Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1822: Demonborn Elves, The Past of the North

After coming out of the laboratory of the strange elves, Shado saw Hildarana tearing down the altar in a potion-making room next to her!

After thinking about it, I also realized that it is unlikely that the mysterious organization will keep the [Light of Aura] potion formula in such a secret manufacturing base.

If you demolish a few altars and bring back a batch of semi-finished potions, you can always research something. If it is not enough, the mysterious organization is not only a secret base, and there will always be a chance to destroy it again.

When Xia Duo saw this, he also dismantled two altars, along with the matching rhombus crystals used to store the power of faith, and the pipes connecting the altars to the central purple qi pool in the outer hall, all of which were stuffed into the portable space.

Although he knew that the [Light of Inspiration] potion might have some hidden dangers, so what, as an arcanist, he always had to have some information about himself.

A potion that can stably inspire inspiration is too tempting for a study. Even if you know there may be hidden dangers, you don't want to miss any opportunity to study it.

As a member of the Seven Pagodas, Pullman certainly would not miss such an opportunity.

For a time, in the secret base of the mysterious organization, only Andalozk was still idle. Of course, he was not completely idle, but was alerting near the entrance of the base with a sword.

You must know that this base is inside the underground mountain, there is a valley outside, and there is a supply base of the Lyle Chamber of Commerce!

Although Hildalana mentioned before that the Lyle Chamber of Commerce should have nothing to do with the mysterious organization, but just because the mysterious organization built the secret base under the supply base of the Lyle Chamber of Commerce, their suspicions cannot be completely ruled out.

In addition, although the battle at the base ended quickly, it is unknown whether the upper levels of the mysterious organization have noticed it.

There is a master Jianyong who is specially alert, and it can still play a role to some extent.


Looking at the base that had become a mess due to previous battles and dismantling, Xado couldn't help but sigh. Speaking of which, he just forgot to let God Envoy Ted leave a whole corpse.

The mysterious organization that assassinated the elder Everisca had an affair with the devil. In Xado's opinion, it is best to announce it. Even if they don't reveal their true identity, at least make some noise. Come to the attention of the Northland Alliance.

But now, the "cleanness" in this base is a bit too much. When it comes to cleaning up the remains of the abyss, Ted is undoubtedly professional, but this also makes it difficult to form any convincing convincing for the Northern Alliance.

Just based on one-sided words, even if they come forward to report in person, they may not be able to attract attention, not to mention that there are many inconvenient explanations in person, which is too troublesome.

Now that the remaining aspects of the abyss have been completely clear, Xia Duo and his party simply wiped out the traces of the existence of the two elves.

Of course, Xia Duo has doubts about this for a while. After all, the mysterious organization once showed what it means to completely erase the traces of a professional, and that can even erase the traces in the memory of high mages.

How many obstacles they can bring to the mysterious organization with their three-legged cat skills?

When they left, Shado and his party went back the same way, going to the plane of shadow first, erasing the backhand that was useless because Shado summoned the angel of Ted, and then took the etheric plane to Hildaland. The temporary stronghold controlled by Na only returned to the main plane.

In the lounge of the stronghold, Xia Duo raised the previous topic and asked Hildarana for more information about the mysterious organization, and how the war a thousand years ago had anything to do with the mysterious organization, and asked Hildarana to explain in detail.

This time, Hildarana did not make any excuses to delay, but happily explained from the beginning:

"Like what Lord Shado just said, that war was indeed initiated by Sluvender, but there was indeed a secret behind it.

"The reason for it is a very sensitive topic even now. From that war to the present for more than a thousand years, although the upper family has never forgotten it, very few people have taken the initiative to bring it up."

Speaking of which, the expression on Hildarana's face became complicated, but the story continued:

"This incident can be traced back to Gerensta in Listal Forest. Yes, Cormanthor was not born at that time, but some families that inherited from Erivanda already existed.

"There is a family among them, I don't want to name it, but what can be said is that they did something that almost all elves hate!"

Seeing Hildarana's tone paused again, Shado couldn't help feeling anxious, and asked quickly, "What did they do?"

"Haven't you noticed it yet?" Hildarana asked rhetorically.

"Aware of what? It's not like they created the mysterious organization, right?"

"It's not a mysterious organization, it's the kind of weird elves you just saw at that base. We called them [Demonborn Elves] at that time. Look, what did you think of?"

"Demon elf?"

Except for Shado and the narrator Hildarana, the rest of Pullman and Andalusk had extremely shocked expressions on their faces, especially Andalusk, he could hardly imagine what it would be like to have descendants of elves and demons. experience.

"Could it be—"

"As you think, that family created the demon elves, or chose to become demon elves."

Hildarana sighed slightly in her heart and continued: "At that time, in the Northland, although the Listal Forest accepted most of the high-ranking families among the erivanda remnants, more erivanda civilians established another one. nation."



Hildarana nodded. In fact, strictly speaking, Yeerlan's upward can also be traced back to Aerivanda. After Aerivanda won the crown war, its ruling family wanted to gain higher power, so they began to secretly clear High mages of other families.

But doing this kind of thing occasionally may not be a problem. If you do it often, it will be too easy to leak rumors. As a result, there is no doubt that the ruling family as strong as Aerivanda can't match the union of all the other families, even if they add them. so are allies.

As a result, after winning the crown battle and almost completely unifying the elven world, Aerivanda collapsed at an unprecedented speed under the will of many high mages after reaching the peak of its power for a short time.

It was during this period that Il Farang, which had been annexed by Erevantar, rebuilt the country. Some of the elites of the upper class moved to the Listal Forest in the east to avoid liquidation.

A few took the original Aerivanda civilians to establish Sluvand in place. Later, because of the great elfism and the concept of the supremacy of golden elves, the moon elves and a small number of golden elves went to the southeast to establish Sulvan.

Yeerlan, which was established by some of Sulvin's high-ranking families, originally existed as a buffer zone against Sluvender's invasion.

More than two hundred years after the founding of the country, it was invaded by Sluvender on a large scale. After that, with the full support of Sulvin, it took another two hundred years to completely defeat Sluvender.

Of course, in this process, Yeerlan's comprehensive national strength expanded rapidly, so much that it surpassed Sulvin at that time, and in the following thousand years, it was far behind him. This is another story. . To read the latest chapters, please download the iRead Novel app.

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Chapter 1822 Demon-born elf, Northland past love reading app to watch the latest content for free. However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the talent that the Peacock Monster Clan is best at is to move the stars. Her skills are in the same way as those of the stars.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Young Master Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned his armor into flames, he had other means. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he would be sure to use this means to restrain her. The chapter content of the computer version is slow, please download the app to read the latest content of the novel for free. But Young Master Mei didn't step forward, so his ability to be ready to go had to be interrupted.

The battle sword was cut out again, and the powerful sword intent was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword.

The secret ling in the hand of Young Master Mei was once again the profound circle of the sky, and with a teleportation, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolves the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away, if it wasn't for her dodging quickly, another ability would undoubtedly have come.

Fighting for consumption! It seems that she is going to fight with Cao Yuwei to consume. UU reading

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However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the talent that the Peacock Monster Clan is best at is to move the stars. Her skills are in the same way as those of the stars.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Young Master Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned his armor into flames, he had other means. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he would be sure to use this means to restrain her. But Young Master Mei didn't step forward, so his ability to be ready to go had to be interrupted.

The battle sword was cut out again, and the powerful sword intent was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword.

The secret ling in the hand of Young Master Mei was once again the profound circle of the sky, and with a teleportation, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolves the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away, if it wasn't for her dodging quickly, another ability would undoubtedly have come.

Fighting for consumption! It seems that she is going to fight with Cao Yuwei to consume.


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