Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2043: disappointment, deal

A day later, Xia Duo recovered from mental exhaustion, but the Northern Alliance still had the same progress as he had seen before, with no progress.

Although the serious consequences of the expansion of the Abyss are obvious, no one can easily give in when it comes to the almost unavoidable sacrifice of the top forces.

Although Xia Duo had foreseen such a result before he fell asleep, he still felt very upset when it really happened.

Understandable, but unacceptable.

No matter what, you should at least come here and try to purify it first. If you let it go like this, aren't you afraid that the abyss will suddenly expand and then get out of hand!

Perhaps the countries of the alliance have their own considerations, but Xia Duo doesn't want to wait any longer. He can't spend the floating city here forever, whether it's returning to Netheril or following the "global travel".

That is to say, the maintenance of the Floating Void City has not been completed yet, otherwise he really wanted to just leave like this, but compared to the demon descendants, the abyss made Xia Duo more afraid.

No matter whether the devil's conspiracy can be achieved, the worst case is that the main plane can't stay anymore. It is not impossible to wander in a foreign land for a while and then come back, but the expansion of the abyss may attract the attention of the abyss forces.

Even if the abyss pollution is finally cleared, the attracted abyssal forces will not give up so easily, maybe the main plane will become the place of the four wars.

After thinking twice, Xia Duo finally contacted Badigal. In the communication room of the floating city, as the projection environment built by the real-time communication spell was generated, the two met in the form of projection across mountains and rivers.

"Lord Xia Duo, I haven't seen you for a few days. Is there any new situation on your side?"

"There is no new situation, but I am very disappointed in the recent negotiation process of the Northland countries on the purification plan of the Abyss."

Xia Duo expressed his dissatisfaction unabashedly, but he also understood the difficulties of the Seven Towers. The position of the Radiance Priest in Netheril is not top, but it is not easy to sacrifice.

Not to mention that for a so-called abyss that the Nethers don’t know where it is, sacrifices are even more necessary. If the Seven Towers agree to the requirements of the alliance countries, especially Comanthor, then they will be in the country. reputation will inevitably suffer.

And the prestige of the Seven Towers is related to the actual rule of the Seven Towers, which is a very realistic reason.

Therefore, Xia Duo said again: "I am going to purify this abyss by myself."

As soon as these words came out, Buddy Galton turned pale with shock, "Lord Xiaduo, don't do it, I know that Lord Xiaduo has profound attainments in the field of elven magic, but the land of the abyss is not trivial, and the Seven Towers have never had relevant experience before. , once you do this, you may just fall into the trap set by the elves in advance!"

"Do you think the purification plan Comanthor came up with is a trap?"

If Badigal really thinks so, then Xia Duo will probably be very disappointed.

"Comanthor's purification plan is true, and it has been confirmed by the countries of the Northland, but in addition to the purification plan, the sacrifice of a great arcanist is also unacceptable to Netheril. I also ask Lord Xiaduo to be cautious." Think about it, don't need to bear such a heavy responsibility that is completely unnecessary for others."

"Don't worry, Lord Badigal, I'm not noble enough to sacrifice myself for the elves. The purification I'm talking about is actually another way."

"Another way?"

Badigal was stunned for a moment, he didn't know any other way, why Xia Duo could take it out, but then, as if he thought of something, his tone became inexplicably excited:

"Lord Xia Duo, are you talking about the team of angels from the Kingdom of Glory last time? Can you still summon them?"

Summoning an envoy is not something that can be done. There are so many priests in the Severton Great Temple, and none of them can say with confidence that they will be able to summon an envoy from the Kingdom of Glory.

Not to mention more than one!

Badigal's fiery eyes almost made Xia Duo think that he had said something wrong, "Yes, I can still summon the Ted envoy from last time."

Last time, it was the time when Xia Duo and Pullman cooperated with Hilda Lanna to raid the secret base of the demons. In order to prevent accidents, Xia Duo summoned Ted to come and deal with the demonic mages who had become extremely powerful due to demonization. .

In fact, not only the Seven Towers knew about this matter, so because of Hilda Lanna, there is a high probability that Yeerlan also knew about it, but it is estimated that the other side was the same as Badigal at the beginning, thinking that he could not or would find it difficult to continue summoning God. Made it.

But Xia Duo knew that the holy seal that Ted gave him was still in a complete state, at least he could summon Ted one more time, and even as long as Ted didn't take it back, more times would not be a big problem.

It's just that Xia Duo can't just find someone to come and play with. Unless he encounters a demon or an abyss event, he will consider calling the other party.

It is a win-win situation for both parties, rather than a unilateral request, so that Ted's seal, or the friendship between the two parties, can be maintained for a longer period of time.

"Your Excellency Badigal, I am going to summon God Envoy Ted to purify this abyss. I think even if the team of Envoy Ted is unable to purify, I can use him to find more foreign aid from the Kingdom of Glory.

"And when I contact you this time, I actually hope that you can use this to gain more benefits for Netheril from the Northland Alliance. I have no specific requirements for the benefits, and it is up to the Seven Towers to decide on their own."

"It turned out to be like this!"

Buddy Gardner was in awe. In his opinion, no matter what plans Shaduo had, this event itself gave the Seven Towers a strong hole card that could be shown at the Northland Alliance meeting.

If the positions of the two sides are switched, Badigal thinks he can't do the "stupid thing" of giving such a powerful hole card to the Seven Towers for Xiaduo, this is definitely what I have heard in the past few days The best news! On behalf of Qita, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you, and Qita will never forget your dedication!"

From Badigal's point of view, summoning the envoy must not be free. Although I don't know what the cost is, it will not be too light.

Thinking about the at least four high-level mages who need to be sacrificed in the purification plan proposed by Comanthor, you can understand the weight of Xia Duo's hole card given to the Seven Towers!

"Your Excellency Badigal, I can talk about this later. The most important thing at the moment is to purify this abyss and let it expand outward. I am always uneasy."

Xia Duo has not yet synchronized the relevant information of the Illuminati to the Seven Towers. If Badigal knows that there is such a mysterious organization behind the demons, he will probably be more anxious and uneasy than him.

Leaving aside the Illuminati, the abyss alone is enough to attract attention. If this matter is not resolved, Xia Duo will still be unable to persuade himself to leave here.

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