Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1869: Mutations

Originally, Oggs thought that Assos might be too sensitive, but now seeing the constant arguing between the community herbalist and Lakless below, he also felt that the other party was a little suspicious.

Afterwards, he controlled his body and flew downwards, preparing to handle the matter himself.

On the other side, Shado and Sergis remained above the offset node where a wave of positive energy was erupting, discussing how to properly handle the accident.

"I think off-node-"

As soon as Xia Duo opened his mouth, there was a burst of anger from below. He subconsciously cast his gaze over, and saw a strong magical aura burst out in the direction where Oggs fell just now.

Immediately afterwards, this magical aura didn't last long, and was shattered by the strange magic-breaking power. Xia Duo saw that Cerillo, who was originally a gentle wood elf, had transformed into a grinning demon.

The surging magic energy radiated from him continuously, and at this time, his surroundings were already empty, and even further away, the community residents who had gathered to defend Lakless were also disappearing in pieces. .

"There is an accident below, we will discuss it later, go and help first!"

Xia Duo said, and immediately flew downward. When entering the explosion range of the offset node, the positive energy surge that continued to impact and spread outwards automatically separated to both sides.

After he entered, it closed again automatically.

Although Xia Duo was only an avatar at this time, it was real enough to be real enough to inherit the bloodline ability that Shi Lin's body inherited from the projection of Xia Duo's real body.

At this time, the positive energy environment still turned into his home field, and casting spells here would not only be without any interference, but it would be easier than usual.

Of course, this is just an advantage in the external environment. If you can't do it yourself, there's nothing you can do.

Xia Duo obviously did it. As soon as he came into contact with the battle situation, he communicated with Oggs and took over the control of the surrounding teleportation spells.

Having had the experience of fighting against demons on the main plane, as well as some information in Cobalt's memory, Shado has an extraordinary understanding of the magic-breaking power of demons—that is, magic energy.

After that, he provided assistance outside the battle, and cast spells to limit the mobility of the demon incarnated by Cerillo. Although this can play a small role, it can analyze and reverse the opponent according to the details of the opponent's magic energy. magical properties.

As for Sergis, he also came to Shado at this time. He did not directly participate in the battle, but assisted Oggs to continuously transfer the residents outside the conflict.

Of course, it is also indispensable to communicate with Xia Duo, let Xia Duo leave an exclusive transmission "line" for him.

While casting the spell, Shado asked Sergis, "Have you notified the other elders?"

"It has been notified that the Eye of Terror is nearby, and the other elders have their own things to do. If the situation is not good, they will also come."

"That's good!"

Although Shado doesn't think that the demons incarnated by Cerillo can get away from the three high mages, the demons are unfamiliar things after all, and accidents will inevitably happen. Of course, the more preparations, the more secure.

Of course, this is also because Oggs wants to capture the opponent alive. If he just kills or banishes, he doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Just when Xardo was estimating when Oggs would be able to take down the opponent, Oggs suddenly shouted, "Go to Jinchen Square, there are changes there!"

Jinchen Plaza?

Isn't that the nearest square from here?

At the same time, that square is also the place where Oggs and Sergis teleported and transferred the residents of the Golden Rose. What will happen there?

Xia Duo's heart moved, and he raised his height again, just to see that there had been a change in the residents in the outer periphery of the community who had not had time to transfer - or more precisely - a mutation!

Many elves suddenly developed the characteristics of demons, with asymmetrical fleshy wings similar to bat wings, ferocious sharp horns on the top of their heads, and swelling of their bodies with pustules or **** skin.

This kind of sudden body mutation is not acceptable to ordinary creatures. In addition to the stimuli of fear and hatred around him, there may also be an instinct from the blood.

This makes every mutant that Xia Duo sees, after experiencing a little resistance at the beginning of the mutation, will quickly turn to depravity, and begin to shoot at the surrounding companions, neighbors and even family members.


Shaddo sympathizes with the origins of the daelin and the experiences within them, but sympathy does not mean agreeing with all of what they do.

In particular, this kind of violent and terrorist act by harming civilians made Xia Duo even more despised.

"Sergis, you go to Jinchen Square first, and I will arrive later. Don't kill the contaminated mutants, control them, and I will find out if they can be restored."

"I see."

Although Sergis is not optimistic about Assos' idea, he still has a little thought, and if he can, he does not want to kill civilians without authorization.

After Sergis left, Shado did not go to the periphery of the Golden Rose community in person, but cast a little projection, UU reading flew out, and he himself remained in Oggs and fought with Cerillo edge, continue to provide assistance.

As the avatar of the avatar, Xia Duo went to the projection on the periphery of the Golden Rose community, and there was no doubt that he could cast spells.

It's just that Shado currently cannot cast spells in multiple places at the same time, and his perception is also divided into two parts (in fact, three parts, the perception left by Schilling's body is extremely weak and can be ignored).

This makes his perception of the battle situation between Oggs and Cerillo slightly attenuated, but fortunately, he is only a support, not a main attacker. As long as he maintains the control of the communication spell, it will be the greatest help to Oggs.

The work of analyzing Cerillo's magical energy attributes can be temporarily slowed down for a while until the mutated elves caused by the pollution are dealt with.

Outside the Golden Rose community.

Xia Duo's projection flew quickly, and he didn't come too late. Although the mutant elves had already started to attack the normal elves around, the thoughts of these mutants seemed to be greatly disturbed and they could not think normally.

The means of attack are also limited to pounce, bite, head, and grab. Except for a few elves who were concerned about their families and unwilling to avoid being injured by mutants, almost none of the other elves were injured.

"Stop it all!"

As soon as Xia Duo arrived, he used the voice as a carrier to cast [Psychic Spell · Stun], targeting those mutant elves.

Affected by spiritual magic, the movements of those mutant elves were obviously much slower, and a few of them even didn't move directly.

In this case, even if their relatives are mutated and unwilling to give up, those normal elves can control the mutants without worrying about being hurt as long as they are careful. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!