Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1839: Break down projects, invitations


When Shado took the starlight back to the private domain that he had named "Assos Manor", it was already the early morning of the next day.

At this point in time, it was not so late for the elves. Many places in the city were still brightly lit, and the faint sounds of musical instruments and laughter continued to spread in the quiet night.

After opening the manor's barrier, all the disturbances of the outside world were shut out. Shado's incarnation did not need to rest, but out of human habit, he still leaned against the back of the chair in the study and closed his eyes. .

After dawn, he was going to visit Oggs in the Council of Elders of Everisca. About Oggs, Shado only knew some hearsay.

Although there is still some gap between the most ideal cooperation goal, but at this time, among the eleven elders, only Oggs has had contact with him, indirectly.

The manor where he is now, thanks to the help of the followers of Oggs, could be bought at a relatively reasonable price when he first arrived here.

The eleven elders were planning to establish an independent country for Everisca, and they must have a relatively close covenant with each other.

Xia Duo boldly guessed that unless he explicitly rejected Oggs, there is a high probability that other elders would not come to take the initiative to solve him.

In fact, once he rejects Orgs, even if he catches up with other elders, Orgs is likely to be dissatisfied.

In this case, the other party may not be able to play a positive role in Shado's goal, but if you want something bad, it's very simple.

"Alas! If only it were that Elder Sergis!"

According to the market information collected by Shado before, it is the elder Sergis who is in charge of the affairs related to the Everisca fan lock. Recently, many elf civilians have seen Sergis surveying the geographical situation in the city.

If Sergis was the first to contact Shado, it would be easier for Shado to join the Mystery Lock construction team than on Oggs' side. If you take into account the votes made by the Nishite Scroll, it's simply a matter of hand!

As for Ogus, who is actually in charge of the local defense of Everisca, what Shado worries about most is that even if the other party believes him, he will still be used as a thug.

That's not in line with his original intention.

"I am a researcher!"

Xia Duo shook his head with a sigh, and then stopped thinking about these troubles. The boat went straight to the bridgehead. He believed that he had the Nairobi scroll in his hand. Even if he didn't join Everisca's Mystery Lock construction team, he would form a team by himself. .

It's just that, when you visit Oggs after dawn, this hand can't be played first.

Putting aside all the distracting thoughts, Xia Duo took out the research notes he brought from the main plane. So far, the Floating City Mystery Lock has completed the rough frame design.

Following his early design ideas, in order to act across planes in the future, priority should be given to the ability to adapt to different magic net states.

This also includes some design ideas of Ao Huo. If it is on the main plane, it is absolutely impossible for him to share it with the elves, but on the projection plane, then there is nothing to pay attention to.

The rest of My Lock's functions, such as matching [Misera]'s energy sub-line, basic protection, and permission settings at all levels, etc., Xia Duo has not started yet.

As for the part involving the floating city, even in the projection plane, Xia Duo is not easy to find too many people, otherwise if the other party asks him to take out the floating city, he will definitely not be able to take it.

It is only possible to decompose the project into several sub-categories, so that the researcher cannot see the whole picture, and can only be a tool person who listens to orders, and this is not an easy task.

This is a research project. If it is so easy to decompose the project, it means that Xia Duo already has a relatively clear idea in his mind. In fact, he has not.

The second is the researcher. If you want to study Mystery, a high-level mage is the best, but a senior mage is also fine. An ordinary elite mage may not even be a tool person.

With the status of elf mages in the elven society, ordinary elite mages are nothing more than ordinary elite mages. When it comes to senior mages, they are not just looking for them, let alone high mages who are in a dominant position.

It's easier said than done to make them willing to be tools.

"Let's have a small goal first!"

Xia Duo wrote and drew on his notes, and finally determined the small goal of the first stage of the Floating City Mystery Lock on the projection plane - to complete the overall framework first, that is, the Mystery Lock's adaptive function to the magic net. Fun Court

In fact, at this point, it can be regarded as a relatively complete mystery lock, and some miniature locks may not be as good as this!


While thinking about it, time flies fast, and a ray of sky light finally appeared in the study room, and then the light became brighter and brighter. In contrast, the light emitted by the magic lamps in the study room became weaker and brighter as the sky light gradually became brighter.

When it was completely extinguished, the wave of the magic net caused by it was enough to attract Xado's attention.

"It's the morning!"

Xia Duo touched his stomach subconsciously, but this avatar didn't even need to rest or even eat. At this time, touching the stomach more was just a transfer of past habits.

Just as he was about to get up, a pendant ornament on the desk suddenly had no wind and automatically sent out bursts of crisp bells. At the same time, it projected a real-time image on the desk——

Lacles, a follower of Oggs, was appearing at the gate of the manor with a team of guards.

Seemingly aware of Shado's sight, Laclaise Lanxess said: "Lord Assos, Elder Orgus is hosting a banquet at the Genting Tower and sent me to invite you to the banquet."

"A banquet? At this time?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Xia Duo's eyes, and his brows furrowed tightly. At this time, I'm afraid the dinner party last night is about to end!

Furthermore, even if it wasn't the remnants of last night's dinner party, this time was not an ideal time for a banquet, let alone entertaining a high-level mage.

So rude!

For a while, Xia Duo regretted choosing Everisca. The other party's attitude was so arrogant that even if he leaned over, it would be difficult for him to have much say.

It's just that this attitude wasn't the same yesterday, so why has it suddenly changed today?

Thinking like this, Shado also gave a reply. He didn't show up, but a voice came out, telling Lacles that he was not free.

As for explanations, high mages still need to explain to others!

Xia Duo noticed that after he had finished speaking, Lacles was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately teleported away from the gate of the manor, regardless of the group of soldiers he had brought before.

Xia Duo was also a little confused by the actions of the other party. Did you call someone? Could it be that the other party thought that a mere bunch of soldiers could stare at him?


Xia Duo shook his head, ignored the other party, and continued to organize the Floating City Mystery Lock project. Anyway, he is just an avatar now. If the other party really has any ideas, he will not do anything now.

But before leaving this projection plane, he will definitely give Everisca a slap in the face, so that the other party can know what a high mage without taboos is like.

In the vast universe, the birth and death of a galaxy is just a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed, where will you and me be after thousands of years? The home country, the fire of civilization, and the earth are just a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. Insect Ming's life is only autumn, and you and I are fighting to cross. What is at the end of deep space? Love reading novels app

The train went away, and the vibrations with the rails brought up a lot of withered and yellow leaves, and also brought up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched, until the train gradually disappeared, then he withdrew his gaze and sent off a few more classmates.

Since we parted, we will be separated from each other. I don't know how many years later we can see each other again, and some people have no reunion period.

Around, some people were still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people were silent, quite sad.

After four years of college, we walked together, and the accumulated friendship is always difficult to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

The sound of the waves resounding like a Sanskrit chanting sounded beside him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, with a huge golden light and shadow against his back. Tang San's eyes were like lightning in an instant, staring into the air.


Immediately, a loud bang burst out from the flower of paradise, and a huge golden beam of light shot up into the sky, reaching the sky.

The Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor not far away only felt a shocking will erupt, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither quickly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards the golden beam of light. .


While his face changed greatly, he did not dare to neglect, he shook his body, and he had already shown his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed fox with a body length of more than 100 meters, and each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Sending out a lot of luck into the Hell Garden, it stabilizes the plane.

Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it will be a catastrophic disaster for the Tianhu tribe.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The golden light that had already subsided suddenly became stronger again. Not only that, but the body of Tianhu Sacred Mountain also emitted a white, but the white light seemed to collapse inward, pouring in.

A golden beam of light soared into the sky without warning, and rushed into the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted a thunder calamity once again dispersed almost subconsciously. In the next instant, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into a dark golden cloud. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunders. The love reading novel app seems to be filled with anger on the entire plane.

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The train went away, and the vibration of the rails brought a large piece of withered fallen leaves, and also brought the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched, until the train gradually disappeared, then he withdrew his gaze and sent off a few more classmates. Love reading novels app

Since we parted, we will be separated from each other. I don't know how many years later we can see each other again, and some people have no reunion period.

Around, some people were still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people were silent, quite sad.

After four years of college, we walked together, and the accumulated friendship is always difficult to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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