Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1814: spooky elf

Because the dome of the hall is very high, the room on the second floor is also facing the hall. Hildarana has a clear goal and runs directly to a room that is not connected by pipes.

It's just that when they passed the door, an inconspicuous withered eye on the lintel suddenly lit up, and Hildarana and Andalusk appeared out of nowhere.

Almost instantly, the black-robed guards on both sides reacted, drew their swords and rushed over, while screaming: "There is an enemy breaking in!"

But Hildarana's figure didn't stop, and she still rushed into the room without hesitation, while Andalozk, who also showed her figure, stayed behind and blocked the door.

Shado and Pullman were a little late, and were not caught by the detection tool that had no magical aura at all. At this time, they were still invisible to the eyes of the base guards who had reacted, but both knew that they would not be able to hide for long. .

This base is like a small mage tower. When Hildarana came in, she evaded many investigations by imitating the privilege of being a member of a mysterious organization, but those were some defense mechanisms that the base automatically operated.

Once the base controller reacts and starts active exploration, it will be difficult for the two to continue to hide.

It's just that the two of them were ready for a frontal attack early in the morning, and they didn't care if they were spy on Xingzang. Of course, it would be better if they could be later.

At this moment, in front of the room that Hildarana entered, the two black-robed guards who had reacted immediately fell down. Andalozk stood with his sword in hand, his eyes vigilantly looking at the corridors on both sides.

The rest of the guards who were awakened downstairs were rushing up from the two stairs below, but the current situation may not have been considered at the beginning of the design of this base.

The corridor in front of the room on the second floor was not very spacious. For Andalozk, who was proficient in swordsmanship, he only needed to defend the two sides with limited space.

Even for an ordinary person, as long as the strategy is appropriate, it is not difficult to defend, let alone the master swordsman Andalusk who has mastered the magic power.

It's just that Andalusk didn't use magic at this time, and only used the power of his body to fight the enemy with pure swordsmanship.


When he saw a black-robed figure walking out of another room on the second floor that had no pipes connected to the purple energy pool below, Xia Duo was shocked and knew that his goal was coming.

Of course, when Xia Duo saw the other party, the other party also turned his eyes, and a sneer came from the black robe covered by the shadow:

"There are actually two little mice!"

Then the stars on the dome of the hall suddenly lit up, and the figures of Shado and Pullman were also revealed. Just like in Asker before, Shado also appeared in the form of golden elves at this time.

Of course, so did Pullman.

After all, you can't go out without a vest.

Seeing that he was discovered, Xia Duo was not surprised at all, but the guards who kept appearing downstairs and rushing upstairs were a little annoying.

It's just that Shado didn't save spells like Andalozk did. He glanced at Pullman and saw that the other party had the same idea. He couldn't help but temporarily slow down the spell casting action, but kept his eyes on the special black-robed guard who was suspected to be the caster.

Right now, the other party only discovered them, and didn't act immediately. Xia Duo was also happy to let the other party talk a little more nonsense. Isn't the villain all overturned like this?

If you don't need to do it, you can delay the time, so much the better.

It was only when Pullman blocked a force field wall shining bright magical aura on the two stairs from the first floor to the second floor, the special black robe guard suddenly moved.

I saw the other party ripped off the black robe on his body, revealing a strange elf figure with two horns on his head and two wings on his back, with a jeering laughter from his mouth, and roared: "Humans and elves, all of you run away. Don't fall!"

After he finished speaking, the strange elf stretched out his hand and held it, and a long sword burning with blazing flame appeared in his hand. The flame was not an illusion. Xia Duo could feel the surging heat even from a distance.

"It turned out to be the power of the devil!"

Pullman could not hide his shock and murmured from behind, and Shado reacted at this time. Although there was no obvious demon decoration inside this base, it was also different from the normal elf style.

Gives an unusually distorted, uncomfortable feeling.

And the weird elf image with two horns on its head and two wings on its back, isn't it similar to some of the devil's features he has seen in the abyss of the outer plane before!

There is also the purple gas pool in the hall. I didn't care much at first, but when he was reminded by Pullman that it was a demon, he also felt a sense of familiarity. The dream abyss that he had been to with the angel Ted before was not the sky of this color. !

The air was also filled with a similar purple mist, just not as pronounced.

It's just that Xia Duo can't figure it out. The characteristics of the power of the devil or the power of the abyss are very obvious. The feeling of wanting to pollute the soul, seduce the degeneration, and infect the mutation is hard to ignore.

But here, neither the purple qi pool in the hall nor this strange elf who suddenly showed the characteristics of the devil, there is no obvious aura of the power of the abyss.

At this time of battle, it is not suitable to perceive the soul, but Xia Duo also believes that if you look at it from the perspective of the I am afraid it is difficult to see the abyss.

However, Shado also believes that Pullman will not speak freely, perhaps he has encountered a similar situation.

That being the case, today's operation will be even more successful!


Just when the strange elves showed their true appearance, Andalozk also looked like a great enemy, with magical auras constantly flashing on his body, and the aura on the long sword in his hand was particularly fiery.

"Your Excellency Pullman, be careful!"

Perhaps it was because only the golden elf disguised by Puman was dressed as a spellcaster. The strange elf flapped its wings directly, carrying the blazing long sword that continued to burn and released high temperature, and flew towards Puman across the hall. .

Xia Duo reminded him and immediately started casting spells. Of course he couldn't do anything about selling his teammates. As usual, the first thing he prepared was restraint.

At the same time, Pullman, who was reminded by Shado to react, also began to cast his own spells.

And the strange elf that flew over with the sword didn't seem to have any intention of engaging in a magic showdown with Shado and Puman, and seemed to think that only a flaming sword could solve the two.

It's just that when he rushed to Pullman's side, he swung the long sword but only destroyed an illusion in the form of Pullman. The strange elf was stunned for a moment, then let out a chuckle, and swung the sword again to kill Shado's illusion. extinguish.

"Human, your little tricks are not worth mentioning in my eyes!"

Saying that, the strange elf turned his gaze to the corner of the first floor of the hall. By this time, this area had been covered by Shado's restraining technique, but before the action, Shado, Pullman, and Hildarana had already confirmed beyond the restricted area.

The common spell elements involved in teleportation can be used and which cannot be used, and they can be replaced at any time.