Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1862: Longevity 3 faction, inquire about proph

Assos Manor, in the study.

Xia Duo reclined on the seat, his consciousness had fallen into contemplation, that is, he, if any other elf mage came here, I am afraid that he would not be able to parse the messy subconscious information.

But this work is actually not easy for Xia Duo. Some people say that the role of force is mutual, but Xia Duo wants to say that the role of information is also mutual.

While analyzing the cobalt consciousness information, Xia Duo also included this part of the information into his subconscious, which contained a lot of pollution risks.

Care must be taken.

Fortunately, Xia Duo had already had the experience of deeply substituting the memory of projection incarnation before, and the meditation training he must do every day was also the work of memory regulation.

Now it's nothing more than a short period of time with a higher intensity of work. As long as you are careful and don't overload, it's actually like that.

Soon, Xia Duo's analysis work yielded preliminary results!

In the subconscious fragments of Cobalt, Shado found clues about the organization behind it. Although it is indeed related to the Funas Chamber of Commerce, it is not the Funas Chamber of Commerce itself, but a mysterious force lurking within each country.

They call themselves the "Longevity Family", which is intended to show that they have a longer lifespan than ordinary elves. Demons are just what the outside world calls them.

Of course, since it calls itself a "family", there must be more than one faction. According to Colite's understanding, the longevity family is mainly divided into three factions—

One is the more radical transformation faction, whose main goal is to transform elves and even all life into demons, but the number of this faction is relatively small.

The mainstream is still the independent faction, that is, the faction where Cobalt is located, and the ultimate goal is to establish their own country in the northern land.

Although the last faction is not as numerous as the independent faction, it is also quite numerous. This part can be called the "integration faction" for the time being, that is, it advocates the complete integration of the elves.

The root of this faction concept is that it is difficult for demons to reproduce normally, and they can only reproduce normally with elves or other non-demons.

In other words, the biggest problem for the independent faction is not how to fight for independence, but to solve the problem of reproduction. Once this problem is solved, the integration faction will immediately merge with the independent faction.

After all, the benefits of demons are very obvious, as long as the disadvantages are avoided, who would want to go back to be an ordinary elf again!

"So it is!"

Xia Duo leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling with a sigh of relief. The problem of the demons was far more complicated than he imagined, and to a certain extent, it was simpler than he imagined.

The simple reason is that the demands of most demons are actually very simple, as long as the elves no longer target them in the future, so that they can live in the sun normally.

The complexity is because the race of demons is not born, but originates from various accidents, not only its internal, but also the relationship with the outside has many contradictions that are difficult to reconcile.

After analyzing Colit's subconscious information, Shado also learned that Colit is actually a "pure blood" demon, that is, both parents are demon elves.

This situation cannot be said to be unique, but it is also very rare.

Under normal circumstances where both parents are demons, even if the magical attributes of both parties are exactly the same, there is a high probability that the offspring will be all kinds of strange things.

In Cobalt's memory, there was a situation where the demon-born elf couple gave birth to a puddle of mud.

"Is Cobalt still a protagonist?"

Xia Duo couldn't help but scatter his thoughts. If Cobalt can solve the problem of the reproduction of demons, I am afraid that it can really become the ancestor of the future generations of demons and elves.

"Hey—what's the use of thinking about it! It's just a projection plane!"

After a short rest, Xia Duo resumed the interrogation work.

The beginning is still the same as before, focusing on the set of information, and only when the set of information cannot be solved will the consciousness be defeated and the subconscious information will be analyzed. In this way, the time soon came to the middle of the night.

This is the seventh time that Shado has defeated Cobalt's consciousness. Although there are various memories parsed from Cobalt's subconscious fragments, Shado can better extract information.

However, Cobalt's mental defense is still very stubborn, not only against mental spells, but actually against anyone who appears in an abnormal environment.

Even if it is transformed into some demon elves that Coleite has seen, they have a good conversation before, but when the critical moment comes, Coleite will keep silent again.

It's really unpleasant!

After the seventh time, Xia Duo simply gave up the process of obtaining information from the previous dialogue, but immediately defeated the opponent's consciousness after "resetting the time".

Anyway, as long as there are enough times, it is not difficult to spell out a complete consciousness.

In the middle of the night, Xia Duo finished his meditation training. For the first time, he did not stay up all night, but released his avatar, his consciousness returned to Schilling's body, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Until the next morning, Xia Duo was awakened by a fine and soft shock, the feeling of the sun shining on the leaves of Schilling.

When the sun was a little higher, Nishizawa came to report as usual, but this time, Xia Duo did not reply silently, but took the initiative to ask a question:

"Is the Tree Council ready to support Everiska's independence?"

"Yes, elder."

Caesar was very surprised by Xia Duo's sudden question. Seeing that the elder was concerned about this topic, he couldn't help but continue to explain:

"Looking at the current situation, Everiska's independence is the general trend, and the Tree Council is not prepared to stop it, as long as it is determined that Everiska's position is not against Sluvender."

"What happened to Sluvender?"

"Not long ago, Cebalo, the prophet of Gerenstad, made a prediction that Sluvand was brewing a huge conspiracy that might endanger the entire Northland, the Council of Trees. I think this may be aimed at Sluvender's counterattack against Gerensta's infiltration, but it does not rule out that it is true."

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

"Any more details about that conspiracy?"

"No, Gerensta may know, but he didn't choose to make it public."

After speaking, Caesar seemed to have thought of something, and said one more sentence, "Does Elder Schilling need the Tree Council to ask Gerensta for more information?"

Xia Duo agreed, even though Caesar had clearly had his own thoughts when he said so.

As Schilling's spokesperson in the Tree Council, he should have great authority in Sulvin's country, but Schilling is an elder who doesn't care, and most of the decisions of the Tree Council are tacit or abstained.

In this case, how much right can Caesar get!

Seeing that the elder seemed to be interested in Gerensta's prophecy now, Caesar resolutely chose to seize the opportunity, and the elder agreed with his proposal.

For a moment, Caesar even thought about whether he could control the elder's voice to the outside world in this way, so that he could get close to having the power of the elder.

But soon, he gave up this tempting idea. Elder Schilling's indisputable presence does not mean stupidity. Even if he is stupid, the other elders are not stupid. As long as he comes to remind him, his fate can be imagined. .

Shado didn't wait for Caesar's feedback. After the other party left, he briefly sorted out the content of the other party's recent report, and then recreated the avatar and returned to Everisca. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!