Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2299: All or nothing, the Prophet responds

After thinking about it, Xia Duo had already made his own choice, and then he began to ask Buso Ganglais for specific operational details:

"What are you going to do next? Go back to Inupuras? Or what?"

"No, I'll just stay here. I'll let Senid send a message to the elders on Inupuras' side for me, and then just wait for the prophet's response."

"Senid? Can he contact the elder?"

"Every settlement has elders, not necessarily elders who pass on knowledge and skills on the surface, but elders who inherit the free will of the Mulan people, resist the plan, and can contact the prophet."

"I see."

Xia Duo guessed right before that the Muran people did have a hidden organizational context that connected all the Muran people together, and then he confirmed to Senid:

"Do you think Elder Busso Ganglais' plan is feasible?"

"I don't know, but if I say something strange in the gathering, it should attract the attention of the elders."

"That's it. I will let you go to the Muran settlement on the Inupuras side in the name of selecting slaves. How to handle it is up to you."

Xia Duo gave Senid full trust, because he had nothing to do with it. It was the Mulan people who were trying to find a way to seek salvation. He only extended a helping hand when he saw a little benefit.

He really couldn't think of any reason for Senid to stop him.

Of course, Xia Duo also confirmed Sened's true thoughts in the Lingsi network, which is consistent with his consciousness, and he didn't try to think of new tricks out of pretense.

Next, Senid and Buso Ganglais continued to discuss some possible situations and how to deal with them when returning to the settlement, and then Xia Duo took Senid back to Inupuras.

outside temporary accommodation.

"Jim tax officer, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm going to trouble you again."

Xia Duo handed Senid to Jam who came after hearing the news, and put forward his idea of ​​wanting to buy more slaves, and Senid was his spokesperson, representing him to select some potential slaves.

In this regard, Jam did not refuse. Before he came, he received a subpoena from Xia Duo, and he had already consulted his superiors about the content of it. He came here only after he got a positive answer. This trip was just a formality.

"Master Athos, don't worry, I will take care of this little thing for you!"


Seeing the figures of Jam and Senid gradually disappearing, Xia Duo did not return to the temporary residence, but went to the Purple Star Tower to meet Prince Aben. At present, the Mulan slaves on the side of Inupuras have been concentrated In one place, it will be very convenient for Senid to pass on information and his subsequent purchases.

Moreover, Inupuras still did not disperse those Mulan people even though he did not expressly stated that he would not buy it. It is hard to say that this is not the sincerity and expectation of Prince Aben.

Xia Duo would of course express his thanks in person and bid farewell to the other party.

After all, I stayed these few days at the strong invitation of Prince Aben, and received a particularly grand reception in the past few days, and now I am leaving, it is not good not to say anything.

Declining Guleben's company, Xia Duo walked from the temporary residence to the Purple Star Tower alone. Although he had been here many times before, he would have new insights and insights every time.

He felt that he couldn't get enough of this miracle of creation.

Of course, this is mainly because he knows too little about the magic of creation, and it is difficult to understand the principles of it. You can only rely on the displayed reality to reverse the possible principles, technologies, and even the designer's mind behind it, and so on.

The meeting with Prince Aben went very smoothly, and he took the initiative to inform Percher of the current location of the magic ship and the upcoming itinerary:

"If Mage Athos leaves within two days, he can go to Dolan City. Director Percher and his subordinates are there. If they leave in two days, they can go directly to the Pawa Valley, where they will garrison with the local troops. Trade for three days."

As for the use of the Purple Star Center, Prince Aben also gave a clear answer, as long as Xia Duo used it in the past, he could use it at any time, but he raised a question that made Xia Duo a little embarrassed—

"There is a lot of folding space above your scepter, it may be difficult to pass through the plane channel."

Based on Xia Duo's understanding of this question, it is difficult to judge whether it is true or not, because in his opinion, it is really difficult for the floating city that has undergone space transformation to pass through ordinary portals, but Imaska's space technology cannot see it. In the end, it's hard to say yes or no.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo didn't respond in person, but said to think about it again. He didn't hide his interest in the Purple Star Center, but the Floating Void City was a problem.

After leaving the Purple Star Tower, Xia Duo returned to the temporary residence, then entered the Floating Void City to discuss the matter with Niya and others, and finally decided that Niya would drive the Floating Void City to catch up in the normal space.

Xia Duo himself used his incarnation to experience the Purple Star Center. Although he is still not very proficient in creating [Schilling's saint form incarnation], he needs to substitute it into Schilling's memory, and then clean up the ritual pollution, but it is better than the physical body. , this trouble is completely negligible.

After making the decision, Xia Duo felt a lot more relaxed, and now he is waiting for news from Seinide.

A day later, Senid returned to Floating Void City, and Buso Ganglais interpreted the replies from the elders of the settlement, and Xia Duo was also present to observe simultaneously.

After a while, Buso Ganglais told Xia Duo with a happy face, "My lord, the prophet has agreed to my request. Next, he will arrange a specific road map. My lord only needs to go to each city in turn according to the road map. Bring back those who preserve the artisan heritage."

"Is that so?"

Xia Duo was thoughtful. To be able to transfer the inheritance in this way, either the settlements in those cities themselves had people who preserved the artisan inheritance, or all of this was arranged by the prophet.

The relevant personnel are not in those specific cities, but have been temporarily transferred there. If this is the case, the influence of the Prophet or the Mulan people on Imasca may be much greater than he imagined!

Although slaves are in charge of slaves, the cooperation of the Imasca people is definitely needed to ensure that there are no accidents in the transfer of personnel. Whether it is active or passive, it shows the influence of the Mulan people.

"Did the prophet say where the first city was?"

Xia Duo actually knew the answer to this question, UU Read Book, but he didn't want to show too much, there must be room for Mulan people to play.

To this, Buso Ganglais immediately replied: "It's in Inupuras! It's just that the prophet didn't say who the inheritance is on. He only said that if more than 2,000 people were rescued, the inheritors would show up on their own.

"At that time, adults will not only be able to verify the authenticity of the inheritance, but also get which city to go to next."

"As long as there are more than 2,000 people, must the inheritors be included?"

"Yes, the Prophet said so, and I believe he has no reason to deceive Your Excellency."

"Then try it!"

Although he photographed Seinide to check the situation before, but this time Xia Duo decided to pick someone in person. He wants to see what means the so-called prophet can use to ensure that more than 2,000 people must have inheritors!

(end of this chapter)

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