Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2167: never dominate

Fall in love with you Read Books, Lord of the Arcane

Prince Pasteur's words caused all the elves to think deeply, and even Xia Duo realized that the situation in the Underdark could still be explained in this way.

But in this case, it may be difficult for the surface elves to completely wipe out the drow's attempt.

Speaking of which, the drow war ended so abruptly two years ago, I am afraid that there are also considerations in this regard, so I did not hunt them down to the end, but just drove them deeper underground and stopped temporarily.

And at this moment, Hengchun Plaza in Floating Void City.

With Prince Pasteur's explanation, several elf messengers reluctantly nodded their approval after thinking for a while, but force is a very conspicuous existence, it's not that if you don't use it, others won't worry.

It was Tai Lun who asked Xia Duo again: "Will Lord Xia Duo use such cruel methods in the Northland in the future?"

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This question is very critical, and several envoys including Comanso and Ye'erlan also paid attention to Xia Duo.

In this regard, Xia Duo had already prepared a draft, "First of all, I will not say absolutely not, even if I say you will not believe it, what can be said is - only when I face the most direct threat to survival, I may use that s method."

"What is the most immediate threat to survival?" Tyronn asked again.

"That's a good question!"

Xia Duo saw that Tai Lun's attitude had changed, and seemed to be taking the initiative to help him out, so he further explained: "The most direct threat to survival is very simple to directly attack me and the people around me, and further, to attack me. direct acts of war in the Territory."

Right now, Xia Duo has the advantage. Of course, he can't throw all his cards at once. His bottom line is that as long as the opponent uses war spells, he will fight back equally or even double.

However, when he mentioned that even the territory was counted, Su Weilis, the envoy of Cormanthor, couldn't help but interjected: "Even the territory is counted, if it doesn't count every citizen."

"Of course the leaders must be counted!"

Xia Duo gave the other party a blank look, and then said to the messengers: "As a lord, shouldn't he be responsible for protection? Or is it that the kingdom of elves has a special tradition that is completely different from the kingdom of humans?"

"No, Yeerlan didn't." Hilda Lanna was the first to jump out and retort, "The Crown Prince and the elders are elected by the people, so naturally they have to shoulder their responsibilities to the people."

"The patriarch of the clan also needs to consider everything for the clan!" Prince Pasteur also agreed.

Next, Master Tailun of Yin Erfaran and Elder Larian of Evereska also expressed similar views, that is, the status of the superior comes from the subordinates, and they need to be responsible to the subordinates.

This made Su Weilisi a little embarrassed. It has not been long since King Yinlisel changed his ruling thinking, so there is not much change at all. After all, top-down reforms always need to take care of the interests of all parties, and pull many parties. Come down, time is so consumed.

It can be said that the current Cormanthor is still the country with the most serious class solidification in the Northland.

On the contrary, lords and spellcasters like Netheril seem to be in an absolute dominant position, but this is just a class difference, not solidification. The bottom of Netheril has more or less opportunities to come into contact with magic, and genius is almost inevitable able to get ahead.

But it is almost impossible in the world of elves. No matter how talented the low-level people are, if they try their best to go to the Magic Academy, what they learn is likely to be just the work of a magic craftsman. If they want to ask to be a dog, they may not have a chance.

However, Xia Duo had no intention of embarrassing Comanso on this issue. He just expressed his views on the territory and the people.


"Everyone, regarding the use of war spells, I actually already have a relatively preliminary plan. More specifically, I plan to propose it at the Northland Alliance General Assembly in a while, and let the representatives of various countries discuss it. From this, a resolution will be formed, subject to the order of the Northland Alliance. Assure."

After a pause, I gave the emissaries a little time to react, and then continued: "But since you have come here today, I can give you a statement—

"Whether it is now or in the future, no matter how far the Great Xia Territory and the Tower of Time under my leadership develop, they will never seek hegemony, expand, seek spheres of influence, or engage in an arms race.

"I will unswervingly continue to be a builder of peace in the Northland and even the entire main plane, a contributor to development, and a defender of international order."

Xia Duo's words were resounding, and the envoys couldn't help being moved. If the identities of the two parties were reversed, they were in the situation Xia Duo was in at this time. They thought they couldn't say such words, and they were unwilling to even pretend.

"Lord Xiaduo, you are the most special person I've ever met! If you have time to come to the Underdark, I'll treat you to a drink. I have a very large collection of fine wines. You may not care about the surface wine, but you must definitely drink the radiation wine in the Underdark. I haven’t sung it, and there are even fine wines brought back from other planes by my people who like to travel, I promise you will have a good drink!”

Wine can be said to be one of the most important things throughout a dwarf's life. To get a dwarf to share his collection of fine wine is definitely the expression of the other party's highest sincerity.

Xia Duo nodded, saying yes, at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Niya who was silently watching him at the edge of the square. After all, this guy didn't come to make trouble.

But being stared at by Niya, he has no interest in continuing the conversation. While those elf messengers were still thinking, UU read www. He decisively interrupted the other party's thinking, and was about to see off the guest:

"The hidden danger of consciousness caused by Zamdas's attack is still there, so I will not continue to accompany you. If you are interested in the floating city, you can tell my friend Polly that he will show you some non-core areas. I hope you can understand."

"If Lord Xiaduo feels unwell, please go to rest first. We won't bother this mage Polly. The country is still waiting for me to go back and report the results of this trip!"

Several elf envoys insisted on leaving, but the dwarf prince stayed, and said: "I have a hunch that with Lord Xiaduo in the North, he may embark on a road that he never imagined. If Lord Xiaduo needs help, Please feel free to speak up, I can't guarantee that Danzuo will be able to solve your hidden dangers, but the Red Copper Clan I belong to will definitely do its best."

"Thank you Prince Pasteur for your kindness, but I already have a general idea about the hidden dangers in my consciousness, and it should be resolved soon. I think we will meet again in Evereska soon, excuse me .”

Talking to Prince Pasteur, Xia Duo looked at Savile again, "Then I will trouble you here."

"Go, I will send some elf messengers away first, and then I will accompany Prince Pasteur to visit the floating city."

Of course, Saville understands Xia Duo's thoughts. To put it bluntly, he is worried about such high-ranking mages, and it is best to keep them under his nose.

As for the dwarves, there is no need to worry too much. The magic system of the dwarves is too different from that of the Nether magic system and the elf magic system. Even if the entire floating city is dismantled and placed in front of the dwarf mage, the other party may not be able to understand it.