Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2351: teach new magic

Sure enough, when Xia Duo mentioned that the new magic might solve the blood problem of the demons and was easy to learn, Inster Doug showed a heart-beating expression, but he was still very puzzled about the Austrian fire:

"Then what is that thing you just created?"

"The one I called just now [Austrian Fire] is also an attempt of mine. I didn't expect it to succeed once. You can regard it as the core element of this new magic I discovered."

Xia Duo briefly described the nature of the Austrian Fire. Unexpectedly, Inster Doug's breathing became a little short, and he quickly asked Xia Duo: "You mean that each of our clansmen may create and control a miniature magic net?" ?”

"You can understand it that way, but in my opinion, it's just a tool to discover the world and explore the truth. If more people from the tribe participate in the research together, the bloodline puzzle may be solved soon."

"hope so."

Although Inster Doug was looking forward to Xia Duo's new magic, he didn't have much hope that the new magic could solve the blood problem of the demons.

After all, it has been at least two thousand years since the appearance of the demons. During this period, I don’t know how many elf mages have studied this field, but until now they have not been able to draw any useful conclusions.

Either completely clear the bloodline, or solve the hidden danger of the bloodline, but if any of these are solved, the demon tribe will not be what it is now.

At this moment, Xia Duo could also see that Inster Doug was a little interested in the new magic but didn't have much confidence, but this is not a big problem, it's better than rejecting it regardless of it when it comes up.

Perhaps this is the benefit brought by the status of a demon who has been belittled and discriminated against for more than two thousand years!

In a normal elf society, it would not be so easy to promote the Arcanist system. Even if you demonstrate the magic of Arcane Fire in person, you may only be treated as an inferior toy by arrogant elf mages.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo had another thought. He stopped Yinsterdaoge and told him the elements of [Light Art], and he only explained it for the first time, and Yinsterdaoge cast the spell came out, and kept praising:

"It's really simple, without any difficulty, I think all of us can learn it!"

Although it is just a [Light Art] that looks very inconspicuous during the day, it contains the most critical feature of this new magic that is different from traditional elf magic—

There is no need to consider the magic net affinity!

In other words, it is possible for any demon descendant to master this new magic in a short period of time. If it is supplemented with research ideas within the new magic system, it may soon form a wave of research by the whole people.

If this is the case, perhaps it is really possible to solve the blood problem with this new magic.

At this moment, Insterdoug looked at Xia Duo's new magic no longer as a novelty as before, but really regarded it as a very serious way out to solve the problem of racial blood!

"Maruen tell me again! What other spells did you think of?"

"Let me think about it—"

In fact, Xia Duo didn't need to think about it. He just needed to refer to his apprenticeship learning track to come up with the corresponding spells. However, there were so many apprentice-level spells, so he decided to start with the [Mage's Hand] of the transformation department.

This can be said to be the most commonly used spell by all Nether mages—no one, from the simplest moving small items such as paper tableware, to the floating spell that allows oneself to float, to the flying spell that freely traverses the sky, the source is the mage hand.

The reason why this spell is classified as the transformation system is because it does not create an energyized specific "hand" to hold and grab objects, but manipulates the object itself.

Because it is commonly used and because there are many follow-up expansions, Xia Duo chose to start with it. Under his narration—without even demonstrating it himself, Eastwood learned it directly based on his understanding of the elements of casting spells!

During this process, Xia Duo discovered that elves (in the magic system) mages have an extra advantage in learning color-resistant magic, because elf magic focuses more on the affinity with the magic net, which makes them backlash when they make mistakes in casting color-resistant spells smaller.

It is almost equivalent to adding a secondary spell to stabilize the field with you!

On the other hand, when Nether magic learns elf magic, it does what it should. How many years does it take for an elf mage to get started, and how many years does it take for a human to get started, and the subsequent growth rate is almost completely based on the elf's growth rate.

That is to say—even the most talented human beings will need at least two or three hundred years to reach the pinnacle of personal achievement in this system!

The elves wait for this time, but humans may not. This is probably the reason why the Nethers finally chose to give up the magic of the elves. Even if there is no Nether scroll, they will still have to part ways in the end.

The biggest reason why the elves didn't choose to learn Nether magic is probably the tradition - there is no need for the upper class to learn it, and there is no way for the lower class to learn it, or if they are found out, they will be punished for breaking the tradition.

But with the growth of Netheril, the elves on the main plane will sooner or later realize the simplicity and quickness of Netheril magic, but they don't know if they will open this magic system to the bottom at that time.

Xia Duo was looking forward to it, but he didn't worry too much. He knew very well that the upper elves would not easily switch the magic system, because that would mean that the legacy left by many ancestors would be invalidated.

And if the lower level learns the fast Nai color magic, will it reverse the life of the upper level? After all, it has been suppressed for countless years, and it may have accumulated endless resentment, but it was just that it was powerless to resist in the past.

At present, the projected plane, the devil seems to be playing the role of the desperate man who wants to master his destiny quickly. The emergence of Nether magic may bring this plane to a place that neither the pure blood elves nor the devil have ever imagined. reverse.

After teaching Inster Doug [Fly], Xia Duo stopped teaching one by one. Even if Inster Doug learned quickly, one-on-one teaching would always be inefficient. He had already started preparing He taught Nether magic to all the demons and the wild elves gathered on the road. UU Reading

"Inster Doug, in the next few days I will make a new magic enlightenment scroll for all the clansmen, you can come and help me refer to it together."

"Yes, do you want to call other mages or elders?"

"No, just the two of us."

In fact, Xia Duo didn't want to waste his precious labor. He felt that it was a waste to have one more Inster Doug. Change, remove some sensitive elements and then use it directly.

The reason why Yinst Doug was called was because of his high status as a high-ranking mage. After all, if a new magic system is to be implemented, there must be someone with weight to endorse it!

Inster Doug is the candidate he chose, young, unlike those elders who seem to respect him, but in fact are unpredictable, after all, he is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years, Xia Duo worried that he would not be able to grasp it.