Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2439: Perceived Timeline

With regard to prophecy spells, Xia Duo used to be extremely negative, and didn't even think that this kind of technology really existed, but after a lot of experience, countless facts told him that the authenticity of prophecy spells cannot be questioned.

It's just that it's one thing to be able to predict, but it's another thing to be able to predict accurately. In fact, anyone can make judgments about the future based on their own experience and knowledge, even if they don't master the spell of prophecy.

This kind of judgment based on reason and experience may be more accurate!

But in any case, after confirming that prophecy is different from conventional scrying spells, Xia Duo very much wanted to obtain his own prophecy inheritance.

In [Projection Plane Evereska Independence], he had found clues to prophecy spells, but he was limited by mobilizable resources and too few tradable chips, which made him miss the inheritance of prophecy.

But not long ago in [Projection Plane Red Heart Alliance], he got the inheritance of prophecy that he couldn't ask for before almost without paying any price. It has to be said that fate is sometimes so bizarre.

Since his return from the Red Heart Alliance, he has made various preparations for the prophecy, the most important of which is the mark of the present world, or the anchor point.

Since the purpose of prophecy is to peek into the future, what is the future?

A definition is definitely needed, which is the so-called "marker" and "anchor point".

In the laboratory of the headquarters of the Austrian Law Federation.

Xia Duo took out an altar with a width of about one meter from the portable space and used gold and fine gold as the base. The surface was carved with a large number of complicated but orderly fine grooves, filled with high-purity mithril as an energy-conducting material.

Originally in the Red Heart Alliance, this part could directly call the specific components of the Alliance Fanlock, but on the main plane, there is no Red Heart Alliance, let alone a ready-made Alliance Fanlock, so Xia Duo needs to prepare these by himself.

In the past few days after returning from the Red Heart Alliance, he has been mainly busy with two things. One is the new city plan, including the design of the spellcasting ceremony of the new floating city, and the official completion of the [World Incubator] that was previously arranged in front of the projection space.

Another thing is the preparation for the prophecy ceremony.

In fact, these two things correspond to the same goal, which is the threat of demons, but the angle of entry is different.

In the laboratory, Xia Duo took out the earthly anchor altar necessary for the prophecy ceremony and placed it properly, and after a brief inspection, he activated it directly.

In a sense, the anchor point altar in the present world is actually the same thing as the receiving magic circle used by the eternal holy spirit of the astral world to descend on the material plane!

Or to put it another way, Xia Duo had actually been exposed to prophecy spells a long time ago, but he might not have thought of that at the time.

The matter still starts from the time when King Akola asked Netheril for help. Xia Duo was invited to prolong the life of King Akola, and he took the channel of the astral world.

At that time, he saw the evolution of the timeline in the astral world, and experienced the concept of time felt by the eternal holy spirit of the astral world from the first perspective, but at that time he only thought that he could use it to descend into the future, and he didn't think of using it for prophecy.

The reason for this is that the observation or perception at that time was very vague, and it was only possible to determine a certain possibility, but it was impossible to know what happened specifically.

Of course, he now understands what is going on. In the words of the Red Heart Alliance, it is "the uncertainty principle of the timeline", or to determine the state of the timeline. In layman's terms, it is the past, the present, or the future.

Either the historical details of a certain moment are determined, but it is impossible to determine whether this moment belongs to the past, present or future.

This is for the same prophecy, and an effective prophecy includes multiple specific prophecy behaviors, or multiple specific perception timeline behaviors.

You can first determine whether the past is present or the future, and the present anchor is born for this, and then perceive the details of the timeline at a limited moment. For the past, of course it is history.

For the future, there are infinite possibilities for the future.

There is no current moment, the present moment has been anchored, and it belongs to the concept of existence, which can only go forward or backward.

For past predictions or detections, Xia Duo didn't need to use this method, because there are many specific detection spells that can do this.

What divination spells really face is an infinite future, which is never possible with conventional scrying spells.

After everything was ready, Xia Duo took a deep breath and started his first prophesying action on the main plane. As the spell progressed, his perception penetrated the barrier of the material plane through the anchor altar in this world, and entered a silver void .

But at this time, he felt completely different from the usual feeling when he came to the star realm. At this moment, he seemed to be a complete outsider.

Even the occasional wind of the astral world could not cause any fluctuations in his spiritual consciousness that should have formed an entity in this special world.

To him at this moment, the countless mental storms with mixed thoughts are really as illusory as flowers in a mirror and moon in water.

Afterwards, Xia Duo began to trace back to the source of his consciousness, and the source projected by the anchor altar in this world became extremely clear at this moment, far surpassing the signal of the receiving magic circle that he was looking for when he went to Akola.

In pure conscious perception without any assistance, that point of source is like a spring that continuously spews out spring water.

Every drop of water is a possibility of the future, and that possibility continues to differentiate into countless possibilities, thus converging into a water surface that is constantly spreading outward.

If there is no inheritance of prophecy, this step is the limit of what most spellcasters can do. Perhaps some people with outstanding perception ability can perceive the vague direction of time passing from it.

That's how Xia Duo perceived it But now that he has obtained the prophecy inheritance, he can conduct more detailed observations and see more details.

At this moment, Xia Duo's consciousness—or attention, perception can be used—is divided into two parts, one part is in the astral world, in a special state of nothingness observation, and the other part is in the main plane, continuing the ritual.

As the ceremony progressed, the part of Xia Duo's perception projected to the astral world was quickly modulated. The next moment, the water-like timeline that could be perceived just now collapsed instantly, and countless broken pictures approached Xia Duo's perception.

For a moment, he couldn't even sustain the ceremony itself, he staggered and pushed back four or five steps, and didn't stop until he hit the experimental platform against the wall.


Xia Duo supported the laboratory table with one hand, rubbed the center of his eyebrows with the other, and panted heavily at the same time, until this moment he still had lingering fears.

On the one hand, a large number of broken future pictures flooded into perception at once, but his acceptance and processing speed was limited, and he felt overwhelmed.

On the other hand, those future pictures!