Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2061: Long-term tasks, division of labor and c

【Lord of Arcane Arts】【】

But after Xia Duo finished speaking, before Cecily opened his mouth, Niya sent him a message, saying that he was too strict with Cecily, and Xia Duo could only smile wryly.

On the contrary, Cecily should have understood Xia Duo's point, and her face changed several times. She only said "I see, I'll do something", and quickly left the conference room.

At this time, there were only Xia Duo and Niya left in the room. They stared at each other, neither of them wanted to speak first. In the end, Niya couldn't bear it anymore, gave Xia Duo a blank look, and said angrily:

"Can't you be more tactful? Cecily is my good sister. If you say that about her, what do you want me to do!"

"It's because she is your sister that I told her that. I wouldn't remind ordinary people like that!"

"You—" Niya couldn't help feeling anxious.

Seeing this, Xia Duo quickly comforted her, "Actually, what I mean is, let her choose the inheritance ceremony first, and then wait for the learning machine to come out, can I miss her?"

"You say that as if I'm being unreasonable."

But having said that, Niya's tone has softened, "Is there any book on material planning, revenue and expenditure management, and financial planning that you just mentioned?"

"You think I'm omnipotent! Of course not! Yes, it's superficial, and it's more of a conceptual description."

Xia Duo had been prepared to take out a few not-so-thick notebooks from the portable space, and handed them to Niya, which mainly contained some basic things in economy, currency, statistics, etc.

Most of those are derived from some of his experiences or courses he had taken before traveling, traced back through memory, and then removed some sensitive information and summarized them into a book.

"These are all I know. The rest of the Tower of Time or the Territory will carry out relevant research. I just hope that Cecily will not be left behind!"

After Xia Duo finished speaking, he pushed Nya's arm, who was flipping through the book, "How about it? Is it fun for me to do this!"


Niya closed the book and looked at Xia Duoshi again, her eyes filled with gratitude, "Thank you, in fact, I know you will not give up on anyone who is willing to follow, but I just can't help worrying about Cecily, if you Without her company, I really don't know if I can grow up to this size."


Xia Duo held Niya's hand, pressed it firmly on his chest, and said firmly, "No matter what happened before, you will still have me in the future!"

"En." Niya replied heavily, snuggled up to Xia Duo, and didn't speak for a long time.

In fact, Xia Duo enjoys such a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, but there are many things to do before the trip, and many things need to be prepared in advance, so when Niya's breathing was inaudible, Xia Duo pushed Niya's arm again:

"Don't fall asleep, there is still business to talk about!"

Being reminded by Xia Duo, Niya's ears were immediately blushed, and she lowered her head and asked Xia Duo in a low voice, "Why is it so urgent?"

"It's not particularly urgent, but it's very important, so you need to plan ahead."

As he said, Xia Duo tried to pluck a cluster of magic net strings around him to form a specific shape. Although Niya didn't pay attention to it deliberately, as an arcanist, she almost instinctively noticed this spellcasting action up.

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【Lord of Arcane Arts】【】

"You mean the communication fan lock?" Niya was surprised, "I have only made a breakthrough in node communication recently, and there is still a long way to go before the complete fan lock!"

"That's why I said it's not particularly urgent. I just remind you that this matter is very important to the future. You must make a complete plan to tackle the tough problems. If you need anything, you can always come to me."

"I will!"

Niya nodded emphatically, and resumed her demeanor of a senior arcanist again, "By the way, what are you going to do then?"

"It's mainly plane exploration, but this consumption of time and energy is more reflected in a longer cycle span, rather than a specific day or two of intensive work."

What Xia Duo said was that he would be relatively free in the future, and would have enough time and energy to solve Niya's troubles.

As far as the current Tower of Time is concerned, plane exploration is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. Even if Xia Duo can make some optimizations or even breakthroughs in data processing, it is essentially only improving efficiency, not a breakthrough in the exploration technology itself.

To talk about the breakthrough of technology itself, we still need to look at the Seven Towers, especially the Giles Tower, but Schom of the Giles Tower is hostile to Niya and Xia Duo, and wants to obtain technical assistance from the Giles Tower. The difficulty can be imagined.

As for self-research, it is actually within Xia Duo's plan. The real-world tasks of plane exploration he mentioned are just arranging for people to regularly use the plane exploration array to obtain data, and he needs to analyze it every once in a while. deal with.

This is a long task, similar to the sky survey program on the earth. If you do it, you may not be able to find anything, but if you don't do it, you will never be able to find it.

In this regard, Xia Duo did not set a specific goal for himself. He had already made preparations for not discovering anything in the previous ten years, so it was time to accumulate data.

When technology advances in the future, and then go back and analyze the current data, it may not be impossible to find the large habitable plane he wants, and this is actually the experience gained from the sky survey project on the earth.

Apart from exploring planes, Xia Duo undoubtedly wants to study the nature of planes. This is not only to make full use of the portable space, but also the relevant results can be applied to the exploration of successful If so, it is a typical case of basic research guiding application breakthroughs!

All in all, Xia Duo will focus his research on the plane domain, and other things such as the update of war spells, the maintenance of the floating city, and even the management of the territory can only temporarily take a back seat.

Of course, retiring to the second line does not mean that Xia Duo does not pay attention to it, but relatively speaking, these tasks do not need to spend too much time and energy.

Xia Duo always remembers that what he wants to create is a civilization, not a superpower. Individual energy is limited, and division of labor and cooperation are the mainstream in the future.

Like war spells, Xia Duo almost just provided some samples of elven war weapons, and the others were created by Yin Aureum, although he still had some doubts that Yin Aureum had left a hand on him (the means of protecting the annihilation light ), but putting aside those unproven suspicions, Yoon Aureum has given him great help.

Without Yoon Aureum, Xia Duo would definitely have to study war spells by himself. Even if the possibility of failure is ignored, if it is 100% successful, it will definitely not take a while.

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【Lord of Arcane Arts】【】

Just think about the self-adaptive fan locks in Floating Void City. In addition to Xia Duo, there is also an elf senior mage who is proficient in fan lock design, as well as eight senior mages, twelve senior mages, and one hundred and sixty-eight elites. The auxiliary team composed of mages took nearly half a year to complete.

War spells may not be as complicated as Mysuo, but if Xia Duo does it alone, no matter how efficient it is, there is a limit!