Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2565: Elemental creatures, snow line moving so

After confirming the situation on the extreme northern edge of the shadow plane, Xia Duo quickly returned to the middle of the Yinhei Ice Plain, and traveled back to the main plane with the help of the shadow contained in a crack in the middle of the extreme northern ice field on the main plane.

Afterwards, he turned into an ice element and merged into the ice layer, and continued to hide downwards. After walking for more than 30 meters, Xia Duo suddenly realized that a large fault really appeared!

The warm air flow from the west kept reverberating in this not-so-small space, and even formed a small pool of about ten meters below.

It's a pity that there is still ice under the pool, so it seems that there is an environment where life can survive, but there is still no life.

However, Xia Duo believes that in areas close to the ground where there are earth and rocks, a certain degree of ecology is bound to be formed, and even if the living space is large enough, it is not impossible for intelligent creatures to survive.

Skipping through the small space, Xia Duo continued down. Leaving aside the Longkuang Misuo control center, he has already developed a lot of interest in the special environment on the extreme arctic ice field.

If there is an opportunity in the future, we still need to arrange some people to investigate and study here.

Of course, this time, we still focus on finding the Dragon Madness Mysuo Control Center.

Soon, Xia Duo went down a hundred meters below the ice layer, but even so, he couldn't find the shadow of the earth and stone structure. Even based on his instinctive perception of being an ice element now, it is estimated that there will be no earth and stone structure after a few hundred meters .

The reason for mentioning "100 meters" is because this depth is roughly at the same height as the land where Netheril is located, which is similar to the concept of zero altitude on the earth.

If it went further down, if it was still ice, it meant that there was a high probability that it was an ocean, but what he didn't expect was that the middle of the ice sheet was already an ocean.

Then where is the control center of Dragon Madness?

seabed? Or is it by the "sea" further south?

In the original records of the Dragon Madness Secret Scroll, the control center is indeed located by the sea, but now it is not known whether the sea is an outer sea at the edge of the plane, or an inner sea like the Narrow Sea.

Moreover, the only continent once experienced a big tear, and the ancient geography cannot correspond to the literature, unless we can go back to the time when the big tear happened and record the old and new maps.

It's just that even in the era when the Great Rip occurred, Dragon Madness is a long past, and most people probably won't be able to know its secrets.

It is precisely because the times are rolling forward, and people do not know that the upper family has fallen into the mortal world, so that a lot of ancient secrets spread. It can be said that the more ancient times, the more difficult it is to know about Long Kuang Misuo.

Of course, this "ancient" is not the "ancient" that is closer to the present like Crown Wars, but the "ancient" that was at least before that.

Next, Xia Duo continued to travel vertically downward for about 100 meters, but he still didn't reach the bottom, and there were already many elemental biological activities at this depth.

Those elemental creatures are similar to his current elemental state, and can basically be regarded as ice-shaped, but different from him, each of those elemental creatures has an elemental essence.

Knowing that elemental spirits can be used to cast spells automatically, Xia Duo certainly would not let these treasures come to him.

For the time being, he doesn't have much time to hunt elemental creatures, but if he can't even grasp the ones that come to his door, then he is too incompetent to be in charge.

The vast majority of elemental creatures only have instincts, not intelligent creatures. Of course, theoretically, elemental creatures can also possess intelligence. Xia Duo still hopes to meet that kind of intelligent elemental creatures!

But for now, his attitude towards elemental creatures is no different from that towards poultry such as pigs, dogs, sheep, and chickens. As long as it can be used by me, it can be used naturally.

Calimshan in the south is a country full of elemental creatures. Even Calimshan people have a considerable proportion of elemental blood in their bodies. It is said that their ancestors are wise elemental giants from the elemental plane.

After dealing with a few elemental creatures, Xia Duo did not return empty-handed this time, but he did not continue to go deep into the ice layer. Of course, there will be more elemental creatures further down, but the further down the material and element Boundaries will also become blurred.

If you are not careful, you may travel to the elemental plane, especially when this area is very likely to be the ocean of the main plane, you need to pay more attention.

Of course, to truly and completely blur the boundary between elements and substances is far from being possible in a mere few hundred meters, but it doesn't make much sense to go any further.

With reference to the abilities of the countries of the Everesca Alliance on the projection plane, it is unlikely that they will explore infinitely downward from here, and they will also make a choice to change directions when they reach more than 200 meters below the ice.

Of course, it is also possible that those elf countries found clearer guidelines to accurately find the Dragon Madness Control Center in the vast ice field.

But for Xia Duo, he has already decided to change direction, first go south from the middle of the ice sheet, and find the "coast" of the Arctic "sea".

However, there is no need to travel under the ice layer. After all, the ice sheet is too big, and the speed of melting ice is far slower than flying in the air.

He first took a middle point between the middle of the ice sheet and the snow line on the south side, and then went down from that middle point, 200 meters down to make sure that no earth and rock structures were found, and then continued to take the middle point southward.

In this way, after repeating the operation several times, Xia Duo finally touched the land under the ice layer!

At this time, the distance between him and the snow line in the south is almost the distance from Daxia to the extreme northern ice field. From this, it can be seen that the extreme northern ice field is vast.

At the same time, it also shows that there is a large amount of land in this area, and it is only deserted because it is covered by ice and snow, but there is one thing to be thankful for.

That is, there is no need to worry about the melting of ice and snow and rising sea levels on the extreme northern ice sheet for quite a while, but instead need to worry about the continuous southward movement of the snow line.

But what is the specific moving speed, UU Reading www. For the time being, none of the countries in the North has any clear data, not even many observation records.

Just based on historical records, the snow line in the north is constantly moving south.

If there was no such thing as Long Kuang Misuo, Xia Duo might not have taken this matter to heart, just like people on earth are worried about the melting of Antarctic ice and snow and rising sea levels.

It only rises by a few millimeters a year, and sometimes even falls. For a long time, it will not have any major impact on human production and life.

In the wizarding world, the same is true for the snow line in the north moving south. If it only moves south by a few millimeters every year, let alone the present, no one will care about it even in the future.

Even if the annual southward movement distance is calculated in meters, how many years it will take for the snow line to cross the Narrow Sea!

But if it really moves southward at a speed of a few meters every year, such an obvious change, someone would have discovered it in the past, and Xia Duuo would never have to worry about it.

(end of this chapter)