Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2521: eve of celebration

Since the speed of the airship is much faster than the immature steam locomotives on the ground, this specially arranged airship trip did not go straight, but climbed up first, and did not slow down until it approached the height of the floating city Chang'an an upward trend.

"That is the Floating Void City that everyone transferred through teleportation. It seems small from the ground, but it is very spectacular when you get closer."

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Since the portal leading to the Codex Square was established, the Floating Void City is very, very rarely close to the ground. Even the locals have not been able to see it a few times, let alone these visitors from the sweet water plane.

The accompanying security guard introduced a few words, and the group of guests from the Tianshui plane screamed excitedly, not only because of the huge main body of the floating city suspended not far away, but also because of the airship brought by the airship rising to a high altitude and overlooking the ground. excitement.

If someone can see it from a farther perspective than the airship, the so-called giant airship is just a small invisible point in front of the floating city in the blue sky.

Actually, the distance between the airship and the floating city is quite far at this moment, but because the main body of the floating city has a diameter of more than 2 miles, which is far larger than the volume of any ground building, even if it is not really close, it can still bring people an extremely shocking effect The sense of oppression of the giant.

But in the high altitude, without the obstacles of the ground buildings and forests, the strong wind almost makes it impossible to breathe normally, but the excitement brought by this feeling is not worse than that brought by the floating city.

Fortunately, after the specially called giant airship reached a certain height, it only stayed for a moment before landing down amid the excited screams of the passengers, moving north while landing.

As the height decreases, looking down from the air, the wide and straight [Big Xia-Saville Passage] is like a straightedge imprinted heavily in the forest.

Although you can also feel the atmosphere of this road on the ground, it is more obvious in the air. Almost all the visitors from the sweet water plane who saw the whole picture of the [Great Xia-Saville Passage] couldn't help but praise it.

The only regret is that at this stage, there is only one passage connecting the Great Xia Territory and the Savile Territory in the north. On the east side of the southern passage, new villages with well-planned farmland and houses have appeared, and in the north, there are also similar villages. The plan, but after all, it has not been connected as a whole.

However, looking from the air, most people can still see Xia Duo's planning ideas in the southern border, which is to actively promote the integration of the two places, not only administratively, but also geographically.

Although it slowed down, the airship arrived at the town of Savile before the ground steam vehicle reached the northern end of the [Big Xia-Saville Passage], and landed on the top of the standard spire where the Tower of Time was originally located.

The so-called standard minaret is the same design blueprint as the No. 1 minaret built by Xia Duo to accommodate new apprentices, and the No. 2 minaret of the private mage tower built for Savile.

The design of this kind of mage tower is relatively simple. It was originally used as an anchor point for the floating platform outside the floating city. No. 1 and No. 2 are completely high-end, and the one placed on the side of Savile Town is the normal version.

But the normal version is to anchor the floating platform, so this mage tower can also be used as an air docking platform for the airship without falling to the ground.

When the airship approached, a regular square stone slab was squeezed out from the void, and it had a locking force. When the airship slightly reduced its power, it would automatically dock on the stone slab.

At the same time, a member of the Tower of Time wearing a robe also leaned up, docked with the security guards from the south, and went through a brief process before the passengers on the airship were allowed to disembark.

Then the mage tower released the lock on the airship, and then the slate fell to the ground with the passengers.

"Everyone, I will arrange for you to move freely in Savile Town. Remember that Savile Town is integrated with the Great Xia Territory, and you also need to follow the rules and regulations of the Great Xia Territory. After the Midsummer Celebration is over, I will arrange for you to return to Great Xia from the ground. Afterwards, transfer to the Floating Void City to Severton."

The accompanying security guard briefly explained the itinerary, and then handed over to the people from Savile Town, and handed over the guests from the sweet water plane to the people from Savile's side to receive them, and then left.

These security guards from the south are now on a half-vacation, and they need to regroup when the celebration resumes to maintain order in the central square.

And those visitors from the sweet water plane, when they learned that they could finally move freely, were all eager to try. The visit just now obviously couldn't satisfy their curiosity about the territory of the main plane.

Next, some of these people went to the central square to experience the lively atmosphere on the eve of the celebration with the locals, and some went to the trade area to inquire about the prices on the main plane, and they seemed to have a big plan.

Some went to look for the tavern where the legendary adventurers gathered. There were no adventurers in the Sweetwater plane, but the legend of adventurers was widely spread even in the Sweetwater plane, and places like taverns were the easiest to get news about.

Others immediately went to the temple to pray to the great Lord of Radiance.

The rest just follow the crowd, counting where they go, without a very clear goal, or these people want to see and understand everything.

Big summer collar.

Seeing that those visitors from the sweet water plane, especially the dozen or so lords, were keeping themselves safe, Xia Duo quickly looked away. Turned around and returned to the Tower of Time.

It happened that there was still a little time, Xia Duo decided to make some preparations for the subsequent research on blood inheritance. He had already planned the experimental ideas. Some experiments can be carried out immediately, and some experiments take a long time, so they need to be prepared in advance.

This part basically involves the isolation and preservation of the blood essence across planes. After Xia Duo separated a part of the blood essence from the main body, he stored them in the new floating city on the blue crystal plane.

This kind of thing can only be done by him himself, and if he entrusts it to others, one is worried, and the other is embarrassed.

When returning from the blue crystal plane, he also took a special look at the plane exploration center that was just established not long ago. Because of the construction of the new city of floating city and the later cooperation with Niya in building the communication fan lock, the plane exploration center only had The next two new mages are on duty, and almost none of the high-level mages are left.

In other words, almost all active detection work on the Plane Exploration Center has stopped now, and only the passive detection of the Plane Exploration Array continues.

The plane exploration array can only record limited detection data, and the two on-duty personnel exist to record, save, and organize those additional detection data, whether active or passive.

But obviously, the data collected by passive detection has almost no selectivity. Not only is it large in volume, but it is also difficult to analyze. It is far less selective than active detection, which can achieve targeted analysis.

The reason why Xia Duo still insists on recording and saving passive detection information is mainly because this part of information is very comprehensive. Although active detection is selective, once the thinking is wrong, the reference value of all data may plummet.

So the Plane Exploration Center has both kinds of data to focus on, not for a while.