Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1783: asker, arena


Walking on the uneven stone road in the dark alley, Xia Duo inevitably felt a little disappointed. In his original expectation, Askol should be an extremely prosperous port city.

As an important trading city in the Northland, it should be at least a little more prosperous than Severnton, not to mention the main elf cities like Erintar and Everiska.

But the reality is—

It's more like an enlarged version of the market than a city.

Although there are dwarves living in the city, they are clearly separated from other urban areas, forming relatively independent small communities. It is difficult for outsiders to enter, and outsiders are not welcome there.

The dark alley where Shado is currently is not in the dwarf community, but near the port, where human merchants are mainly for temporary rest.

On the other hand, the elf merchants mainly gathered near another port in the east. Usually, when there was no transaction, the two sides did not move much.

As for the underground passage leading to the real Danzo in the Underdark, it is in the urban area within the mountain, which is also open to humans or elves.

However, it is generally necessary to declare in advance, and after a certain number of people have gathered, the Danzo official will arrange a **** to **** these merchants to the underground world, nominally to prevent the merchants from being invaded by dangerous creatures in the dark area.

Of course, if you have different identities, the convenience you enjoy will also be different.

When Shado first arrived in Asker, he had a few chats with a steward of Kiran Tower, who was stationed here. The man revealed that only high-level mages could leave at any time.

Otherwise, we can only wait for the channel to open. This time is uncertain, because it is arranged according to the number of personnel and goods.

If you are lucky, you will be able to leave on the same day if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, it may not be impossible to wait for the first half of the year.

Shado guessed that Danzo might be using this method to control the inflow rate of foreign goods, so as to avoid too much profit from foreign merchants.

The real situation is not known for the time being, but there is one thing that can be proved by the side, that is, when foreign businessmen come to Asker, most of them will not choose to enter the Underdark, but will dump and purchase goods on the spot.

It can be said that in an enlarged version of the market such as Askol, more than half of the transactions are directly managed by Danzo officials.

Similar to the nature of the special zone.

After noticing this, it is not difficult to understand why King Helienmian of Yeerlan proposed that the full opening of trade in the northern countries would be rejected.

It's not just that Shado blew a little wind in front of Horn. In fact, neither the Seven Towers nor Danzo, or those small countries, would like to see such a thing happen.

Like Askel, once the comprehensive open trade agreement is passed, this place may not decline, but large-scale merchants and a large number of commodities poured into the Underdark to grab a lot of profits from here, but it is also something that can be easily predicted.

It is almost self-evident how to choose.

Unconsciously, Shado has passed through the dark alley according to the magic guide, and entered a more tidy, but the style is closer to the rough and grand style of the dwarves.

This is not an independent community inhabited by dwarves, but a commercial street mainly run by dwarves. Shado finally stopped at the gate of a very conspicuous open-air arena.

At the door, a dwarf carrying a long-handled axe saw someone staying, looked at Shado suspiciously, and asked, "Humans, it's not open to the public right now, do you have an invitation letter?"


Shado handed over the invitation letter he got from the Kiran Tower Station, and the dwarf took it, rubbed it hard, and nodded, "It's true, let's go in!"

After speaking, he gave way to the dark passage behind him.

Xia Duo didn't care either. He took the invitation letter from the other party and walked straight into the passage. As soon as he entered the passage, Xia Duo's eyes lit up, and he narrowed his eyes subconsciously. The inside of the passage was completely different from the outside.

It looked dark outside, but it was really bright inside. The passage was about five meters high and wide enough to accommodate four or five humans moving side by side.

Various battle scenes were carved on the walls on both sides, and Xado noticed that most of the backgrounds were in this arena.

As for the protagonist, they are mainly dwarves, but of course there are elves, and there are few humans. If he hadn't found one at the end of the passage, he would have thought that there were no records of human gladiators!

The gladiators who can be recorded on both sides of this passage are mostly extraordinary people. Their opponents run from the ground, fly in the sky, and even swim in the water, almost all of them are included.

Of course, there are also scenes of similar competition.

What Xia Duo was more concerned about was the only recorded human battle scene. The human gladiator's opponent was tall and strong, with a slightly bowed back and fangs, and was obviously a powerful female troll.

The battle scene is very condensed. In the center of the relief is the winning scene where the human holds the sword in one hand and the troll head in the other, and lifts it up to cheer.

The edge is around these specific battle scenes, not killing the enemy with magic, but killing the troll with only one sword. Xado has practiced the swordsmanship of the elf swordsinger. ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

It can be seen that the fighting style of this human is completely different from that of the Sword Singer. It should be said that it is closer to the fighting style of a dwarf, but it does not have the various magical abilities of a dwarf warrior.

It should be said that he is just a powerful ordinary person.

However, it can be seen from the closed eyes on the head of the troll in the center of the relief that the sword used by the human gladiator is not an ordinary sword, at least it has the ability to restrain the recovery of the troll.

If not, then when this human gladiator chops off the troll's head, he must guard against the troll's incarnation "Xingtian" and continue to fight.

Before even cutting off his head, he would be consumed by the troll's wound-for-wound style.

But no matter what, he alone killed a troll whose strength and speed were stronger than him with just one sword, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, the human gladiator, is powerful enough.

Shado was very curious about who this person was, because before today, he had never heard of such a human being. Perhaps it was because of the strong magical atmosphere of Netheril, that it was difficult for non-casters to enter the hall.

But this will not be the case in the future. With such a powerful fighting talent, armed with magic or magic equipment, its deterrent power may not be inferior to that of a few high-level mages.

Soon, when the passage was over, Xia Duo felt that he had passed through a layer of barrier, and there were several hoarse shouts in his ears.

Although he could not understand Dwarven language, he could guess from the high-pitched voice that he might be cheering for the battle in the arena.

At the same time, a dwarf dressed in heavy armor and wrapped himself into a round wine barrel came to Shado.

Just when Xia Duo was breaking a cold sweat for the other party, for fear that the other party would accidentally fall and roll around, the other party had already stretched out a hand and said to Xia Duo, "Guest, your invitation letter?" Fastest Arcane Lords Update, Chapter 1783 Asker, Arena Free read. https://

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