Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1805: King and advisors rule the world

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The High Mage Tyron hurried into the palace of King Mian, and after about half an hour, envoys continued to leave the palace, and at the same time, a message came out—

This year's orc influx is ahead of schedule, and it's more serious than in previous years!

All parts of Yinlfalang, especially the towns in the north, have dispatched scouts to the farther north in order to control the movements of the orcs at any time.

At the same time, in King Mian's court, advisors also had different views on how to deal with this sudden wave of orcs.

One of the advisors had a relaxed expression, as if he did not take this unprecedented wave of orcs in his eyes at all, Dan Dan said:

"The news brought back by Mage Tyron is very timely. The most important thing now is not to find the possible culprits, but how to deal with the impact of the orc wave."

But just after he finished speaking, another advisor raised a different opinion, "Your Majesty, my suggestion is just the opposite, as long as the North Mystery Lock is closed, the orcs will at most be rampaging around the periphery of Levi Forest, and they will eventually retreat, even if they don't. Retreat, you can calmly defeat it in the coming year.

"The most important thing right now is to find the driving force behind this incident. Since they can do such a thing, there may not be other people behind it. Ignoring this will only make us fall into endless passive coping."

"Who else could be behind this incident, either Comansuo or Yeerlan, are we going to start a war with them now because of this?"

As for who is behind the scenes, Lorien Mian's advisors generally have the same judgment, either Comanso or Yeerlan.

The former and Yin Erfalang are almost mortal enemies, while the latter, the ancient fortress recently appeared in Sluvender, Yin Erfalang also wants to profit from it, Yeerlan may not be able to do such a thing in order to hold Yin Erfalang. .

The same Cormanthor would not be willing to give up the ancient fortress that might be stored in the weapon of war. In addition, Yin Erfalang has always been hostile to them, so it is not impossible to trigger the wave of orcs in advance.

As for Netheril, or the rest of the small nations, these advisors had little thought.

After all, Netheril was an ally of Inferran, and the ancient fortresses belonged to the elves, and no matter how much human beings made fun of them, they would not be able to.

And those small countries do have motives to muddy the water. It’s just that if they do something like this, they will definitely leave traces. Even if there is no conclusive evidence, for big countries, there is no need for conclusive evidence at all. Just a suspicion is enough. Let the small country sit still.

The advisors of King Lorien Mian do not think that those small countries really have the guts to calculate Yin Erfalang, and it is too late to protect themselves. Isn't this provocation seeking death!

Lorien watched a group of advisors arguing with each other, but he focused on another issue:

"Mage Tyron, you just mentioned that you found traces of the Orc Slayer Society's activities in the north, didn't you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Are there any preserved samples?" King Mian asked again.

"Yes, I even caught an orc shaman who met the caster at the time."

"Ignore the orcs for now, you will show Wallis the traces you have preserved."

When King Mian said this, the advisor named "Wallis" was suddenly a little dissatisfied, "Your Majesty, it is good that the Orc Slayer Academy is under my name, but Your Majesty—and everyone else, do you think I have control over the Academy? Is it that bad?"

"Wallis, don't get excited, I'm not blaming you, but I want you to see the tricks of those behind the scenes and see if you can find any flaws." King Mian quickly reassured.

Yin Erfalang has already completed the centralization reform, but the power is not concentrated in the king Mian, but in a real power department called the [Ruling Advisory Group].

At the same time, he is also the real controller of the Yinerfalang Mystery Lock System. King Mian only has the power to dismiss and supervise him. As for the appointment, it is all elected by the lower-level parliament.

In the same way, King Mian appoints and inherits, and is in charge of the previous generation of King Mian, but it can be recalled by the [Ruling Advisory Group].

However, at the beginning of Yin Erfalang's centralization reform, King Mian swore an oath with the ruling advisers to be loyal to their duties. As long as they did not make some principled mistakes, they would not have to worry about being dismissed.

Like this time, if the spellcaster who triggered the wave of orcs in advance was Wallis' subordinate, he might indeed be dismissed by King Mian.

It's just that at this moment, a ruling adviser has already come to a conclusion. For example, Comanso or Yeerlan is behind this matter.

Therefore, after a few words of comfort from King Mian Lorien, Wallis regained his composure. In fact, he was more worried about his colleagues than King Mian.

The number of governing advisers is limited, and sometimes colleagues may not be able to keep an existing governing adviser in order to push up alternate governing advisers that are closer to their own camp.

It's just that once you become a ruling advisor, there must be many forces around, and there are generally only seniority among ruling advisors, and no authority, so it is difficult to control for a long time.

If it is forcibly manipulated, it will push the other party to another ruling advisor.

Therefore, in the nearly 200 years since Yin Erfalang established the centralized system to the present, there has never been a ruling advisor who has stepped down because of a power struggle. UU Reading

After all, there is a King Mian on it, and the two sides have clear rights and responsibilities. If King Mian does things unfairly, it may not be the fuse for his future dismissal.

Next, under the display of the Tyranid Mage, Wallis saw the so-called traces of learning activities-several badge accessories with the learning logo, as well as the residual aura that was intercepted and preserved by Tyranid after the spell was cast.

The badge accessories are not surprising. As long as you have the heart, you don't even need to imitate them. You can directly buy the authentic products from the Academy Store. It is the residual light that makes Wallis hesitate.

The [Orc Slayer Academy] he founded has some unique spells that he specially created for the Academy. Every exchanger has a record, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to obtain it.

But now, he has discovered the characteristics of learning a unique spell from the remnant of aura, which is simply unacceptable to him.

"This must be the enemy's trick. Although the beast slaughtering spell is restricted to be exchanged by casters outside the academy, as far as I know, there has been a secret beast slaughtering spell circulating in China."

"I can prove it!"

It wasn't anyone else who spoke, but it was Tyron who saved the remnants of the aura. Although he was not a member of the ruling advisory group, he also had the authority to enforce the law within the system.

On the way to the palace, he had already used the Mystery Lock to search for the essential characteristics of the preserved aura remnant. There are indeed many spellcasters in China who have mastered similar spells.

If it is a power struggle, even if other spellcasters have mastered similar spells, the aura remnant that has the characteristics of Wallis's learned spells can also be used as a handle to overthrow him.

But now, external threats clearly take precedence over power struggles.