Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1923: true legend

"I discovered these secret scrolls while exploring an ancient ruin, and after many verifications, it was confirmed that they were the secret scrolls of Betis."

Xia Duo didn't hide the origin of the secret scrolls, but he didn't say where the specific ruins are, and the number of secret scrolls he currently owns.

For Xia Duo's remarks, Intwa did not express any doubts, but nodded in agreement, "The past wars have buried too many wisdom crystallizations of our ancestors, but it is a pity that our younger generations have not learned from them."

"Perhaps the only lesson intelligent creatures have learned from history is that they have not learned any lessons from history!" At this time, Xia Duo also said quietly.

"Master Lail, what you said—" Interwar's eyes lit up for a moment, but then dimmed again. Such a profound conclusion almost hit his heart, but such a sage cannot be used by Uweilun, What a pity.

But after all, Intwa was crowned king, so he quickly adjusted his mood and turned the topic to the direction of the transaction, "Then, what did Master Laier want to get from Uvelun by taking out this secret scroll of Betis?"

"I heard that Master Saint Nuodel of Uviren once went to the world of the Orientals and brought back the high-quality tea tree seeds cultivated by the palace there. I wonder if this is true?"

These words are actually related to two aspects, which is exactly what Xia Duo is interested in. One is the high-level mage who is said to be the only high-ranking mage in the elf world who has been to the Eastern world, and the other is naturally related to tea.

Of course, the latter presupposes the former.

It would be very disappointing if that mage Saint Nordel had never been to the Eastern World, and everything was a gimmick created by Uvelun to market the specialty tea.

However, Intervar did not give a very definite answer to Xia Duo's doubts, but said: "The Eastern world should really exist, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the origin of those Easterners.

"As for whether Master Saint Nuodel has really been to the Eastern World, this issue is actually an undetermined mystery within Uviren.

"Back then, Master Saint Nuodel did disappear for a while, and when he came back, he brought back some utensils, books, and even many plants with obvious oriental characteristics, including more than ten kinds of oriental teas that are popular now.

"However, the original origin of oriental tea was not in Uvilun. Before the Crown War, there were orientals on this land. Those orientals who came here through time and space would occasionally bring some oriental specialties. One of the most famous is the Oriental tea.

"The reason why we can't be sure is because after Saint Nordel, no mage was able to return from the Eastern World, and this even includes Saint Nordel himself.

"In his later years, he set out for the Eastern World again, and there has been no news since then!"

"I see!"

Xia Duo thoughtfully listened to this past story, which should be regarded as the most complete and perhaps the truest history of St. Nordel he has ever heard.

He didn't suspect that King Interwar deliberately deceived him. At their level, lying itself was a denial of his own existence.

Of course, this is based on the overall environment of the current elf society. If it is in drow society, lying is a matter of course.

As for whether St. Nordel has ever been to the Eastern World, it is a matter of opinion. Xia Duo is more inclined to have been, otherwise it is really hard for him to imagine why an elf mage would make up this nonsense.

And he also suspects that there may be far more than one elf mage who has lived to the Eastern World, but there is only one Saint Nordel who can come back alive.

If the main plane is willing to send more explorers, maybe we can really find the legendary eastern world!

Next, Xia Duo asked Intvar again: "So, does the current Uvillon still preserve the utensils and books brought back by Master Saint Nuodel from the Eastern World?"

Those things, no matter whether they are true or not, must not be too outrageous, and they must have a strong oriental color, otherwise it would not be possible that Saint Nordel has not been exposed by other elves after so many years.

To this question, Intevar gave an affirmative answer, "Of course it is preserved, and many of them can be called treasures of different worlds. According to the description of Master Saint Nuodel, those were all given to him by the king of the East." gift.

"Before he set off for the Eastern World in his later years, he left those treasures in Uvilun, and they are now kept in this library."

"Really? That's great!"

Xia Duo suddenly became a little excited. Although he himself is not an oriental in this magical world, but on the main plane, his character design is an oriental living in a foreign land. If he can get some artifacts and books from the east, then this The character set completely stood still.

Of course, this is not the key point. The key point is that he is also very interested in the legendary eastern world. It would be great if he could know more about that world.

"Mian Wang, I am very interested in the Eastern world and Eastern culture. If possible, please allow me to trade some treasures from the East with the Secret Scroll of Betis."

"Trading oriental treasures?"

"Yes, even if the transaction fails, I am willing to exchange some of the golden pages for a visit."

Xia Duo now has two sets of Betis secret scrolls, also known as Nether scrolls, and one of them is Evereska left by him.

This is an incomplete set, and he is not going to manifest it back to the main plane. It is best to make full use of it. What is precious about this thing is the knowledge contained in it, not the carrier itself.

For him, having such a complete set is enough. If you still need it in the future, you can also go to the projection plane to get it.

It's just that Xia Duo's request really shocked Intwa, UU Reading and even those omniscient elders who were still looking at the golden pages, one of them leaned over to confirm the situation:

"Master Laier, are you really willing to exchange the Betis secret scroll for oriental treasures? Why don't you come to my collection room and have a look, I also have a lot of oriental treasures! It's no worse than the ones brought back by Saint Nordel , those of his also occupy the title of a palace treasure!"

"Come on, Yin Fan, didn't you hear Master Laier say that he is interested in oriental culture? He must have a deeper understanding of the Eastern world than you. As far as the rags you collect, Master Laier doesn't like them at all!"

Although he was slapped in the face by his companion, Elder Yin Fan did not defend himself. After all, what the other party said was the truth. Most of the oriental treasures he collected came from oriental people, and some were even imitated by elves.

It's just that he wants the Betis secret scroll too much. If Master Laier doesn't know the goods, then he will give him all the oriental treasures he has collected.

But since he was disturbed by his companions, he was not annoyed. Anyway, as long as he could trade the Betis secret scroll, he would still have his share.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :