Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1886: Sharpening knives without mistake chop w

At the end of the ceremony, the elder Andrea, who was in charge of administrative affairs in the council of elders, delivered a speech, which was somewhat similar to the election speeches of leaders on earth or the government work report.

It mainly expounds the governing philosophy that the Council of Elders has always adhered to since its establishment, some of the achievements it has achieved, and the general plan for Everiska's future in various aspects.

Xia Duo also participated in the discussion on these contents, and even put forward a lot of constructive opinions. Now it sounds not only full of familiarity, but also has a better understanding of territorial governance.

At the end of the speech, Andre used a proverb that was widely circulated among the spirit tribes as the conclusion—

"May the Tai'Quise family live and prosper forever!"

After the ceremony, the elves in the square left one by one. It was not that there were no celebrations, but that there were celebrations everywhere on the streets.

As for Shado, the force field incarnation was directly lifted, even if he returned to Assos Manor. In fact, his saint form incarnation never left.

On the manor side, the inspection of the 42 wood elves was over halfway through, but Sally brought back more volunteers, and they were all wood elves.

And in terms of age, it almost strictly follows the requirements put forward by Xia Duo-all age groups must have them, and they are relatively average.

This made Shado quite satisfied, because it meant that the data model he finally obtained about the immortal body of the wood elf would be quite general and universal.

If his expectations are not bad, this time he should be able to solve most of the problems related to the body in the magic energy infection and purification plan.


Shado hasn't checked all the wood elves volunteers yet, and news has come from Sergis that he has completed the rest of the investigation work last night, and asked Shado to go to Wildman Valley to discuss the new Myth Lock. The next experimental plan.

"You really can't stop for a moment!"

Shado sighed casually. Of course, this should be strictly speaking of his compliment to Sergis. Outside is celebrating Everiska's upcoming independence, even in Assos Manor, Sally's face when handing over tasks They are also full of joy.

Obviously, Sergis did not indulge in the moment of relaxation at the moment, but seized the time to work, and even called on Shado.

Of course Shado welcomed this, he called Sally and said:

"Send the volunteers I've marked back, and the remuneration will be paid as agreed in advance, without deductions. In addition, the recruitment of new volunteers will be suspended first, and I will consider whether to continue recruiting after the results of my experiment."


Sally responded and asked again, "Then, should these volunteers who haven't participated in the experiment arrange for them to temporarily live in the manor?"

"No, just arrange the food. I'll be back later. You can send them back when the experiment is over."

"Yes." Sally replied again.

Xia Duo is more at ease with Sally. He let Sally keep all the salaries and gifts sent by the Council of Elders. In fact, he has nothing to worry about. He is not going to bring these extravagant money back to the main plane, even if it is full He doesn't care if he loses it.

There are only some relatively novel or meaningful things, and he intends to go back to study or collect them together with the Nishite scroll.

For example, the Consciousness Cage, the War Artifact, the original Dragon Madness Secret Scroll, and some works of art that are also very collectible in his opinion, and so on.

You must know that when he was looking for the Nise scroll before, he hollowed out nearly a city. Although it was a small city that had gone through a war, there were not a lot of items left in it.

That is to say, now that the Ao Neng crystals are abundant, and the portable space can be expanded at any time, Xia Duo can collect collections in this way. Before, he had to think for a long time even to obtain a mysterious key, for fear of delaying the realization of the color-resistant scroll.

Yeman Valley, the experimental base of the new Mystery Lock project, after dealing with the trivial matters at the manor, Xia Duo rushed here immediately.

Unsurprisingly, Sergis had already arrived. Seeing Shado, he immediately stopped the conversation with Diptatus and waved to Shado:

"Athos, just waiting for you. I told Diptatus about your plan just now. He wants to confirm with you some questions."

"Well, no problem, feel free to ask if you have any questions."

At present, in the entire project team, in addition to Diptatus, there are five senior mages, but those five are not good at the field of mystery locks, and their participation in the project is mainly based on cooperation with experiments, and it is difficult to participate in Xado and Sai Guess's discussion.

Only Diptatus, because he followed Sergis, came into contact with Mystery Lock very early. After becoming a senior mage, he chose the Mystery Lock field as his main attack direction.

Apart from the fact that he does not have the upper limit of spellcasting of high mages, at least he is no worse than most high mages in the Mystery Lock domain.

Therefore, Shado also respects the opinions of Diptatus very much, or he respects the opinions of every member of the project team. Even the elf mages who don't understand the locks the most may understand the locks more than Most human mages.

This is determined by the elf magic system, and it is also a fact that Shado cannot avoid.

"Is such that-"

Facing Shado, Diptatus had a respectful attitude, but he did not consider himself inferior, and his behavior was quite magnanimous, "Just now, Lord Sergis told me about your plan, and there are some descriptions about the permission design. Do you hope that Incorporate permission design into every stage.

"But I think that what we need to do most at the moment is to figure out the adaptation of the adaptive framework to the old fan lock rules. For this, I even think that we can put the functions that the project needs to achieve first, and pass some The implementation of simple functions to explore the new rules of this new type of mystery of the adaptive framework."

That's it!

Xia Duo pondered, what Diptatus said was nothing more than the truth that "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tool", which Xia Duo undoubtedly supports.

The reason why he didn't mention it in the past was mainly because the time for this kind of basic research was difficult to grasp, and he didn't want to delay too long on the projection plane.

No matter how good the prospect is, he can't chase it as the main goal. His main goal is the specific Mystery Lock plan, and it is best to make him use it immediately after returning to the main plane.

But now, since Diptatus said that, does it mean—“Sharpen a knife without making a mistake in chopping wood”?

After all, Xia Duo's research on Mystery is not as good as that of elf mages who specialize in this way. If it does not affect the construction period, he is still more willing to support basic research first!

Thinking of this, Xado asked Diptatus: "Everesca has obtained the qualification for independence now, in order to avoid possible changes in the future, it is best to build the new Mystical Lock as soon as possible, and how sure you are will not affect Construction period?" "Hello, Xiao Yan?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Seven years ago, the girl in the Emily Hotel, do you still remember?"

As soon as Xiao Yan heard "Emily Hotel", she choked her breath and asked in a trembling voice, "It's really you? You... where are you?"

Seven years!

He waited for this call for seven years!

Although so many years have passed, the girl who appeared in his life like a flash in the pan made him never forget it.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you, and I'm not demanding anything. I...I just can't worry about Amy." The woman paused, took a deep breath, and said, "'s your daughter."

"What! My daughter?"

Xiao Yan exclaimed in surprise, her heartstrings instantly tense.

"She is six years old this year. She is very cute and very similar to you. I hope you can take good care of her for me after I leave."

"She is afraid of the dark, and likes to sleep with dolls in her arms at night..."

Hearing the woman's words, Xiao Yan's heart suddenly jumped, and he hurriedly interrupted her: "Don't think too much, tell me if you have anything, I'll come to you right now, and I'll help you solve it."

"It's useless, you can't fight them..." The woman smiled bitterly and said, "I'll send Amy to..."

Before the woman's words were finished, a man's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Do you think you can hide?"

Then there was a scream, and a loud bang.

It was the sound of the phone falling to the ground!

Xiao Yan's heart thumped, as if his heart had been beaten hard, and he hurriedly shouted, "Hey, hey..."

No one answered!

Only the noise echoed and the signal was interrupted.


Xiao Yan was so anxious that she almost crushed her phone. I love to read Xiaoyi app

After a few seconds, the woman's cry came from the phone again.

"Let go of me, let me go!"

"Xiao Yan, you must find Amy and take care of her!"

"You promise me that you will take good care of her!"

"You promise me!!"

Hearing that heart-piercing voice, Xiao Yan's heart was bleeding, he anxiously shouted into the microphone, "Let go of her, let me go!"


But he called for a long time, but there was no answer on the other end of the phone. But that woman's voice is getting farther and farther, getting smaller and smaller, and more and more desperate!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Xiao Yan was very anxious.

He traded his youth and blood for this peaceful and prosperous world, but his wife and biological daughter were bullied!


Xiao Yan's unprecedented anger, a raging fire burned in his chest, as if to burn the whole world to ashes.

He wished he had grown wings and flew over now.

Just when he was about to collapse, a man's disdainful voice came from the phone's microphone: "This **** still wants to find someone, huh..."

Xiao Yan hurriedly said sharply, "I don't care who you are, if you dare to touch a single hair on her, I will punish you from the nine clans!"

"Tsk tsk, what a big breath! I'm so scared!"

"You are that wild man. If you are really capable, come quickly, otherwise in a few hours, I'm afraid you will never see her again."

"As for that little bastard, the end will be even worse, or his hands and feet will be interrupted, he will be rushed to the street to beg, or his heart and eyes will be gouged out, or he will become the object of some perverted old men to vent, tsk tsk, think It's so pathetic!"


The man's words were full of teasing, disdain, and strong provocation.

"You are courting death!" wwω.ΧqQχs8.℃òm

Xiao Yan shouted with red eyes.

"Let's talk when you find me, hehe..."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan only heard a crisp sound, and the call was interrupted.


Xiao Yan shouted loudly, and the viscous killing intent surged out like a tide.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, and the world was shocked!

Think of him Xiao Yan, who fought for ten years, annihilated more than a million enemies, and achieved the supreme position with invincibility at the age of twenty-seven.

Holding the monstrous power in his hand, he possesses unparalleled merits!

There is no one in the past, and there will be no one in the future!

But now, if you can't even protect your own woman and daughter, what can you do to protect these hundreds of millions of people?

The 3,000 Predator soldiers who were training outside the camp were shocked by this terrifying murderous aura, and they all knelt on one knee and shivered.

The Great Xia Five Great War Kings came upon hearing the news.


"Big brother!"

The five kings of war came forward in unison, with expressions of concern on their faces.

"Supreme, what happened?"

Mobei Wang Long Zhantian asked in a trembling voice. He had followed Xiao Yan for many years, and he had only seen such a terrifying killing intent once.

It was three years ago. Because of the betrayal, tens of thousands of Mobei troops were trapped, and thousands of men died in battle.

Xiao Yan, with one knife and one knife, rushed into the enemy's base camp, beheading the traitors among the ten thousand people.

In that battle, blood flowed into rivers and bones became mountains!

In that battle, 800,000 enemies were killed in fear, and they retreated three times!

In that battle, everyone realized what it means to be utterly furious, burying millions of corpses!

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