Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1773: Hint bus, brain test

Popular recommendation:

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After returning from Sevington for a few days, Xia Duo worked overtime to create a total of 62 artifact spirits based on communication instruments. In the initial state, these 62 artifact spirits had relatively complete intelligence.

But it is precisely because of their complete intelligence that they have the weakness of humans, that is, they are not good at a lot of repetitive or non-repetitive thinking, or "calculation".

Xia Duo's approach is to select seven typical thinking modes in self-consciousness as "meta-programs", or "meta-thinking" and "meta-algorithms".

These meta-minds that have lost their intelligence do not have the weaknesses of human beings, and are closer to machines. Above the meta-mind, they are also cut down to the “judgment nodes” that have lost their intelligence, and are mainly responsible for assigning upper-level commands to the meta-mind layer.

Above this layer is the command layer with certain intelligence, which is responsible for converting the vague commands of the upper layer into the specific commands of the next layer, and is also responsible for feeding back the results to Xia Duo.

It is a three-layered network structure in the shape of a pyramid. Since the artifact is different from the so-called artificial intelligence built purely by algorithms on the earth, it is truly intelligent.

Therefore, in the case of a relatively single purpose and uncomplicated instructions, only one less-deleted artifact is needed, and no additional artifact is required.

As for the judgment layer, different nodes are set according to the number of meta-programs at the bottom. Xado's first experiment only used two nodes, that is, two deleted artifact spirits.

Meta-programs, according to Xia Duo's speculation, should be able to configure different proportions of meta-programs according to different tasks, and it is not necessary to use all the seven basic thinking modes that were originally selected.

You can use seven patterns one, or five patterns one with five patterns two.

How to configure it, he has not counted it yet. He will only wait for the rules to be summed up after many tests. Maybe the seven basic thinking modes he originally selected will also change!

It is possible to increase or decrease. Of course, it is more likely to increase. After all, true intelligent thinking cannot be reproduced only through a few variables.

Of course, if the number of basic thinking modes increases, the number of upper-level judgment nodes and even instruction nodes will also change accordingly, and even the relationship between nodes will undergo qualitative changes.

in the laboratory.

Xia Duo arranged the 20 specially prepared communication instruments in three parts. Although the placement did not affect the actual effect, it at least allowed him to see it more clearly.

The top row is the instruction layer, with only one solitary crystal ball; the second row is the judgment layer, with two crystal balls.

The third row is more, a total of seventeen, divided into two groups, a group of seven, a group of ten, respectively, gathered under the corresponding judgment layer node.

The next step is what Xia Duo thinks is the most troublesome step in the brain project—

Using [suggestion], using his own consciousness as a link, he established information transmission channels for all intellectual brain nodes.

In other words, this so-called "intelligent brain" is actually based on his own consciousness, but uses several other copies of consciousness as "computing hardware", and his own consciousness is only used as a medium for information transmission.

In this way, the computational (thinking) burden of ontological awareness is reduced.

The reason why this step is called "the most troublesome" by Shado is that he needs to design a set of information transmission methods for each node.

He has only used 20 nodes in the preliminary experiment, so he needs at least 20 hints, and the number of nodes will need to be redesigned in the future.

Different from the pure "physical labor" for the creation of artifact spirits, now this is completely mental labor. If you do not think carefully, you may end up experimenting countless times without finding bugs.

If that happens, it will be a nightmare, and the process of finding bugs is almost no less than overturning the system.

This is just a possible design problem, and if you add the operation aspect, if the content implied by the suggestion technique is wrong when casting the spell, and you think it is right, it will be another nightmare.

Therefore, even if he felt troublesome, Xia Duo did not have the slightest idea of ​​"artifact spirit" of the prosthetic hand.

Fortunately, there are only 20 nodes now, and the communication logic between the nodes is not too complicated. Xardo completed all the node communication design on the fifth day after returning from Severndon.

After that is the process of casting spells, and mental work also includes physical work, similar to typing on a keyboard or touching a mouse on Earth.

However, Xia Duo didn't care about this.

Including the rest time, almost two hours passed, and the prototype of the brain was officially launched!

During the test session, Xia Duo did not play in person, but called Niya.

Nya has been busy on the Azurite Plane by herself these days. She knew that Xia Duo was researching a kind of artifact cluster device called "Intellectual Brain", and she was surprised to receive a test invitation suddenly.

"Is it these communication instruments?"

"Yes." Xado pointed to Niya to the communication tool on the top layer of the three-layer node of the brain, UU reading www. said to Niya, "You take this command node, the tool spirit has a vague perception of the sound, just ask it directly if you want to know anything."

Niya was suspicious, picked up the communication tool, and asked tentatively, "How is the weather today?"


Xia Duo was speechless, "Don't ask these questions without clear answers, ask those questions that can give exact answers based on existing knowledge, no matter how complicated."

How is the weather today? It seems that there is an answer, but for the artifact based on the communication artifact, it is impossible to obtain relevant clues. Even if the answer is answered, at most it is based on the past weather conditions in the basic database in the consciousness copy. make a guess.

In fact, Shado didn't make brains for these vague questions, he wanted practical tools that would save him the thought process.

Next, Nia thought about it seriously and asked: "The spell 1-ΞΩΔΠΞΔΠΣΓΣΓΟΣ, 2-ΨΛΧΞΔΠΧΛΙΠ, 3-ΩΠΛΧΞΔΧΞΣΓΨ, 4-ΠΓΘΛΛΛΧΞΔ, 5-ΞΔΠΣ increases two ring levels in the direction of extreme effect, what is the result?"

Niya has not spoken yet, but Xado already knows the answer. It is not that he calculated the result himself, but that he subconsciously obtained the data of the command node when it was sent back.

But this result has not been actually verified, and Xia Duo can't judge whether it is right or wrong.

And Nia, after receiving the message from the command node, was greatly surprised, because this spell was taught to her by Shado before, and it was used to test the spell of Mystery Lock.

The spell itself does not need to be upgraded, but she still tried it, just curious about the effect of the upgrade.