does this so-called investigation team have to do with us?

"What I want to say is that the results of the investigation team's work are directly related to Netheril's super-magic share. For details, you can look at the information sent by Hechenes. Hechenes-"

"Yes, President."

Hechenis in the auditorium immediately got up, first handed a stack of manuscripts to the great arcanists, and then cast a spell to each of the senior mages in the auditorium.

Xia Duo opened the manuscript and looked at it, and he noticed immediately that the data specifically mentioned that although Comanso also had mages on the review committee, the investigation team did not have their share.

The workflow of this newly established department is that first the elf chief priests directly employed by the alliance headquarters are responsible for monitoring and recording the events of the Northland super-magic.

After that, an investigation team from a non-participating country will go to investigate, and the review committee will decide whether to identify it as a super-magic incident based on the investigation report.

There is a special comment in the data on how to identify, to the effect that the direct responsible person cannot be found, and it is assumed that it has never happened.

Taking Xado’s previous use of equation magic near Wolf God Mountain and being monitored by divine magic as an example, as long as the investigation team cannot be sure that he cast the magic, even if the incident happened within his immediate territory or assumed territory, it is not considered him to have done it.

In other words, the future magic restriction treaty is more about restricting high-end magic facilities and equipment, rather than a certain spell casting. After all, the caster runs away with one vote, and it is difficult to track.

Are you expecting a group of "Second Generations of Law" who may just be counting on the gilded Northern Alliance to track down the High Mage or the Grand Arcanist?

Of course, if there are a large number of witnesses who have not been cleaned up, or casting spells in public, there is no doubt that there is no way to cover them up.

However, it is difficult to hide magic facilities for a long time. Even if the second generation of the investigation team can't, there are "parents" to help. This is easy to determine.

Basically, after seeing this, Xia Duo has some understanding of the nature of this so-called investigation team. It is probably a private transaction for various countries. You remember me less once, and I will remember you less.

Eorem said it seriously, saying that it was directly related to Netheriel's share of super-magic, but the most malicious Cormanthor was excluded from the investigation team, which gave people a lot of room for imagination.

Of course, Shado thinks that Eorem may also really want to use these metamagic incident investigation teams to gain more room for Netheril to turn around.

At the back of the manuscript, Xia Duo took a general look, mainly about the work process and benefits of the investigation team. From his point of view, this is indeed a very good second-generation gold-plated place.

The job is simple, the benefits are excellent, and the ability to go abroad often and come into contact with all kinds of spellcasters will help broaden your horizons.

If you want to mix, you can mix, and if you want to work hard, you can also have room to play.

If it weren't for Xia Duo's "successful success" now, he would have thought of going in there.

Just when he was thinking about the manuscript on the table, someone couldn't wait to ask about the number of places, "Master Eorem, how many places are there for the investigation team under your name?"

"There are 40 places in total. I can give each of you a place, and the rest will be placed in the Austrian and French Federation. Those who are interested in this area can sign up by themselves, and I will select suitable candidates."

After Eorem finished speaking, Magna, who had just asked about the quota, immediately said, "I can understand the master's concern if the master can give me a few more quotas, but this matter is closely related to us, and I don't feel relieved that there is only one quota. "

With Magna at the head, Braun immediately followed, "Master Eorem, the members of the investigation team need strong investigation skills. Most of these people are under us, so why not directly assign places?"

There are quite a few people who have the same idea as Braun, and even including Xado, he feels that it is better to directly assign places. How many "loose repairs" are there in Netheril now!

All wizards who "developed" normally belong to various wizard tower organizations, and it can even be said that they are inextricably linked with the Seven Pagodas.

Of course, there is something wrong with allocating all of them to the Great Arcanist. Perhaps it is more reasonable to divide half of the shares first, and then leave half for free registration.

It's just that this quota is too small, and one person per person is almost half gone.

Thinking about it this way, it is not unreasonable for Eorem to distribute it like this.

Xia Duo figured it out, but others didn't., or just unwilling to figure it out, was Magna first, then Braun, then Hawke and Vader, all of whom also expressed the need for more (definite) places.

In the end, except for the three from the Seven Towers, Broad, Shado, and Byron, others, including Jenna, all questioned Eolem's distribution plan, especially, even Cross. jumped out.

Seeing that Cross also jumped out, Shado immediately realized that these people were afraid that the drunkard's intention was not drinking.

Eorem also thought of this, and his face was a little ugly. At this moment, he had realized that he had just temporarily moved this issue to the front, and I am afraid that he had given these people a chance.

As for the three from the Seven Towers, Scoum looked on with a lively look, while Horn and Harris reacted. If the Seven Towers are unwilling to make concessions on the quota of the investigation team, the next sanctions against Cross I am afraid there will be twists and turns.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but look at Eorem with some resentment, and finally they looked at each other and saw the decisiveness in the other's eyes, so Horn said immediately:

"I give up the place given by Master Eorem in my own name, but I still reserve the right of members of Kiran Tower to sign up by themselves."

Harris later said something similar to Horn's.

This makes it difficult for Scoum to accept, but in this case, unless he is willing to publicly perform the internal discord in the Seven Towers, he has no choice but to give up.

Apparently, Scum was not that stupid yet, the look on his face disappeared instantly, and he announced that he would give up the fixed quota with a cold face.

As for the few who didn't come, Eorem didn't get them from the beginning, so he couldn't talk about giving up.