Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 1932: The Hunted Arcane Elf

But perhaps because he has already stepped out of the "captive area", Xia Duo often encounters large beasts, and the most troublesome thing is the jungle leopard. Those big guys are stronger (than humans), but they like to hide in trees and attack.

Compared with the state when he set off from the wild boarskin tribe, Xia Duo looked very embarrassed now. Not only did he lose weight, but his main weapon, the spear, was also broken, and one of the two short spears was lost.

The most important thing is that a big **** was torn off the right shoulder. Thanks to the herbs he found in the forest to stop the bleeding, he did not "collapse in the middle way". bright cub.

Almost a carnivore, would want to come and try it out.

At this point, Xia Duo felt that his hope of successfully reaching Evereska was very slim. Just as he was hesitating whether to return to the main plane, there was a rush of branches being fiddled above his head.

Xia Duo was only stunned for a moment, and the next moment he saw an elf with almost half of his body disappearing from the sky, and the blood instantly stained the ground red.

Perhaps because of the double stimulation of the sound and the smell of blood, there were a few more suppressed growls from the forest not far away.

"What's the matter!"

Although Xia Duo imagined the scene of an elf falling from the sky to arrest him or kill him directly, it is impossible for him to imagine the scene of half an elf falling from the sky, no matter how big his brain is.


Xia Duo rubbed his back against the tree trunk and stood up with difficulty, preparing to return to the main plane before the last moment. Whether it was being killed by an elf or a beast, he didn't want to experience it.

But what he didn't expect was that the half elf who just fell from the sky, lost nearly half of his body and hit the ground heavily, survived and found Xia Duo.

"Human, save me!"

After the other party yelled this sentence, Xia Duo's body involuntarily flew over there. If his physical condition is good at this moment, it should not be difficult to break free, but the reality is that his body has also reached the verge of collapse .

Facing the spell, he had no strength to resist at all. He could only watch helplessly as he fell into the pool of blood. When he landed, he almost lost his footing and fell.

Perhaps this is a rare opportunity to get in touch with magic.

Also thinking about this, Xia Duocai did not return to the main plane immediately, but squatted down to check the status of the half elf. His breathing was already very weak, and his consciousness was close to coma.

"Hey, if you want me to save you, you have to tell me how to save you, otherwise I can only watch you die."

The other party understands human language, and Xia Duo didn't bother to ask the other party in Elvish language. Perhaps after hearing Xia Duo's call, the elf's consciousness immediately recovered a bit, and reluctantly confessed:

"There is a square ornament at the waist, bring it close to my brow."

Xia Duo pushed aside half of the opponent's blood-soaked clothes, and he found a square ornament with four corners inlaid with arcane crystals. Fortunately, it was on this half of his body. If it was on the other half, it would be completely hopeless.

After wiping the blood on the surface of the jewelry a little, Xia Duo saw some familiar lines on it, and at the same time, he had a little more guess about the identity of the half elf.

Put the ornament on the elf's eyebrows, and the next moment, the arcane energy crystals at the four corners of the ornament disintegrate one after another, releasing a large amount of arcane energy, surrounding the half of the elf.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo was a little more confident in his guess. Under his gaze, the half elf was quickly transformed into an arcane form.

Of course, there is only half of the body in the form of arcane energy, but under the action of arcane energy, the half without it is recovering rapidly until it becomes a complete elf.

After that, the elf's arcane brilliance was restrained, and it gradually transformed into a flesh and blood form, but it was different from just now when the body was close to death and the consciousness was also close to destruction.

After recovering from the arcane form, the elf's breathing has become stable, and his consciousness is gradually recovering.

Xia Duo took two steps back slightly, walked out of the pool of blood, then picked up the remaining weapon, turned around and yelled loudly at the shadow in the forest not far away.

Now, as long as he delays the time for the elves to regain consciousness, he probably doesn't need to return to the main plane with nothing.

Time passed little by little, and Xia Duo felt his hands were wet and sticking to the spear handle, and it was uncomfortable. He didn't know whether it was the blood stains that had just been stained that he hadn't wiped off, or his palms were sweating due to nervousness.

Since becoming a great arcanist, he has rarely experienced such emotions. I have to say that the projection plane is really a good place to keep people in shape!

Xia Duo encouraged himself in his heart, and at the same time glared at the direction where there might be enemies.

After a while, there was a series of hasty whimpers and the slight plop sound of the body falling to the ground, and he immediately realized something. Sure enough, the next moment, the elf's voice rang in his ears again—

"Human, it's fine, nothing can hurt you with me here!"

Xia Duo turned around, and saw that the place where there was a pool of blood just now had turned into a dry flat land, and a small round tea table was also placed on it.

And the elf was sitting at the table, taking out all kinds of snacks from another space one by one.

"Looking at your appearance, you should have encountered difficulties, so let's eat something first!"

Xia Duo subconsciously swallowed his saliva. Although he was not very hungry, the conditions in the forest were limited after all. He hadn't eaten any serious food in the past few days. accurate.

Now that I see decent food, I can't help but swallow my saliva.

But after all, he didn't make a move, but gestured with his hands, and made another request, "Can I learn from you just now?"

Xia Duo wants to get in touch with magic from the other party, so that he can quickly recover his strength, and then go directly to Evereska to inquire about the situation.

Hearing that Xia Duo, a human being, dared to ask to learn magic, the elf was obviously stunned for a few seconds, and then he didn't say a word, just looked back and forth at Xia Duo with scrutiny.

Finally, as if thinking of something, he sneered and said to Xia Duo: "If you want to learn, I can teach you, but there is always a price for everything, can you accept the heavy price behind all this?"

burning text

"What price?" Xia Duo asked.

The elf snorted coldly and spit out, "Of course it's the price of death!"

"You want to kill me?" Xia Duo suddenly "turned pale with shock".

"I won't kill you, on the contrary I will help you, but the lackeys of the Elven Court will not let you go, and the tribe behind you will not let go of a person or an animal!"


Xia Duo was shocked, will learning magic be exterminated? There is also the "Elf Court", which has no corresponding translation vocabulary in the context of Langas. The elves speak the Elvish language directly, and it is not Xia Duo's misinterpretation.

In other words In the current era, the Elven Court seems to have more real power than the era when Evereska was independent, and even the lackeys came out to exterminate the genocide.

Come to think of it, the elf in front of him should be hunted down by the so-called lackeys of the elf court.

But why?

There may be racial reasons for elves to kill humans, but what is the reason for chasing elves? From what the elf said just now, it seems to be related to learning magic!

But the elves themselves are a magical race. If learning magic was to be banned, the elves court would have been wiped out by all forces. How could it be possible to develop a lackey force that can hunt and kill elf mages?

Presumably it is not forbidden to learn magic, but to prohibit learning a certain kind of magic!

"Could it be that the Arcanist system I left behind has been labeled as a taboo? What did Instemus do later? Is it related to the arcane elves?"

For a moment, countless questions popped up in Xia Duo's mind.

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