Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2489: news from the north

After Xia Duo operated Misuo to lock the main body of the fine gold, he didn’t need to worry about it anymore. In the next week, Misuo restructured the main structure of the new city, similar to adding fine gold materials to the Misuo brand “3D” printer.

When returning to the main plane, Xia Duo shared in the Lingsi network that the main body of the new city has been reconstructed. It is still the same sphere as Chang'an City, except that Chang'an City has azure stone main body, while Xincheng is a blue colored adamantine body.

"Why is it still a sphere? I heard that the New Sevington built by the Seven Towers is built on an upside-down mountain!"

"Has news of New Severton reached the south?"

"Of course, it may not have been so fast in the past, but now there is a portal on the Codex Square, and new recruits from Iolum. The news that this year's snowmelt competition will be held in New Severton has already reached us Here it is."

"All right!"

Xia Duo didn't expect that he stopped the Seven Towers from using the natural mountain in Severton, but his hometown seemed to be stolen. The high-level mages like the Tower of Time are obviously more interested in the floating city built by using the inverted mountain than in a ball .

how to say? Perhaps those huge mountains have such a powerful imagery that someone can chop off a section of it would be more difficult than using magic to create a giant spherical structure from scratch.

In fact, the difficulty of the two is not at the same level at all, not to mention the fine gold body, even the stone body of Chang'an City before, the technical content of its transformation spell is not weaker than that of directly intercepting the mountain.

It's just that people are always more inclined to agree with what they are familiar with and what they can see at a glance, but they ignore that technology is often hidden in the details.

As for the question of why the new city is still a sphere from the Tower of Time, Xia Duo once again gave his own explanation, which is different from his previous explanation of making full use of the internal space of Chang'an City. This time he explained it from the perspective of aesthetics and sustainable development —

"With the development of magic, we can do many things that we wanted to do but couldn't do in the past, and the floating city represents the concentrated expression of this idea or ability.

"As a result, many of our concepts have changed. In my opinion, every corner of our floating city is shaped by magic from scratch. Doesn't this better reflect the existence of magic?

"And a perfect sphere is very rare in nature, and it can even be said that it does not exist at all. Only when magic develops to a certain extent can we realize the uniqueness of the sphere, and it is possible to make such an existence that only existed in concepts before possible. appear in reality.

"Isn't this the best embodiment of our spellcasters' ideas and abilities beyond nature?

"The other thing is to consider it from a more practical point of view. We live in reality. What is the purpose of learning magic? To transform reality, right?

"But have you considered the consequences of transforming reality? In the long run, have you considered what is good and what is bad?

"The interception of mountain peaks, at least from my point of view, is of no use to the future. Instead, it greatly consumes natural resources such as mountain peaks that can only be bred for countless years.

"In addition, if you are worried that the structure of the sphere is too monotonous, this time the new city actually has the function of transformation, but it needs to be prepared a week in advance, and it can be transformed into anything you want.

"After the new city is completed, I will launch a vote inside the Tower of Time, and everyone will choose the city form they want to live in. Such a vote will be held every six months in the future, and the new form will last at least half a year.

"If there is something that everyone likes and yearns for, it won't be a problem if it lasts for many years."

Xia Duo drew a small picture for everyone. In fact, the transformation of the new city does not change as much as you want. It needs to be determined according to the internal infrastructure. It can be said that the more complete the internal infrastructure, the more fixed the variable form will be.

Although you can deliberately leave enough space for deformation, you can't do whatever you want.

However, with the foreshadowing of the past few years, everyone can probably choose the new city form they want. After a few years, when the education of most people in the territory is popularized, he will put the voting range in the entire territory.

With the right to decide the shape of the new city, no one is envious of the inverted mountain in New Severnton anymore. The inverted mountain looks very impactful, but can there be "customization" that is more exciting?

Back on the main plane, Xia Duo didn't keep everyone from the blue crystal plane. For him now, whether it's a sub-plane, a new floating city, or the secret method of transforming pure gold, it's all important. There is no such thing as "overstepping".

It's just that, whether it's people from the southern border such as Eberke and Gardner, or people from the mainland such as Anthony and Fisher, they all invariably did not continue to talk about the topic of the blue crystal plane.

In this regard, Xia Duo can let them go. Anyway, the new city will open to the main plane soon, and the floating city will appear out of thin air without warning twice in a row. I am afraid that no matter how dull the outsiders are, they will realize that he has mastered a sub-plane. plane.

As for the secret method of transforming pure gold, the main body of the new city is there. With such a large size, no one would think that it was obtained by him from a little bit of mining or searching for ruins!

Tower of Time.

Xia Duo didn't see Niya in the study, and he immediately understood that Nya's experiment was not over yet. When he went to the blue crystal plane, Niya went to the laboratory. Now that he came back, Niya was not over yet.

However, according to the progress estimated three days ago, it will only be a few days before Niya completes the final optimization of the communication fan lock. Now Xia Duo is a little worried about how to explain to Niya that she will come based on the fan lock she designed. A "major version update".

Does Niya think that she has done useless work, or that he has reservations before? In fact, when Xia Duo just returned from the projection plane of the Red Heart Alliance, he thought of explaining the follow-up update of the communication fan lock to Nya.

But at that time, he felt that once he said it, Niya might give up the plan she was working on now. The current plan has come to an end, and Niya has gathered too much effort, and it would be a pity to give up.

So it has been delayed until now, so that it is not easy to explain this Duo thought about it, and didn't think about how to speak, but at this moment, Severton called and interrupted him His deep thinking also allowed him to make a decision immediately, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, and he will say it when Niya finishes the project.

Thinking in this way, he had already stood up from the armchair, performed some operations on the projection window, and then connected to the communication from the north. When the image of Iolum with a tired face appeared on the projection window, Xia Duo hurriedly asked:

"Teacher, has the negotiation with the Seven Towers come to fruition?"

"We're still talking, but there are some things I think you need to know about."

"What's the situation?" Shadou noticed that Iolum's expression was a little hesitant, and subconsciously felt that something unexpected might have happened in the north.

Next, Iolum's answer really confirmed his guess, "In the past two days, the attitude of the Seven Towers has suddenly changed, and they proposed a somewhat special plan."

(end of this chapter)

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