Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1817: Casting Covariate, Resolute Strike

Of course, it was only the state that Andalozk saw, not Hildarana's first perception state. After all, Shado couldn't directly break through Hildarana's mental protection.

At this time, through the perspective of the sword chant master Andalusk, Shado "saw" that Hildarana was being enveloped by a dim yellow aura, with a blue aura surging inside, apparently in the midst of some kind of fierce conflict.

Combined with the arrogant laughter of the weird elf just now, Xia Duo still didn't understand. It seemed that he was delaying the other party so that Hildarana could seize the authority, but in fact, the other party was dragging him to free up his energy. Control Hildarana, who is more threatening to him, first.

Of course, the opponent's claim that Hildarana has been captured is also inaccurate. It is more of a scene, used as a deterrent. In fact, Hildarana still has the power to resist and even counterattack.

But anyway, Xia Duo knew that this strange elf could already focus on him and Pullman. At this moment, the vigilance value in his heart was directly pulled to the extreme.

Sure enough, the next moment he saw the strange elf standing in the sky waving the flaming long sword in his hand, but this time the other party did not fly over like before, but kept hitting the surrounding demons while waving the long sword. network environment.

Soon, Shado received Puman's urging through the spiritual link, and there were too many negative emotions in Puman's consciousness, "Lord Shado, are you evacuating? It's hard for me to stop the other party's breakthrough in restraint. "

What Pullman said was exactly what Shado was worried about. The strange elf was obviously proficient in the principles of magic. He could see that the other party was not only trying to counter the restraint technique he and Pullman constructed, but also trying to construct his own restraint technique.

The advantage is about to be lost, and the disadvantage is about to usher in. Xia Duo knows that if he does not take corresponding countermeasures, Pullman is likely to retreat in advance.

After all, Hildarana is not one of her own, and she had already said that she could withdraw in advance if she encounters an unstoppable enemy. No one can ask a great arcanist to fight to the death unless he wants to.

It's just that Pullman's retreat limit is different from Shado's, at least it's not the same as his current limit.

After the previous test of the strange elves' ability to break the magic, Xia Duo has already initially understood the principle. As long as this problem is solved, he can enter the normal spell duel link.

"Adding such a covariate to all spells can effectively resist the opponent's magical power."

Time was running out, and Shado immediately conveyed a relatively complex spellcasting element unit to Pullman and even Andalusk through the psychic link.

Or it can also be understood as a special state spell specifically aimed at the opponent's magical power, but this spell is blessed on the spell, not on the caster.

And the most important thing is that as long as you don't want to be easily disintegrated by the opponent, then every spell that is displayed must be added with this "plug-in".

In addition, according to Xardo's speculation, the magic-breaking power formed by the fusion of many elements and energies should have a relatively basic framework, which makes it possible for every spellcaster who applies this magic system to have his own exclusive 's magic power.

That is to say, the "casting covariate" that Shado found now can only be aimed at the current strange elf spellcaster, and even if the opponent changes its own strength composition, this "casting covariate" also needs to be changed accordingly.

Going a step further, Shado can already predict that once there are more such spellcasters, it will definitely have a great impact on traditional spellcasters——

Although this very personal magic system is not conducive to the internal communication and development of the caster group within the same system, it is very good at attacking.

This is easy to cause "bad money drives out good money", and traditional spellcasters (including elf magic and nexus magic) compete to imitate.

Because if you don't imitate, you probably won't be able to beat the opponent. If you can't, join in. After all, not everyone can be like Xia Duo. After a simple trial, it is possible to deduce the covariate of casting spells and barely fill a certain disadvantage.

When an ordinary traditional spellcaster encounters a spellcaster with a special magic system like the weird elves, at the same level (research depth), it is easy to be crushed. M.bΙQμGètν.còM

The key is that if you don't encounter a caster of a special magic system, you need to find a way to deal with it. This is too difficult, it is better to join directly.

If you can join, not to mention the hidden dangers of such a magic system with key elements of negative energy, it is just not conducive to internal communication, which makes it difficult for Xia Duo to accept.

The unfavorable communication here does not only mean that the spell is very personal. After all, the magic itself is neutral and objective, and it is nothing more than an additional transformation process.

The key is that such a magic system allows each spellcaster to have his own "personal weakness password", who would communicate with others at ease!

There is no "weakness password" in the Nishite magic system, and both parties are equal, but the special magic system used by this strange elves seems to be equal to everyone who has a password. Immediately out of balance.

Judging from Xia Duo's current status and position, on the whole, this magical system is not conducive to the development of magical civilization, and personally, long-term exposure to negative energy is not acceptable to him.

In a word, as long as this magic system is discovered by him, it must be resolutely attacked!

At this moment, in addition to agreeing to Hildarana's agreement to cooperate with the raid long ago, Shado has another layer of his own thoughts, wanting to find out the source of this special magic system and its spread.

As for the front, of course, the determination to complete the task is stronger.


After telling Pullman and Andalozk about the covariate of the opponent's magic-breaking ability, Shado took the initiative to attack the strange elf.

Of course, his offense is not a damage-type spell. In the battle between spellcasters, damage-type spells don't actually make much sense. The key lies in breaking spells and restrictions.

Shado's choice was to replace Pullman, who was still trying to understand the covariate of spellcasting, and resist the destruction of the forbidden spell by the strange elves. Although he was already at a disadvantage, he still wanted to keep this strange elves as much as possible.

But in practice, Shado had a sympathetic experience with the pressure of Pullman just now, even though he had found the covariate of spellcasting for the opponent's magical ability.

However, this spellcasting covariate is only valid for formed spells. If the element-level spell duel is started during the casting process, it is actually similar to a normal spell duel, but the opponent's magic-breaking ability is still effective.

This made Xia Duo have to devote several times the energy of the opponent to make up for the lack of a large number of elements in the casting process. To read the latest chapters, please download the iRead Novel app.

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Chapter 1817 Casting Covariates, Resolutely Crack Down on Love Reading App Watch the latest content for free. But no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the talent that the Peacock Monster Clan is best at is to move the stars. Her skills are in the same way as the stars.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Young Master Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned his armor into flames, he had other means. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he would be sure to use this means to restrain her. The chapter content of the computer version is slow, please download the app to read the latest content of the novel for free. But Young Master Mei didn't step forward, so his ability to be ready to go had to be interrupted.

The battle sword was cut out again, and the powerful sword intent was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword.

The secret ling in the hand of Young Master Mei was once again the profound circle of the sky, and with a teleportation, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolves the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away, if it wasn't for her dodging quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fight for consumption! It seems that she is going to fight with Cao Yuwei to consume.

The computer version of the network will be closed Please download the love reading app to watch the latest content for free

But no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the best talent of the Peacock Monster Clan is to move the stars. Her skills are in the same way as the stars.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Young Master Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned his armor into flames, he had other means. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he would be sure to use this means to restrain her. But Young Master Mei didn't step forward, so his ability to be ready to go had to be interrupted.

The battle sword was cut out again, and the powerful sword intent was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword.

The secret ling in the hand of Young Master Mei was once again the profound circle of the sky, and with a teleportation, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolves the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away, if it wasn't for her dodging quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fight for consumption! It seems that she is going to fight with Cao Yuwei to consume.


Chapter 1817: Spellcasting Covariates, Resolute Strike

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