Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2170: soothe emotions, demagoguery

In this state, Xia Duo has two choices next.

One is to indulge those raging emotions. After all, he is not performing a longevity ritual and needs to strip his soul. He is only temporarily solidifying his soul. The link between soul and body will not be interrupted, so there is no need to worry about subsequent rituals Hidden danger.

The other is to use rationality to resolve those strange emotions and palpitations one by one. The most extreme case is to let reason completely dominate emotions and become a state similar to that of Sandro at the beginning.

Xia Duo undoubtedly chose the latter.

Even if there is no hidden danger, even if it is only a temporary indulgence, he will not take it. He has already achieved the "careful independence" mentioned by the sages in his hometown.

However, he will not learn from Sandro to let rationality have the absolute upper hand. The existence of some emotions is the basis of human existence, such as emotions within the normal range.

Anyway, he is not performing a longevity ceremony, and omitting certain emotions may become a flaw that will be exploited in the countless years of longevity in the future.

In fact, if someone can find a flaw in his emotions or rationality, he is also willing to be used. For example, if someone does good deeds every day to win his favor, then he is willing to give him such favor.

Or if someone does bad things every day to irritate him, then he will also give the other party malice.

If you lose your emotions, you will lose a large part of your judgment on the outside world, so even if there may be some hidden dangers in doing so, he will not stop doing it.

Xia Duo is no stranger to the process of resolving emotions. In fact, it is his daily meditation training, but this time because he is solidifying his soul, many emotions that would never appear under normal circumstances appear out of thin air.

Those are the places that he needs to pay special attention to, such as a violent urge to destroy the world. Under normal circumstances, he does occasionally think of this possibility, but when this possibility does not even meet the emotional standard, it is caught by him. Nipped in the bud.

Now, because of the abnormal emotions when solidifying the soul, these world-destructive impulses, or other emotions that should not have become extremely frequent and difficult to deal with.

It was also fortunate that before he was attacked by Zamdas Illusion Master, he basically did meditation training every day. Counting the time in the projection plane, it lasted for more than ten years. Otherwise, it would not be easy for him to pass this level alone.

"Sure enough, fate favors those who work hard!"

Xia Duo felt emotional in his heart, but the process of solidifying the soul did not stop. As the solidification of the soul exceeded a certain limit, the dark red silk thread that was originally wrapped around the soul began to "open its teeth and claws" crazily.

It seems to be the last flashback. As for its performance on the conscious level, Xia Duo can't see it because he is still maintaining the spell, but it can also be imagined that it should have reached the last crazy moment if there is no accident.

As for himself, when his soul solidified beyond a certain limit, Xia Duo obviously felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more clear and sensitive, and even his memory of the past became clear and vivid.

It is different from the active ability of retrospective memory, which requires active mobilization of blood vessels, but to maintain a clear perception of the past at all times, which is basically a passive ability of photographic memory.

Experienced such an ability for the first time, Xia Duo felt novelty, but also felt a little worried. If everything in the past seems like yesterday, it may not be a burden.

Perhaps only those with solidified personalities can easily control such a state, or those with a nearly infinite breadth of thinking can control it. It may be best for a mortal like him to be able to forget the past.

Of course, Xia Duo's situation is somewhat different from that of ordinary mortals. He can trace his memory, which not only has the benefits of forgetting, but also has the effect of near-photographic memory, without having to bear unnecessary burdens for it.

As the solidification of the soul continued, when reaching another boundary, Xia Duo felt that the perception had also broken through a certain boundary, and suddenly felt that the whole world became extremely noisy.

But under the processing of this incomparably powerful consciousness, every foreign sound has been treated almost 100%, and when he discerned the true content of those sounds, he was moved.

Those voices were nothing else, but conversations that mentioned his name sentence by sentence. He also experienced this feeling briefly when he was an advanced Arcanist, but at that time because he hadn't spread much fame, he listened to it. There is actually very little content.

But now, because of the Floating Void City, his name has almost spread throughout the main plane, and even the puppet country Imaska ​​he planned to go to has many people talking about him.

And because the solidification of the soul is still going on, this special state of perception can also be maintained.

"It's just—"

Although he had experienced it briefly earlier, it was more like a detection feedback on his name before, but this time it felt really different to him.

This reminded him of the "universal real person" in the legend of his hometown. If he was in the world of cultivating immortals, then he might be able to claim that he had cultivated into the true fruit of the earth immortal.

It's really outrageous. The most exaggerated thing is that there is so much dense sound information, and there is no confusion under the powerful conscious processing. The so-called "noisy" is just Xia Duo's description of the sound from the perspective of the past.

"Is this the same for those who obtained longevity through soul-solidification rituals?"

The answer is obviously yes, Xia Duo is in a state of photographic memory at the moment, and he has received a reminder from the princess from Niya long ago, saying that he should not casually mention the name of Archmage Sandro.

Later, he confirmed that Sandro could perceive the sound and even the scene that mentioned his name. Vader Arcanist, who had a grudge with Shador before, also had a similar ability, but it is said that the one who used the scouting circle Achievement, rather than its own ability.

Furthermore, it is the gods who have this ability. Sandro's perception cannot go beyond the original plane, but the gods can perceive all information in their own domain from the distant outer plane.

Even outside the as long as the names of the gods are mentioned, they can still be perceived by them. Only a strong avoidance detection protection can block such perception.

The Northland Alliance's Magic Restriction Treaty is based on divine arts. Most large-scale magical activities cannot escape God's perception. Even if they can be blocked, as long as the cost is greater than the super-magic fine, there is not much use for it.

And what caused all of this is probably just the most inconspicuous passive ability of the elf gods, which is really terrifying when you think about it.

When Xia Duo first crossed over, he often had the mentality of "he can be replaced" to the gods of the magical world, but as he deepened in the field of magic, his awe of the gods became more and more obvious.

Of course, now he is not "he can be replaced", but "a man should be like this", he believes that sooner or later he will be able to stand alongside the gods.

And because of the path he chose, it is likely that a bunch of people will stand together~

(end of this chapter)