Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1812: shadow ambush

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Hildarana speaks in a prudent manner, and Xia Duo can't tell the truth or a lie for a while, but in the magic resistance, based on what he has learned before, it seems that he has not actively monitored the plane. spells.

But no matter how you say it, the spellcaster is most familiar with and understands the material plane on the material plane such as the main plane. It seems that there is some truth to it.

In the realm of planes, the most important thing for spellcasters is to teleport, rather than to monitor them across planes.

However, with this experience, Xia Duo is ready to open a topic in this area at the Tower of Time. This is not necessary, but it is better to have it.

It's like now, the four of them swagger to the door of other people's house, just because they didn't touch the knot set by the other party, the other party didn't notice it at all.

This is very difficult for Shado, even the Tower of Time is in such a state now.

Of course, being able to see does not mean that you can enter directly. This layer of junction is actually to prevent the intrusion of biological creatures like Shado's current state of spiritual body.

The same is true for the Tower of Time, but it seems that the structure here is not just a force field, but a complex mechanism.

If there is enough time, Xia Duo would like to stay and have a good time. I just hope that I can find relevant information in the land!

"Ms Hildarana, you can start casting spells."

Shado reminded.

When entering the Yin plane, he can reach it by himself, but from the Yin plane entering the Yin plane, he can't reach it, and he can't hide the movement of casting spells in the process.

"Come on, I'm going to start."

Hildarana nodded, gave Daros a look again, and then began to cast spells.

For one thing, a spellcaster will try to avoid casting spells next to another spellcaster as much as possible, because this will preserve some of the essential details of the spell being cast.

The unperceived distance is related to the ability of the other caster. Normally, it is relatively complete within two distances. If you detect it, you can only gradually recognize it through the movement reaction of the magic net. .

And if the distance is too far, it will expose all the details of the spellcasting at the same time, which is not a good thing for the spellcaster.

 said that there is also the risk of real-time disturbance of the casting process, which is the risk of control.

In fact, for Shado, the two are not full distances. After the last bloodline awakening, his ability was almost increased to the limit.

As long as he is willing, with the memory tracing ability, all the casting process within his 25 range can be seen in real time and can be recorded by him.

At this moment, the distance between him and Hilda Lanna was only one distance away from Daros, not even two distances, let alone him, the other party's spell casting process, even if it was Pullman, he could also See it clearly.

It's just hard to say whether he can remember it completely. Chardeau doesn't know much about Pullman, but he can guess it. Pullman has a high probability of not being able to trace his memory, and he said that he will not forget it.

 Using spells to trace back at the time, not to mention that this place is located in the  plane, which is not only trans-planet, the environment is inherently  and changeable, and at the same time, it has to break through Hilda Lanna's evasion and detection spells.

 Almost impossible.

"I don't know if Hilda Lanna said that since casting spells is equivalent to keeping a full record of me, will she still cast spells in front of me!"