Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2104: play, start again

When he heard that the Sunwing family had been exiled, Savile, who was only listening from the sidelines, suddenly interjected: "Did King Cormanthor really exile the entire Sunwing family?"

"It should be true, but it needs to be pointed out that the Sunwing family was exiled during the [People's Trial Ceremony]. Strictly speaking, it was not the Cormanthor crown king who exiled them, but the Komanthor people exiled them."

Xia Duo briefly explained the difference, but Saville sneered, "Isn't this the same thing? Are those so-called [people's trial ceremonies] really allowed to be judged by civilians? If that's the case, I'm afraid the most worrying It is Cormanthor Crown Prince and his followers."

"Great-grandfather, do you mean that Comanzo's ceremony was performed entirely for Xia Duo?" Niya couldn't help but frowned.

Savile didn't answer directly, but looked at Xia Duo. Of course, Xia Duo understood what Savile meant. In fact, he himself felt that Comanzo's play was a bit too deliberate.

Of course, if you add Kelani's influence, maybe it can be explained, but in this way, why Kelani did this cannot be explained.

In short, there are too many mysteries in it. All he can do now is to stabilize his position first, and then deal with any changes in the outside world calmly.

Seeing Niya's slightly worried expression, Xia Duo patted the back of her hand lightly, and comforted him: "The trial ceremony may indeed have an element of acting for me, but being able to perform it is already very self-explanatory."

He didn't mention the possible role of Coranie in it. The accident of Cormanthor alone is enough to make people worry. If there is another elf master god, I am afraid that Niya will sleep with one eye open at night from now on.

"Okay, don't worry too much! Although this trip to Comanso was a bit unexpected, it was a relatively good result in general."

Then, Xia Duo supported Niya's shoulders, turned her back to him, then pushed her lightly, and continued: "Don't you want to see the night view of Cormansol up close? Go and prepare for the avatar, I I'll be right here waiting for you."

Niya hummed, then left quickly.

Watching Niya's figure disappear at the end of the corridor, Saville said suspiciously: "Why do I feel that you are deliberately pushing her away!"

"No way! We are really going to go shopping on the ground later, do you want to come together?" Xia Duo quickly changed the topic.

"You young people's affairs, why am I meddling, don't go!"

"Really not going?"

"I really don't want to go! Didn't you give me a dozen students? I'm already busy enough to worry about them every day!"

After finishing speaking, Saville simply walked away, and Xia Duo showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He could see that Saville was not really complaining, on the contrary, he might be showing off.

Being able to teach more than a dozen high-level mages may be inferior to their common teacher Iolum, but Savile took a short time here! Although there is the assistance of the inheritance ceremony, it cannot be said that there is no factor at all!

Seeing Savile's slightly elated look, Xia Duo was both happy and worried. Needless to say, the Tower of Time will soon have more than a dozen high-ranking mages, and the worry was because he was afraid of Savile being a human being. Master, the more than a dozen high-level mages are regarded as the kind of students in the old master-apprentice system.

Caring is necessary, but excessive caring is actually unnecessary, let alone strict control.

Therefore, Xia Duo felt that it was necessary to speed up the progress of the inspection and selection of the second inheritance ceremony, and find something for Saville, so that he would not keep bringing the same group of people to think about it.

The other is to deal with the changes on Cormanthor's side. Although it seems that there will be no threat to him at the moment, with the further integration of Comanthor's internal forces, who knows what ambitions will be born from the crown king of Elithel.

He needs to equip all the operators of the floating city's war spells as soon as possible.

Later, while waiting for Niya to prepare to incarnate, Xia Duo contacted Badigal again, mainly to say that Cormanthor had given the Nether scroll to him, so that they would not have to pursue it anymore.

The Nether Scroll obtained by Xia Duo this time does not need to be handed over to the Seven Towers or the Arcane Federation, but is directly stored in the Tower of Time according to the previous agreement with the Seven Towers.

It only needs to be six months in a year not to reject the reading application from the Seven Towers or the Arcane Federation. According to the agreement, he can keep it until the day he dies. The lower limit is 100 years, and there is no agreement on the upper limit. .

It can be said that as long as there is the color-resistant scroll in this agreement, the set that Xia Duo obtained from the projection plane before will be more convenient for public use.

When the number reaches a certain level, who will doubt that the several golden pages that appear at the same time do not belong to the same set!

Just as Xia Duo imagined, although Badigal agreed that he would directly keep this part of the Nether Scroll, his attitude was relatively cold, especially when Badigal visited the Floating City in Sluvand not long ago.

Such a change in such a short period of time, it is hard to say that it is not because the princess interfered in the mortal ascension!

Soon, Niya was ready for the incarnation, and there was almost no flaw in the degree of simulation. It was the astral projection incarnation that Xia Duo obtained from the Seven Towers.

Compared with the saint form incarnation that Xia Duo is currently using, it is indeed inferior in terms of assisting spellcasting, but the astral projection incarnation can eat, and can experience the complete feeling of eating, drinking and digesting.

However, the incarnation of the holy man cannot eat, nor can he experience the complete feeling of eating, drinking and digesting.

For Xia Duo, he may be more concerned about the advantages of the avatar in terms of spellcasting, while Niya pays more attention to the integrity of the avatar's various perceptions and experiences.

In addition, the threshold for casting spells in the form of a saint is too high. Needless to say, Niya, she can't meet the requirement of contacting the tenth layer of the magic net, let alone the super-high affinity requirement for the magic net.

Even Xia Duo himself needs some "evil way" assistance to complete this spell, so much so that he has been unwilling to cancel it after the end of the Shruvand Under Niya's urging, Xia Duo quickly contacted the special channel, and then teleported with Nya to the edge of Greer Lake in the southeast of Comansol City, very close to the location where he first went and returned.

Afterwards, it was time to play. Xia Duo, who had experienced it for the first time, decisively reminded Niya that if she didn't want to be surrounded by people, she had better transform into an elf.

Niya agreed, after all, this is also a rare experience.

After everything was ready, the two walked northward along the Osens River that flows into Lake Greer. Niya had seen images of the city of Cormanthor, but she still had the feeling of seeing magical images when she was there. A different kind of experience that you don't have.

Nya held Xia Duo's hand, sometimes rushing, sometimes walking slowly, and sometimes stopping to pick a small flower on the bank of the river and put it on her and Xia Duo's heads.

It seems that it has turned into an elf, and it has the innocence of an elf.

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