Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1831: Obtain memory, incarnation of saint form

Although he was prepared to be impacted and even polluted by a lot of memories, Xia Duo was still shocked by Schilling's massive memories.

It was almost endless, and it poured into his consciousness not in batches but in one brain, and his own consciousness was like a small boat sailing in the raging sea.

Xia Duo almost thought that he would be assimilated by Schilling if it wasn't for the huge gap between the two life forms and the fact that Schilling's past experience and thinking were relatively simple!

"It's terrifying. In the future, we must be more cautious about this ancient intelligent life!"

Xia Duo felt deeply afraid, this time it was indeed a bit of an adventure, but compared to the final result, it was worth it, but he could roughly figure out the limit of his substitution into the memory of another intelligent life.

It’s almost a thousand years. Schilling is a special case. If it is an elf who has lived for more than two thousand years, even if he is lucky enough to retain his self-awareness this time, he will definitely be greatly affected by it.

After the fear, it was time to inspect the harvest.

Xia Duo couldn't help but rejoice, but his current body shape did not allow him to make such movements and expressions, it was really hard to imagine how a tree would jump.

In Schilling's perceptible memory, he was first planted by a high mage of Aerivanda, and he also experienced the collapse of Aerivanda during the period. It was not until Sulvin established that there was a "Schilling". name.

Of course, before the establishment of Sulvin, Schilling had already awakened his self-consciousness, but he had not communicated with other intelligent creatures at that time, and had no concept of time. Xia Duo, who had all the memories, could not judge.

Even if it weren't for the major historical events in the main planes such as the establishment of Sulvin and the establishment of the city-state by Everiska as reference nodes, he would not even be able to judge the approximate age of Schilling.

However, although Schilling has almost infinite memories, there are not many of them that are useful to Xia Duo. The little thing stopped."

Basically, before having the name "Schilling", Schilling's memory was almost completely negligible.

In Shado's opinion, only after contacting with the Selvin Elf and having the name "Schilling", Schilling can be considered a normal intelligent creature. Although the lower limit of this normal is a bit low, it is indeed considered normal.

In Schilling's memory, Shado saw some of the process of the initial Selvin Elf establishing the Mystery Lock, and Schilling's help was among them.

Yes, even though Schilling didn't understand what magic was before he came into contact with Selvin, but after that, he quickly accepted and mastered elf magic.

This is also consistent with Shado's previous guess. Perhaps the original origin of elf magic was these tree people who naturally awakened their consciousness. Now they learn magic from elves in turn. It's not too simple.

Xia Duo, the other tree man, didn't know, but he could be sure that Schilling was a natural high-level mage, and he could quickly master any spell in his hands, but Schilling did not have the will to actively study magic. All are driven by external forces.

If it wasn't for the Selvin Elf who wanted to build the Mystery Lock, he would never have thought of contacting Elf magic, let alone participating in the construction of the Mystery Lock.

But this is much cheaper in summer.

After initially eliminating the influence of Schilling's memory, he immediately began to sort out the memories related to Mystery Lock, and in the process, he also discovered an exclusive incarnation spell in Schilling's memory.

It was created by the elf mage to Schilling, so that Schilling could have a moving clone to walk around, but in fact, since he possessed this spell, Schilling has only used it once. Fun Court

The only time was to attend the Sulvin Tree Council's celebration of the completion of the Mystery Lock, and it has never been used for almost 2,000 years since then!

It's like staying home!

This is also much cheaper. Originally, he planned to create a clone with the avatar projection spell he mastered, but if there is a native spell, it is naturally a native spell.

Even if it was discovered by the elves, the elder was still very thoughtful.

But if possible, Xia Duo still hopes not to disturb the elves. After all, his current body is difficult to move, and the first element of the caster's life-saving is not available, so it is better to keep a low profile.


Two days later.

In front of an oak tree-like but taller and more prosperous old tree, a little aura flashed and then quickly expanded, first turning into a light elf, then the light subsided, and it turned into an inconspicuous golden elf.

This is the elf body created by Shado using the incarnation spell in Schilling's memory. It is said to be a body, but in fact the essence of this body should be the saint form of the elf high wizard.

Elf mages cannot maintain the form of saints for a long time, but Schilling can. In other words, Schilling's combat power is not necessarily stronger than that of high elf mages, but the stamina is definitely countless times stronger.

And this incarnation state is also good for Xado. I don't know if it is the speciality of Xilin's incarnation or the special form of the high-level mage saint.

In short, he now feels that the magic net around him is like a personal magic net that his arcane fire unfolds, like an arm!

Since he has already mastered the high-level authority of Mystery Lock, Xia Duo is not worried that the movement caused by the casting of the spell will be detected by the elves.

As long as he wants to, he can easily handle any spell, even some spells that he has never mastered, it seems that he has been contacted thousands of times and become extremely skilled.

It can be said that unless Xia Duo made a mistake himself, there is almost no possibility of mistakes in his spellcasting in this state!

Shado had never experienced what it was like to cast a spell by a high-level mage before, even in [The Birth of the Projection Plane: Cormanthor].

At that time, he had not yet reached the limit of the magic net on the main plane, and could not progress on the projection plane, otherwise he could really become a high-level mage on that plane.

After all, with the [Sword of Domination] in hand, and the personal guidance of the followers of high mages, it is estimated that sending a pig over can be done.

Now, having personally experienced the saint status of a high-level mage, Shado is no longer as prejudiced in his views on elf magic as in the past. Really, after experiencing it, it is difficult to go back.

The feeling of the heaven and the earth echoing, even if it is your own private magic net, it is not so cool!

Shado believes that as long as you experience the state of being a high-level mages in advance, if there is a chance to become high-level mages, those great arcanists in Netheril will definitely choose to change without hesitation.

Of course, the most crucial point is that high mages can also create arcane fires!

Jingjing walked to Tang San's side, sat down beside him cross-legged, and nodded lightly to him.

Tang San's eyes narrowed slightly, his body slowly floated up, and stood up above the flower heart of Heaven Flower. He took a deep breath, and the breath all over his body swelled. The nine major blood vessels in the body have been completely in a state of balance after the fusion of the time just now. Self began to sublime rapidly.

On the forehead, the light pattern of the golden trident resurfaced, and at this moment, Tang San's aura began to change. His consciousness and the brand of the golden trident merged with each other, sensing the breath of the golden trident, and his eyes began to become brighter and brighter.

The sound of the waves resounding like a Sanskrit chanting sounded beside him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, with a huge golden light and shadow against his back. Tang San's eyes were like lightning in an instant, staring into the air.


Immediately, a loud bang burst out from the flower of paradise, and a huge golden beam of light shot up into the sky, reaching the sky.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor not far away only felt a shocking will erupt, and the entire Hell Garden trembled The flowers began to wither quickly, and all the luck seemed to be heading towards that path. The golden beam of light condensed away.


While his face changed greatly, he did not dare to neglect, he shook his body, and he had already shown his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed celestial fox with a length of more than 100 meters, and each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. It emits a lot of luck into the Hell Garden, stabilizing the plane.

Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it will be a catastrophic disaster for the Tianhu tribe.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had already subsided suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, but the body of Tianhu Sacred Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to collapse inward, pouring in.

A golden beam of light soared into the sky without warning, and rushed into the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted a thunder calamity once again dispersed almost subconsciously. In the next instant, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into a dark golden cloud. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunders. It seemed to fill the entire plane with anger.

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