Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1864: historical doubts

Shado can understand the concern of the Eye of Terror. If he hadn't already known that Cobalt was a demon and knew that the demon was really cooperating with Mrs. Melovi, he wouldn't be willing to delay for three days, but would have The relevant clues were forwarded to Uweiren as soon as possible.

After that, the meeting was over. Oggs was optimistic for the time being because he believed in Shado, while the Eye of Fear was worried. Only Sergis was only worried about his Mystery Node exploration work.

Hearing that Eye of Terror agreed to continue the investigation, he immediately collapsed on the chair with a bitter face.

As for Xia Duo, he didn't stay in the reception room, but made an excuse to leave first: "I'll go to the library to check some materials, and come back later!"

The reason why he wanted to leave was that on the one hand, he had already collected enough information, and he just had to find a suitable way to give it to Ogus and the others. It would be a waste of time to stay here.

On the other hand, he wanted to find out the records of the demon-born elves on Everisca's side, and see how much the "demon-born traces were erased" mentioned by Cobalt before.

Although the library on the Genting Tower is only the public library of the Council of Elders, not the private collection of the eleven high mages, if it doesn't even exist here, other places can be imagined.

In the library, Xia Duo quickly flipped through a local book. This feeling of constantly replenishing his background made him very useful. If it hadn't been a long time since he came to Everisca, he would have wanted to come over and scan it.

This time it is also a coincidence, so let's just accept it!

As the public library of the Genting Tower, the books here mainly highlight a "Beauty", covering almost everything from magic theory to cooking techniques, from Everisca demographics to national intelligence.

Of course, the most books here are history and art books, and Xia Duo reads history books first.

When elven scholars record history, the most commonly used form is called "epic", which is mainly used to record legendary figures or major events in history.

Although such records are inconvenient for latecomers to connect time clues, they are very convenient for those who want to find some specific information.

For example, if you want to find historical materials related to demons, it is highly likely that it has nothing to do with artistic achievements, and has nothing to do with ceremonies.

It's just that Xia Duo has the task of collecting new books to expand his background in addition to inquiring about information.

When he turned to a certain page in a book titled "The Secret History of the First Lisa of Uviren", Shado immediately slowed down the page-turning action, and at the same time began to recall in his mind that he had turned over the "Epic of Bernur" before, in which A contradiction arose.

The protagonist of "Bernur's Epic" is Bernur, the war commander in the early days of Uvelun, who mainly tells the story of his expedition to the north and south.

It stands to reason that this should be a legend. Even if he dies, he should die on the battlefield, or die of old age.

However, in the "Secret History of the First Lisa of Uviren", it was mentioned that Bernoul died suddenly when he met Queen Mian one day. There is no other information.

Xia Duo is keenly aware of the problem, because in the elf kingdom, there is generally no situation where the master of the power is silenced, because the king Mian himself does not have absolute authority, but is elected by the major families.

The more meritorious the war commander is, the more powerful his family will be. He may even intend to attack the next crown prince, and other families will give in a little unless they are already hostile.

In fact, being able to become a war commander itself shows that Bernoul's family is powerful.

But it is such a powerful man who suddenly died suddenly when he met Queen Mian, which is really suspicious.

Although "Secret History" is not equal to real history, it can't be arbitrarily arranged about whether and when a great person died!

Glancing at the Shado bookshelf, he happened to see "The First Lisa of Uviren" next to "Secret History", which was only three books apart. Judging from the name, it should be the official history.

When you open it, you can see that the author of this book is in the preface. He is a famous scholar in the early days of Uwei Lun, and the author of the preface is even more complicated.

Xia Duo couldn't wait to open the text, but only after he read it did he realize that even Bernoul's name did not appear in the whole book.

Sure enough!

There is an epic of characters, so there is a high probability that there is such a Uviren war commander in history! And there is a secret history, which is not even mentioned in the official history.

It's hard not to be reminiscent.

Moreover, in the official history of "The First Lisa of Uviren", which was prefaced by the second-generation Mian Wang, Bernoul's family name did not appear.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Duo turned to the next book, "Second Lisa of Uweilun". Unexpectedly, he knew that the generations of crown kings before Uweilun's demise would not end well, but he did not expect the second generation. This misfortune had already begun when he was King Mian.

"The Second Lisa of Uviren" did not explicitly mention the ending of the second-generation crown king, but his short reign still revealed the truth.

And beside the official history of "Uviren Second Lisa", there are many secret histories, at least two of which clearly mentioned that the second generation Mian Wang was keen on hunting, and died in a hunting activity. UU reading

It's just that the family of the second-generation Crown Prince is still there, and it's different from that Bernoul.

After that, Shado rummaged through all the historical materials of Uviren in the public library, and there were no less than a dozen places where the history of Lisa had conflicts or doubts with the history of biography and events.

Aside from a few Mian kings who died inexplicably, there are also a number of great figures with biographical epics. Like that Bernoul, not only did they disappear into the official history, but even the traces of their families were completely erased. .

Only some secret history and rumors are occasionally mentioned, but they are not detailed, and there is no specific cause of death or disappearance.

"Are those all the longevity families Colit said?"

Going a step further, Xia Duo thought of a possibility—could these disappearing longevity families be the integration factions or independent factions in Cobalt's memory, discovered and then destroyed.

But because the earliest Bernur was too close to success, his demise aroused the indignation of other longevity families, and he fought with Uvelun to the death.

This led to the unhappy death of the Mian kings in subsequent dynasties.

Of course, it is also conceivable that other longevity families were discovered and destroyed during the period.

This is a more reasonable inference made by Xia Duo combined with many clues, and then he turned over the historical materials of the northern kingdoms one after another.

In addition to the relatively short period of time since the founding of countries such as Sulvin and Sluvender, and there are not many historical materials, there are also many cases of suspected longevity families being erased in the historical materials of Gerensta, Akola and other countries.

The only difference is that the crown kings of these countries did not suffer the same misfortune as the crown kings of Uviren. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!