Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2203: Treaty signing, elitism

Nether, 839, February 4.

This is a day worthy of being remembered by history. Representatives from various countries of the Northland Alliance gathered in Evereska. After nearly a month of consultations and negotiations, they finally reached a consensus on the issue of restricting war spells today.

At noon, the bright but slightly indifferent sunlight swept over the faces of every witness in Shuguang Square. Although the temperature was lacking, the flames of excitement had already ignited in the hearts of every witness.

As the current speaker Engel read out the specific articles of the treaty restricting the magic of war, excited cheers erupted in the square from time to time. Although most of them were local residents of Evereska, they came from other countries. There are not a few.

The content of the treaty differs only in some details from what Xia Duo had imagined before. In general, his idea is almost extended. In summary, there are two main points—

One is that each country has the right to protect itself, so the development of war magic is not affected by this treaty.

The second is that war spells have too much influence, and can only be used externally when the country is in crisis of survival, and it must be investigated by the relevant agencies of the Northern Alliance afterwards.

The punishment for violating the treaty can be summed up in two points—

One is that there are no serious consequences. The remaining countries of the Northland Alliance jointly initiated sanctions to restrict non-violent sanctions such as personnel movement and trade exchanges among countries that violated the treaty.

If serious consequences are caused, in addition to non-forced sanctions, direct personal sanctions will be imposed on the relevant responsible persons.

In general, unless it is because they don't want to hang out in the North, anyone should think carefully about the consequences before using war spells.

When all the terms of the treaty were read out, the ceremony of the covenant also reached a critical point. At this moment, the invisible Northland Alliance fan lock even stood out and appeared in front of the witnesses.

It was a huge structure made up of magic net strings that covered almost infinite distances up, down, left, and right. It looked like a magic net, but it was more organized and orderly than the magic net.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the Evereska residents present were reddened, and many elves even cried aloud, because the important facility of the Northern Alliance in front of them was the sacrifice of an Evereska elder.

Myths are the highest skill expression in elf magic. Most elf mages are eager to create a new myxo independently one day, but only a very few elf mages have the opportunity to realize this dream.

So there is the practice or tradition of creating mythals at the expense of oneself. For the choice of some elf mages, their family and friends may be able to understand, but ordinary elves feel more regretful.

Xia Duo is incarnated here at this moment, and he can't help but feel sorry for the manifestation of Misuo. He really doesn't know how to evaluate this kind of practice of using his life to carve a work.

Perhaps this is the commonality of ideals, which always allow individuals of different races and cultures to choose to sacrifice for it.

As the specific content related to the treaty was "written" into the fanlock, all the witnesses in the Dawn Square almost unanimously burst into excited cheers.

Xia Duo is also a little emotional at the moment. Although he is not sure how effective the implementation of the treaty restricting war magic is, as long as it starts, the future will always get better and better.

Without using war spells, only using conventional spells, the war between the two countries may last for dozens or hundreds of years, and it is also beneficial to the defender. Such a long buffer period is enough for the Northern Alliance to intervene to stop or punish it.

It can be said that the signing of the Treaty Restricting War Spells has basically established the peaceful and stable situation of the Northland Alliance for tens, hundreds, or even thousands of years in the future!

Of course, Xia Duo is not only happy about the future. Not long ago, during the last negotiation between the representatives of various countries, Badigal announced in public—

The Great Xia Territory and its subordinate territories are an important part of Netheril. Any attack on the Great Xia Territory will be regarded as a threat and provocation to Netheril. For this reason, he will give Xia Duo the power to use war spells to fight back .

For such a statement, some people may understand it as compensation for Xia Duo who is also limited, but if

It would be a little superficial to really understand it this way, but it was essentially an advance authorization for Xia Duo to use war spells.

The existence of the Floating Void City is already obvious. Xia Duo driving the Floating Void City around is a kind of deterrent in itself. Once attacked, can he not fight back?

But this is obviously not the survival crisis mentioned in the treaty restricting war. Once Xia Duo uses the floating city, will the Northern Alliance impose sanctions?

Sanction who? Netheril or a floating city that can almost be used as a war spell?

But if the Floating City is understood as an attached mobile territory, and the attack on the Floating City is regarded as a threat and provocation to Netheril, then in this case, the use of war spells itself does not exist too much Disputed.

Xia Duo speculates that the Seven Towers may think that it is impossible for him to be really restrained, and that it is better to authorize in advance than trouble afterwards, and the Seven Towers probably do not want to give up the powerful deterrent weapon that exists in the Floating Void City.

It’s just that with the Seven Towers doing this, Xia Duo feels that in the future, all countries may have to build floating cities, otherwise they will drive the floating city equipped with war magic to your door, and if they accidentally shoot their guns and misfire, they will directly threaten each other Territory, dry up with war spells.

Some want to build, and some want more to build a greater strategic advantage. Isn't this an arms race!

At the banquet after the covenant ceremony, Xia Duo couldn't help complaining that Badigal didn't discuss with him in advance, and pushed the floating city to the forefront.

Although today is just a small statement to avoid risks in advance, it may be the beginning of a new round of arms race in the Northland!

Regarding Xia Duo's worries, Badigal was quite optimistic, which made Xia Duo a little confused. After careful questioning, the other party said:

"Your Excellency Yoon Aurem has shared Mythra-related technology with the Seven Towers!"


Xia Duo was He was aware of this matter itself, but he didn't know the specific time, and Yin Aureum also said that he would not give the latest Mithra technology, and now he finally gave it, Xia Duo I can't help being a little disappointed.

It’s just that his disappointment is not entirely because Yin Aureum gave Mythra’s technology to the Seven Towers, but more because of the Seven Towers. Badigal’s introduction of the floating city can indeed be understood as avoiding Xia Duo’s use in advance The default risk of floating city.

But isn't this a sign that the Seven Towers want to arrange the floating city in advance to obtain the unique status of the Northland?

Xia Duo has always been unafraid to speculate on the Naishi superiors of the current era with the greatest malice, although there are some who seem to be more in line with modern moral concepts, such as the princess before ascending to the gods.

But the set of behaviors that seem to be more in line with the moral concepts of modern people, the logic behind them is completely different from the modern people-oriented thinking.

"The lord protects the lord, and the lord supports the lord" seems reasonable, but after peeling off the layers of camouflage, what is finally revealed is - "elitism"!

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