Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1828: Field of life, pruning and maintenance

Soon, through the repeated experience of the perception process of the external "sound", Xia Duo successfully unlocked the tactile sensation of Schilling's body, as well as the "natural perception".

The former allows Xia Duo to feel the existence of Schilling's body, instead of being as empty as before. In addition, he also has the perception of the outside breeze, soil nutrients, etc., which are collectively referred to as "tactile sensation".

As for "natural perception", it is also a special perception named by Chateau himself.

With the help of Schilling's special treant body, Shado can perceive the flow of life around him and even the power of nature. This is a bit similar to Drow's radiation perception, or the low-light perception that is more sensitive than humans.

Schilling's natural perception cannot see the specific biological appearance, but can perceive the vitality of life inside the creature. As for the "power of nature", it is more like a special field jointly constructed between life and life.

As a human being, it is difficult for Shado to fully immerse himself in the perspective of this inhuman race, and he finds all kinds of novel experiences beyond his previous understanding very interesting.

Even if none of the planned tasks were completed this time, Xia Duo felt that the trip was worthwhile.

The tree man's perspective has greatly expanded Shado's vision. Now, countless sparks of inspiration have emerged in his mind, and at the same time, he has a new understanding of elf magic.

In the past, he had never been able to understand why elves developed such a magic system that was close to the classical idea of ​​the unity of nature and man. It stands to reason that magic, a more technical theory, should be practical.

Just like Nite magic, Nishite wizards give up elf magic very easily, not only does it take longer to learn elf magic, but also the practical principle of Nite magic itself.

Isn't it more convenient to directly control the magic net than to try to fit the magic net so that the magic net cooperates?

Xia Duo thought so in the past, and of course he does now, but now that he has experienced the perspective of a tree man, he suddenly feels that the elf's approach may not be without merit.

More importantly, he guessed the origin of elf magic, not like the Netherites who suddenly came into contact with a mature magic system, and then created the current Nether magic system (Arcane fire system).

Xia Duo guessed that the elf magic might have been born in the forest and naturally awakened by the tree people. Of course, it may also be that the elves and the tree people have slowly figured out the most primitive way to control the vitality of life and the power of nature in the long-term relationship.

After a long period of development and perfection, it has become the elf magic system that Shado is familiar with today.


In this way, while exploring himself, he tried his best to perceive the outside world. Before he knew it, the time for "pruning and maintenance" that the elf said before had arrived.

"Elder Schilling, Alvin is offended."

A respectful male elf voice awakened Shado from his depth perception, and made him notice that there were more than ten special fields full of vitality around him.

The elf who speaks, the life field is somewhat declining, it seems to be old, the other five are in the most perfect and powerful state, and the remaining three or four are revealing a sense of prosperity of the rising sun.

If nothing else, the "gardening team" mentioned by the elf before should be headed by the middle-aged elf Alvin and five young elves as the core. As for the three or four obviously children, it is estimated that they came to play.

Relying on the characteristics of the tree man, Shado did not reply at all, but like the elf before, the Alvin team seemed to be accustomed to this. After greeting, they greeted the team members to start their own work immediately.

On the other hand, those little elf children jumped up and down, and took off a lot of leaves that were still perceptive from Xia Duo, and this scene also allowed Xia Duo to unlock part of Schilling's memory again.

It's about Alvin.

I don't know how many years ago, when Alvin was a child, the other party also did this kind of thing, and his parents took him to Schilling to spank.

Later, Xi Lin helped ask for asking for a meal. As for why these children should be stubborn, the leaves of Xi Lin were completely because Xi Lin's body was a weir tree with a very rare elves. . ъìQυGΕtV.℃ǒΜ

The leaves of the weir tree can be used not only as casting materials, but also as long-term preservation of text carriers, and even magic scroll materials.

Under normal circumstances, without Schilling's permission, ordinary elves cannot approach Schilling's body. If leaves are needed, Schilling's gardening team will collect naturally fallen leaves.

But the elf children don't care about this, they will come over when they get a chance, and the best chance is undoubtedly the annual pruning and maintenance time.

Schilling's body is very tall and has many branches. At the same time, there are only six members of the gardening team, which makes the annual pruning and maintenance last for about ten days.

So some children took advantage of this period of lax management to follow up, picking up some leaves and taking them back to subsidize the family. This was actually Schilling's acquiescence, otherwise it wouldn't have become a tradition that lasted for hundreds of years.

Of course, in the eyes of children, perhaps they are also helping Schilling maintain.

From time to time, Xia Duo could still hear these children say innocently in their tender voices: "Grandpa Schilling, I'll help you squeeze your arm."

Now Schilling has changed, but Xia Duo doesn't want to care about those children. It's just a few leaves, and it doesn't even have complex perception, and it doesn't hurt. The most important thing is that compared to the huge size of the body, These are completely negligible.

In fact, even the pruning and maintenance of the Alvin team will cut off some normal branches. Xia Duo does not know much about gardening, but through the changes before and after the field of life, it can be seen that this kind of pruning and maintenance is beneficial to Schilling. .

In fact, Xia Duo himself likes these children crawling around on him. In addition to reminding him of his happy memories of running wild when he was a child, these elf children who almost never stop chatting also help him unlock more Schilling memory.

Compared with these noisy children, the adult elves of Alvin's team are undoubtedly much quieter. Although they are doing the most professional things, it is difficult to please Xia Duo.

Now in front of Xia Duo, there is basically no problem with perception and cognition, and the only thing left is the ability to cast spells.

If he couldn't get the ability to cast spells, even if he had such a novel and interesting experience as an incarnation of a tree man, he would have to return early.

As for how to cast the spell, there happened to be an elf child, and he was going to try his bloodline ability first.

When he entered the projection plane a few times before, Xia Duo had discovered that with the higher the degree of blood awakening, even in the projection plane, even if it was not his body, he could still retain a certain bloodline ability.

This is actually very understandable. Xia Duo's awakening bloodline is only awakened by the soul receiving the stimulation of the power of faith. His bloodline is not only limited to the body, but also to the soul.

And the astral projection brings a bit of soul essence. Under normal circumstances, it should retain a certain bloodline ability, but before the bloodline awakens to a certain level, the bloodline ability of the projected body is more like a hidden talent, which is difficult to show.

Jingjing walked to Tang San's side, sat down beside him cross-legged, and nodded lightly to him.

Tang San's eyes narrowed slightly, his body slowly floated up, and stood up above the flower heart of Heaven Flower. He took a deep breath, and the breath all over his body swelled. The nine major blood vessels in the body have been completely in a state of balance after the fusion of the time just now. Self began to sublime rapidly.

On the forehead, the light pattern of the golden trident resurfaced, and at this moment, Tang San's aura began to change. His consciousness and the brand of the golden trident merged with each other, sensing the breath of the golden trident, and his eyes began to become brighter and brighter.

The sound of the waves resounding like a Sanskrit chanting sounded beside him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, with a huge golden light and shadow against his back. Tang San's eyes were like lightning in an instant, staring into the air.


Immediately, a loud bang burst out from the flower of paradise, and a huge golden beam of light shot up into the sky, reaching the sky.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor not far away just felt a shocking will burst The entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be heading towards that path. The golden beam of light condensed away.


While his face changed greatly, he did not dare to neglect, he shook his body, and he had already shown his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed fox with a body length of more than 100 meters, and each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. It emits a lot of luck into the Hell Garden, stabilizing the plane.

Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it will be a catastrophic disaster for the Tianhu family.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had already subsided suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, but the body of Tianhu Sacred Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to collapse inward, pouring in.

A golden beam of light soared into the sky without warning, and rushed into the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted a thunder calamity once again dispersed almost subconsciously. In the next instant, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into a dark golden cloud. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunders. It seemed to fill the entire plane with anger.

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