Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1813: infiltrate, alert


Shadow plane.

Led by Hildarana, a large enchantment jointly cast by Shado and Pullman completely covered the valley corresponding to the supply base of the Lier Chamber of Commerce on the main plane.

Of course, this is not the key, the key is that it also includes the mysterious organization base inside the mountain that has overlapped with the main plane.

After casting the spell, the entire valley was shrouded in a dark glazed barrier, which even penetrated deep into the ground and mountains, isolating this space from the outside world, as if it were an independent small world.

"Next, Lord Shado and His Excellency Pullman, please arrange your positions at will!"

After Hildarana finished speaking, she brought the sword chant master Andalosk to set up a suitable battle environment in this special enchantment area.

Shado and Pullman looked at each other and acted respectively.

Of course, for Shado, he does not have much experience in shadow plane combat, so all his preparations are focused on exploring the magic net environment.

And Pullman, as the Great Arcanist who is hidden by the Seven Towers or exists for some special operations, naturally does not lack determination in this regard.

The two first explored their own, and then exchanged the results of their exploration with each other. When the surrounding magic net environment was straightened out, everything else could refer to the main plane.

The Shadow Plane is the shadow of the Material Plane, and its magic net environment is almost the same as that of the Material Plane. Only some details need to be adjusted, such as the elemental phase of the plane itself.

Unlike in the Outer Planes, where the magic net is specious, even the Great Arcanist with Arcane Fire is difficult to grasp.

But on the Shadow Plane, for Shado, it is just like on the Azurite Plane, you only need to make some adjustments when casting the spell, even because of the characteristics of the Shadow Plane itself, it is more difficult than the Azurite Plane. Easy to adapt.

Of course, these are for arcanists who have understood the nature of the Leyline.

If it is an ordinary mage, if he is not confused by the characteristics of the plane itself, he will most likely fall into doubt about his self-casting ability because of the subtle differences in the magic net.

And if it is an elf mage, it is another situation.

Since the elf magic pays more attention to the resonance with the magic net itself, so as to achieve an effect of "let the magic net automatically respond", if the caster of the elf magic has a high enough affinity with the magic net of the other plane, there is no need to do any additional transformation and adjustment process.

Like Hildarana at this time, casting spells is almost the same as when she was on the main plane.

But if the affinity with the magic net of the other plane is not enough, it is not good. Even if the spellcasting ability is not completely lost, it will be disturbed to a considerable extent, which is completely incomparable with the main plane.

Of course, the [Magic Weave Affinity] in elf magic is not only for the main plane magic net, but actually for any magic net, but the main plane magic net is more familiar and the affinity is higher.

Just like Hildarana, as a high-level mage, with her extraordinary affinity for the magic net, she can even form a spellcasting field that is highly compatible with her. In the field, the magic net is almost equivalent to the extension of the body.

On the Shadow Plane, although there is no unique spellcasting field, there is still a lower limit for the guarantee. Even according to the length of time she is in the Shadow Plane, the affinity with the Shadow Plane Magic Web will increase rapidly.

Specific to the actual situation, with Hildarana's so proficient and smooth casting process, Shado does not think that she is the first time to come to the shadow plane, and may even have done relevant adaptation training a long time ago.

While setting up the final battle position, Xia Duo was still thinking about the similarities and differences between Elf magic and Nishite magic. Before he knew it, another half an hour passed, and both sides were ready.

"Lord Shado, Your Excellency Pullman, after returning to the main plane and infiltrating, I will seize the control authority of the leyline network as soon as possible. What you need to do is not to let anyone disturb me during this period, and try your best to do your best. To drag the caster of the mysterious organization."

"No problem." Xia Duo replied without hesitation.

The leyline network mentioned by Hildarana can be regarded as a simplified version of the mysteries. It is laid out according to the situation of the mountain and river leylines. The core area, that is, the cave where the mysterious organization base is located, must have a corresponding defensive countermeasure mechanism.

If it cannot be controlled immediately and is used by the enemy, it will undoubtedly be a great passive for the raiders.

Seeing that Shado agreed readily, Hildarana also flashed a hint of relief, and added:

"If all goes well, maybe before the other party notices, I will be able to succeed. At that time, the two of you can properly cooperate with me in the siege."

Soon, the action begins.

The main plane, the nameless valley of the Ansai Mountains, an inconspicuous cliff somewhere.

It was in the morning at this time, and the light was not bright, which was more suitable for shadows to shuttle. When Xia Duo and his party left the shadow plane, there was only a little visual phenomenon of changing light and shadow.

There is almost no abnormality in the dappled forest light that is not bright.

As soon as he came out, Xia Duo saw a passage entrance on the cliff that was completely invisible to the shadow plane. Of course, the entrance that appeared in the magic vision at this time was only a group of bright magic aura. UU Reading

The entrance is unsurprisingly guarded!

Shado glanced at Hildarana and couldn't help but ask, is this situation in your plan now?

Seemingly seeing Shado's doubts, Hildarana made a reassuring gesture, then reached out and pressed it twice on the cliff.

In the magic vision, Hildarana's two clicks directly hit the key node of the entrance protection magic, and the magic web string that was originally tied together was instantly untied.

"I don't have the relevant authority, I'm just simulating, I will be noticed by the other party soon, hurry up!"

After speaking, Hildarana led Andalosk into the cliff passage first. Shado and Pullman looked at each other and followed.

At this time, inside the base.

A tall figure in a black robe was busy on the experimental bench, suddenly stopped his movements, looked up to the side of the laboratory, and murmured doubtfully:

"Didn't you just come here a few days ago? What-"

Just before he could react, a terrifying alarm suddenly sounded in the base, and the black-robed figure was shocked, and immediately rushed out of the laboratory.

On the other side, after entering the passage, Hildarana seemed to have come in person, taking Shado and the others through three steps one after another, and came to a spacious hall with a towering dome.

Inside the mountain, even if there is magic, it is not easy to open and maintain such a hall.

Xia Duo noticed that in the center of the hall was a huge pool filled with purple mist, and beside the pool there were suspected pipes leading to various rooms around the hall.

"Go to the second floor." Hildarana whispered.

At the same time, the footsteps did not stop, and they quickly walked past the guards in black robes, and went up the stairs next to the hall to the second floor.