Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2523: Imaskar Emissary

And on the other side, Severton.

In order to ensure that there would be no surprises in the Midsummer Celebration the next day, Badigal once again invited his follower Odis to inquire about the security of Offa Square, where the Covenant Ceremony will be held tomorrow.

"Is there any problem with the transformation of Offa Square?"

"no problem!"

Facing Badigal's inquiry, Odis said without hesitation:

"We completed the transformation three days ago, and all the technologies are the mature technologies of the Seven Towers. We have conducted a lot of tests on it in the past three days, and it is absolutely foolproof!"

"What do the security advisers of the Northland Alliance say? Did they also participate in the test?" Badigal asked again.

Because of the assassination of Shaduo not long ago, the Seven Towers were very sensitive to the attack of the demons, but Netheril itself did not have much accumulation on the issue of the demons, so Badigal chose to ask the Northern Alliance for help.

The so-called security consultants are actually experts from the Demonic Intelligence Analysis Laboratory, an institution specially established by the Northland Alliance to deal with the increasingly serious problem of the Demonic descendants.

Netheril also sent people to form this brand new organization, and this time, at the request of Netheril, the Demonic Intelligence Office specially dispatched a group of experts who have deep research on demonic and magical energy The security advisor for the signing of the Netheril New Covenant.

When referring to those experts, Otis did not hide his approval, and he did not shy away from the role of those experts when reporting. He told Badigal:

"The security consultant of the Buddy Alliance gave us many valuable suggestions during the renovation of the square, and even participated in the subsequent test.

"The technology of the Seven Towers itself is not a big problem. It's just that we knew too little about the demons in the past. After being reminded by those security consultants, we have now initially established an early warning system for the demons and encountering demons. defense counter system.

"These experiences can not only be used in today's celebration, but also can be used in the reconstruction of the Severton Mystery or the transformation of the protection system in the future."

"very good!"

Badigal stood up in satisfaction. He patted Otis on the shoulder, looked at him with loving and expectant eyes, and said solemnly:

"But these foreign things are not enough, and the human factor cannot be ignored. Don't relax your vigilance. You must treat the prevention of demons as a routine task. Do it today, do it tomorrow, and do it every day after that !"

"Yes, I understand."

Otis had a resolute expression on his face, and he also responded solemnly to Badigal. After that, his expression relaxed a little, and he looked at Badigal with hesitant eyes, "Then—uncle, I'm leaving first?"

"Wait, there's one more thing I almost forgot to say."

Badigal stopped Otis, picked up a document from the desk behind him and handed it to the other party, and then said: "This is the list of envoys from various countries who will watch the ceremony tomorrow. There are still a few people who are not yet due, but They will definitely arrive at Sevington one after another before tomorrow, so you can take a look at them later, and when they are all here, you can visit them one by one and confirm with them the process of tomorrow's celebration and covenant ceremony."

Otis took the document and quickly flipped through it. When he saw two relatively unfamiliar names, he immediately asked curiously: "I know Calimshan, and Kiran Tower has cooperated with them before. Before that, Lord Xiaduo was in the south I also had a relationship with Calisha, so I can understand that I came to watch the ceremony this time, but what happened to Yinmaskar? I remember that Netheril and Yinmaskar have never been in contact, right?"

"I'm also surprised, but from another perspective, isn't this just a manifestation of the expansion of Netheril's influence?"

Badigal made a rare joke, and then revealed the inside story of Yinmaska ​​sending people to watch the ceremony, "This time Yinmaska ​​sent people here, apparently it was recommended by Ambassador Komanso, but I have already I have met that Prince Aben, he said that he has met Xia Duo before, and had a pleasant cooperation.

"Actually, Prince Yinmascar came to the Western Continent this time not only because of Netheril, but largely because of the establishment of the Northern Alliance. In just a few years, the pattern of the Western Continent has undergone tremendous changes.

"Prince Aben is here to establish diplomatic relations with the countries of the Northland Alliance on behalf of Yinmasca's Master Craftsman and Great Emperor. At the same time, he will also discuss with them how to deal with the crisis of the collapse of Dragon Madness."

Hearing this, Odis subconsciously asked: "Has the climate anomaly caused by the collapse of Dragon Madness already affected Yinmasca?"

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Right now, Netheril is most affected by the climate anomaly, followed by Comanthor and Yerlan. Other countries may also be affected, but this problem has not been highlighted under the cover of the mythos.

In addition, the cold-resistant seeds announced by Master Yerevan at the Ascension Ceremony not long ago also dispelled the impact of the crisis in the West Land to a certain extent.

But whether the climate anomaly has spread to Yinmaskar, Badigar is not very sure, "Prince Aben did not mention the crop harvesting situation in But I guess it should be more or less Or it has less influence, you just need to know this, don’t go out and talk nonsense.”

"Well, I understand." Otis nodded thoughtfully.

The Seven Towers have always been relatively passive in dealing with the crisis of the Dragon Madness in the past. The main reason is that the Dragon Madness itself is a creation of the elves, and the Seven Towers have almost no other relevant information except for a climate anomaly.

And there is another very critical issue here, that is, Netheril is a kingdom of humans, even if the information is found, it is difficult to conduct research alone, and in the end it needs to cooperate with the elves.

As for a super magical creation covering the main plane like Dragon Madness, the benefits of research are unimaginable. Netheril alone is too thin to participate in it too much. If Yinmasca joins It couldn't be better, as the kingdoms of human beings naturally have more foundations for cooperation.

There is also Calinshan in the south, and they can also be invited to join in. After all, the crisis of the collapse of Dragon Madness is something that every country living in the main plane needs to face.

In fact, within the Seven Towers, the priority of solving the crisis of Dragon Madness is actually higher than that of the demons. After all, the claim that the demons subvert the timeline is too bizarre. There is no unified opinion within the Seven Towers. Be skeptical.

Coupled with the fact that the demons themselves have an unresolvable hatred with the elves, Netheril is even less active.

On the contrary, it is Longkuang Misuo, the climate anomaly has already affected domestic crop production, and it is not known what will happen afterwards, Qita knows too little about Longkuang Misuo, so naturally they hope to gain something from this issue.

Afterwards, Badigal made a few more remarks, and then let Otis leave, but he himself did not stay idle, but continued to keep in close contact with multiple lines, and kept an eye on all information at home and abroad.