Arcane Lord

v2 Chapter 2211: ideal ratio

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the improvement of survival efficiency.

In addition to bringing about an increase in demand, the advancement of technology will also greatly promote the development of productivity, and the increase in production efficiency is also predictable.

However, when the source of mithril has not changed fundamentally, the impact of production efficiency on the price is not particularly large, so it is reasonable to find a way to open source.

After negotiating the price and payment method with Cliff, Xia Duo's trip to Cliff's collar was successfully completed, and then he did not go to other territories, but returned to the floating city to prepare for the delivery.

He and Cliff agreed to pay 30,000 pounds of standard Mithril in three installments, 10,000 at a time, with an interval of one year, and the first time was a week later.

It was also on that day that Xiaduo would deliver Mythra and related supporting facilities to the other party, along with the manufacturing blueprint of Mythra's main body.

One week is still relatively sufficient for delivery, and this is Xia Duo. If it is someone else, there is no ready-made Mythra to disassemble.

It is definitely too late to do it now, even if there are many people to help, it is impossible. Nearly a million elements are involved, and the nature of the work is more similar to pure handcrafting. More people will increase the risk of errors.

Currently, there are two complete Mythra installations in the floating city, one is in the central control area, which provides energy for the flight control system, and the other is in the research area, which was originally used for the internal facilities of the floating city.

But now, he had to give it to Cliff first. Even if the 20 million price was deducted for the share that was given to Yin Aureum, he could earn at least half of it, which was about 10 million.

It's almost like a floating city (version with incomplete facilities), and the money has come back. Why doesn't he sell it!

He'd be more than happy to sell more if there were more Mythra finished.

In fact, Xia Duo is already a little annoyed now. It's not that he doesn't have a third Mythra, but he only went to the "construction site" for a while before when he was free or when he changed his mood.

If he had known that the Seven Towers had obtained Mythra so quickly, he would definitely have worked overtime to drive out a few Mythra devices, not for anything else, just because the money was coming in so fast.

A net profit of 10 million would have taken at least a hundred years to accumulate in the previous Tower of Time (including Savile Territory), and even the current Tower of Time would take at least seven or eight years to accumulate.

And what about making Mythra for sale?

If you work hard like **** screws in a factory, you can barely make one in a month, and the profit of one is 10 million, which is much faster than mining Mithril mines!

It's a pity that Mythra's market is too limited, because only grand arcanists are qualified to guarantee not to disclose related secrets.

And Netheril's great arcanists are very limited, even if you add the hidden ones in the seven towers and the ones that have never been exposed by the people (this possibility is extremely small), it will definitely not exceed one hundred.

In fact, Xia Duo roughly estimated that there are currently a total of nineteen people on the bright side of Netheril, and each of the seven towers may hide at least three people, that is, 21, and it is impossible for the folks to hide more than three people.

That's a total of 43 people.

If one Grand Arcanist guarantees two Mythra devices on average, the entire Mythrae market in Netheril is less than a hundred!

Of course, this is from Xia Duo's point of view. In fact, a hundred Mythra devices, in the eyes of a normal Nether mage, is already an unimaginably huge market.

But not every great arcanist can take out 20 million gold coins on his own, and he still needs to find his own vassals and wings to borrow and raise, which of course includes Xia Duo.

It’s just that he was able to build it himself, which saved most of the labor costs, but even so, the hundreds of thousands of odd material costs for the floating base of Mithra’s supporting facilities would still make him feel pained for a long time.

So Shadow's real estimate of Mythra's market should be—

For quite a period of time in the future, Netheril will not have more than twenty Mythra devices. "Ten" may be a more appropriate number, and this is also his prediction of Netheril in the foreseeable future. Forecast of the number of Riel Floating City.

In fact, according to Xia Duo's expectation of the proportion of casters in the magic civilization, the proportion of great arcanists should be between 0.1% and 5%.

Based on Netheril's current population of nearly 10 million, it would be between 10,000 and 500,000, and Arcanists should account for at least one-third, or about 3 million.

Although this is Xia Duo's expectation for a mature magic civilization, if such a ratio cannot be achieved, what qualifications does he have to call himself a "magic civilization"?

It is precisely because of looking forward to such a real magical civilization that Xia Duo cares so much about order and the long-term attributes of order itself.

If there are about 10,000 great arcanists in Netheril now, then there must be more arcanists below, and Shaduo doesn't have to worry about the lack of market for Mythra devices.

What else can't be digested by such a huge group of spellcasters!

After the avatar returned to the floating city, Xia Duo did not release it, but hibernated the main body, and transferred most of his consciousness to the avatar to act in the form of an avatar.

It's not that he doesn't want the main body anymore, but that the saint form incarnation is really easy to use. The saint form incarnation that created the Austrian Fire is almost a combination of a great arcanist and a high-ranking both the advantage of the

In addition, the creation of this avatar is not easy, of course Xia Duo will use it to death if he can use it!

The process of dismantling Mythra in the research area is not complicated. As early as the design stage of the floating city, Xia Duo had considered the overall renewal of Mythra. With the portable space, the demolition process can be said to be effortless.

After all, what is troublesome is the various aftermath work. Originally, the energy interfaces of the internal facilities of the floating city were all connected to Mythra in the research area. Now that the energy center here has no energy, it can only be temporarily connected to the central control area. Misera.

Xia Duo had also considered this problem during the design, but what he thought at the time was that the four subsidiary energy centers had been paralyzed by the enemy, so he could only use the main energy center in the central control area for the time being.

Or conversely, the central control area is temporarily on strike, and can only be used on the top of the subsidiary energy center. These are all pre-planned, but the problem is that the pre-plan is behind because it needs to consume a lot of mithril and gold. Haven't had time to build yet!

So Xia Duo could only temporarily change the construction direction of the magic mechanic department, and first complete the central energy guide network in the plan. The project itself is not difficult to construct, the only difficulty is that it needs to consume a lot of resources.

At present, all the engineering and manufacturing of the Tower of Time are planned and budgeted. The main basis is the resource acquisition speed of the Tower of Time. Now the temporary change of the plan involves all aspects. up.

If it weren't for Cliff's 10,000 pounds of Mithril as a base a week later, Xia Duo would definitely not be able to act like this. As for now, it's just sprinkled water.

Only at the moment of making a decision, I felt a little distressed, and then I didn't feel it at all, and even thought about whether to advance some follow-up plans.