Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1832: Advantages of simplicity, Evereska's exp

With this thought in mind, Xia Duo felt that the elves would definitely make up their minds in this regard in the future, whether it was luring the Grand Arcanist to change careers, or spying on the Austrian Fire, it was all predictable.

From this, Xia Duo also discovered the inadequacies of the Nether magic system. In addition to the lack of combat power compared with the special magic system of the demon elves, compared with the elf magic, it is somewhat weak in the later stage.


The only advantage is probably the prospect of the private magic net launched by Ao Huo developing into a big magic net, but unfortunately, this advantage is easy to be imitated by others.

Of course, all of the above are viewed from the perspective of individual combat effectiveness. If civilization can be developed in the future, then that is where the Nether magic system, which pursues simplicity and practicality, can really exert its strength!

Although the essence of magic is the same, if it is expressed, there is still a lot to say.

Just like the geocentric theory and heliocentric theory on the earth.

Xia Duo was taught since he was a child that the "Earth Center Theory" was a sign of the Church's backwardness, but when he grew up and truly understood the "Earth Center Theory", he realized that even the Earth Center Theory was not what he thought it was at first. center of the universe.

Instead, many scholars jointly derived an extremely complex celestial body model, which accommodated almost all the celestial bodies that could be observed at that time.

It's just that such a model is extremely complicated and bloated. If it is replaced with a heliocentric model, it will be much simplified.

From a higher perspective, the so-called elf magic and Nether magic are the same thing, and they are both describing the essence of magic, or the truth of the universe.

But Nether magic is more concise, which may be a disadvantage in some occasions, but from the perspective of group development, it is perfect.

Therefore, Xia Duo is most worried about elves learning from humans in an all-round way. Although at present, this possibility is very small, but as humans continue to grow, learning from each other's advantages is almost inevitable.

Then it will be the real competition of civilizations!

In this regard, although Xia Duo felt pressured, he was not afraid. On the contrary, he was looking forward to "competing on the same stage" with the elves in the true heyday!

Although the elves have the unparalleled innate racial advantages of ordinary humans, humans also have a bloodline sequencing plan. If everything goes well, there may not be no chance of catching up!

Besides the innate advantages of the race, Xia Duo didn't think that the northern elf kingdoms on the main plane could compare to Netheril, they were nothing more than a bunch of old bones.

It is somewhat exaggerated to say that development depends entirely on archeology, but it is not far off.

Of course, after the establishment of the Northern Land Alliance, under the stimulation of various parties, the elf kingdoms have shown an upward trend of development. What will happen in the future depends on their own means.

After leaving Sharvin, Xia Duo went to Evereska for the first stop, and he was going to inquire about the situation in the Northland in the current era.

Before the establishment of the city-state, Evereska was regarded as a public sanctuary, and anyone could go there. Although the city-state is being established now, it is impossible to keep all outsiders out, otherwise it is a problem whether the country can be established.

Among the mountains, on a platform nearly 100 meters above the valley floor.

Xia Duo, who had just arrived here, noticed that, except that Mysuo was still a little strange, the current Evereska was very similar to that two thousand years later.

The style of the Genting Tower is somewhat different, but the location has not changed. The residential community has not been strictly divided into nobles and commoners. Even the central area has a rudimentary shape of the future Shuguang Square.

In addition, the dense water network in the city of Evereska is almost exactly the same as the future. Xia Duo walked around and observed it by the way. Those distributed fanlock nodes in the future have not yet appeared.

He guessed that it might have been redesigned when the mythos were integrated after the establishment of the city-state, that is to say, in this era, Evereska had already begun to develop distributed fanlocks.

It's just that even after more than two thousand years, there has not been much progress.

Of course, this is all speculation based on the development of the main plane. Xia Duo is still not sure about the development of this projection plane.

If you want to inquire about news, the best place is of course a tavern, but the internal structure of the tavern on the elves side is more like a coffee shop on Earth, and drinking is not the theme, either to talk about things or to watch a performance.

The places where the elves really drink are open or private banquets one by one, where these long ears that are too delicate on the outside can really let loose.

It's a pity that Xia Duo almost traveled all over the city of Evereska, but he couldn't find a tavern that was the same as Evereska on the main plane.

There are two possibilities for this, either two thousand years of inheritance is too difficult, or there are deviations in the development of different planes.

The Evereska in front of me seems to be quite similar to the one in memory, but in fact it is also very strange, not to mention that Xia Duo is not an elf in essence.

I didn't pay much attention to it, so I found an unremarkable tavern on the corner of the street near the "Sky Garden" and walked in. Today's "Sky Garden" is just a miniature lake where a river passes by, and there is nothing special about it.

Compared with the nearby residential communities, this place is relatively remote, so it is not a good location.

It's just that remoteness has its advantages, that is, there are not many local residents, and most of the people who come here are outsiders like Xia Duo, which is convenient for Xia Duo to inquire about news.

In other words, this kind of place is a natural news transfer place.

"Guest, what do you need?"

Although the reserved female Moon Elf looked cold, Xia Duo could still hear a trace of enthusiasm in her tone.

"Have some signature drinks at will."

After finishing speaking, Xia Duo walked to a place facing the street and the water. Not long after he sat down, the Moon Elf reception brought him a glass of blue wine that was shining with magical aura.

"This is our store's signature—Dream Blue, I hope you like it."


Xia Duo nodded, and casually threw a sapphire, which he took out from Schilling's private treasury, and used it as a fund for activities in Evereska.

Of course he has gold coins in any space, but those are the "real" gold coins from the main plane, and it's a pity to throw them here. It's better to use local materials and use them as waste, and they won't be able to bring them back to the main plane anyway.

"Don't bother me!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Duo casually set up a barrier to separate his area from the outside. The Moon Elf who subconsciously took the sapphire was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly ran away.

Xia Duo didn't he didn't even bother to drink, so he started casting spells to investigate the surroundings. The barrier he set up at any time just now exists for this moment.

But as soon as he extended his perception, Xia Duo frowned. It wasn't that he overheard some great news, but that the Moon Elf receptionist who had left just now was leading a golden elf who seemed to be the boss or store manager towards here. .

Problem with that gem?

Xia Duo subconsciously had such an idea, but it shouldn't be. To be sent to Xilin's private treasury, there must be elves who have handled it. Could it be that the elves who can get close to the elders will be misled?

As for self-stealing, that is even more impossible. Schilling is very loved by elves in Salvin. It can be said that most of the Salvin elves were raised by Schilling.

It can even be said that a considerable number of Salvin elves had plucked Schilling's leaves when they were young, especially high-level people who dared to tease Schilling. Even if Schilling didn't care, other elves would stare at them.

Thinking in this way, Xia Duo had already stopped the detection spell, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, waiting for the two elves to come over.

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