Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2570: Continue to search and make scanners

All the lords will participate in the plenary meeting, and there must be two or five young people in it, so there is not much need for secrecy in this meeting.

This is actually the advanced point of the new system. Put everything on the table as much as possible for discussion, and tell people everything. Even if the elves know about it, what can they do?

To some extent, this is also one of the important ways to eliminate misjudgments in the process of international exchanges.

Xia Duo didn't intervene too much in how to design the teleconference plan. Although Niya had the idea of ​​reducing her own work, it was also for training Niya.

Leading and presiding over the completion of a new project is the best way to train people. Xia Duo is still very clear about whether to squeeze or cultivate.

For the members of the Tower of Time, Xia Duo has more or less the idea of ​​squeezing. After all, the initial stage of the new era will not be too easy. Not only other people, Xia Duo himself is also squeezing himself, otherwise he can pass more easily.

Consciousness returned to the North Pole, and the avatar still stopped at the same place. After these days of searching, Xia Duo was really familiar with the North Pole, a region that was originally very strange.

It's just that this is still not enough for him to quickly find the location of the dragon mad fan lock control center.

It is not possible, but extremely impossible, to threaten the world with the world-destroyer every now and then.

As long as the search is found, Shao Xia can't use the portable space to take a step back to check, but use the portable space to check it from beginning to end, that is reality. The former almost required Xia Shao to inspect it inch by inch, and it was still on the ice, so the difficulty of searching was far less than that of the abnormal environment.

What I am most worried about is not that the main plane is also like the projected plane of the Red Heart Alliance. The dragon mad fan lock control center is controlled by the elf countries. When the time comes, the elves who have mastered the small killer will be really wronged and bumped in the slightest. Yes.

Therefore, Young Master Xia still needs to retrospectively scan the rare elements in that area. Although on the surface, there is some ancient fortress in that area, but if it definitely exists, it is extremely impossible to determine the proportion of rare elements in that area. make an impact.

Xia Shao first made a single-core independent Austrian fire device, and then arrived at the large-scale Mythra from the new technology of the Red Heart Alliance. Next, he will frequently search the Arctic region. Without a Mythra, it will still be very inconvenient.

If a small weapon like Long Kuang Misuo falls into our hands, Young Master Xia may sleep soundly.

Compared to the kingdoms of elves in the projected plane of the Red Heart Alliance, no matter how high his personal search efficiency is, it is better than someone who has excluded a large number of searchers who searched overwhelmingly.

The avatar is moving, and the consciousness turns to the body, in the eighth-level laboratory of the floating city.

The "rare elements" outside are the same as the rare gases under the earth, and are not different from abnormal elements in nature, but are simply defined from the perspective of existence ratio, or they cannot be called "element abundance".

The only good thing is that on the ice, even a small movement is not noticed by anyone, unless there is no one who is careless to set up a fixed monitoring point several hundred meters above the ice.

In other words, unless the ancient elf fortresses are evenly distributed under all the cliffs, there is a small probability that there will be no elf fortresses, and it can even be said that there are any unnatural magical phenomena.

The main function is not to detect the proportion of elements within a certain range, but to actually search for the ice layer of the substance, but it is represented by elements.

If this is the case, Young Master Xia might be even happier, because in this case, he may be far away from discovering the control center of Dragon Madness!

Comparing manpower with elves, if I have done it before, but as the old saying goes, "A gentleman is not different in nature, but he is also good at falsehoods." Next, I will build a special search device, which can increase my efficiency a hundred times. !

As soon as that thought arose in Young Master Xia's mind, I pressed it. I would rather continue to make a little noise by myself, and I would also like to seek the help of the Severton Council.

"Should Nya bring it up at the council meeting ten days ago?"

But it is too energy-intensive to do that, and I even want to check the Arctic region like that.

Young Master Xia was not disappointed, I have seen too few such results in those days, and there will be no less in the future, I just sighed briefly, and revised the method of spell checking according to the results of the portable space check.

It is an auxiliary tool specially designed for Arctic searches, Xia Shao calls it [small-scale low-precision element detector], or [element scan] for short.

Bullying is not an elven tradition, but from what we have done with Netheril in the past, we do.

After finishing that, I continued to search the previous area. The Northland is so small, even if I only search the edge of the small land, I can search it in a short time.

Therefore, what I want to do now is not to finish the search so quickly, but to sum up experience during the search process and find a set of feasible and low-efficiency search solutions.

Before passing through a section of primitive tidal flat landform, another section of cliff landform was ushered in. Xia Shao cheered up, first with the help of a small amount of ice in the environment, and used element perception to screen the regression of that section of cliff landform.

But now, I haven't worked out a plan in detail, and after two days of searching and summarizing, I feel that the summary of experience is not enough, and UU Reading can't really exert its strength.

It's because Xia Shao scanned the area and included the Xiaolu part, just the ice part of Xiaori no Riku in that area.

Even Xia Shao himself has no way to put an end to the psychology of relying on the weak and bullying the strong, so he can only try his best to restrain himself, let alone the elf kingdoms that have long since died.

Before that, I continued to use arcane strings to make a series of search spells summarized when I searched for elf fortresses in the North Pole a while ago into magic items, and used a large Mythra to supply energy alone.

And most importantly, although his search efficiency has been getting higher and higher these days, the searched area still only accounts for a vastly small proportion compared to the unsearched continental edge.

There was nothing unusual in the result. If it must be the tidal landform, Shao Xia has not been able to go to the previous section to search, but it is a cliff landform, and it is the least likely place where there is an ancient elf fortress.

After scanning, Xia Shao was disappointed again, because there was no obvious difference between the abundance of rare elements in that area and the cliff topography that had been searched since then.

Of course, at that step, the calculations are still over. Shao Xia's "searching inch by inch" was really a prudent talk, but he actually did it.

The bad thing is that after those days of searching, Young Master Xia has not yet come up with a set of search procedures. The tidal flats of the original landforms are only searched in a complicated manner, focusing on the original cliff landforms.

Next, I ended up completely overlapping the portable space with the cliff area, and used the viewing angle of the portable space to do the first inspection.

At present, I am the only one who knows the possible location of the Dragon Mystique Control Center. Once I tell the council, it may be difficult to keep that secret.

"I can only suffer myself!"

"Unfortunately, is there any more!"

On the cold ice, the elements with the lowest abundance are undoubtedly water and wind, which are the two most important elements that make up the ice. As for earth and fire, they are even less the constituent elements of the small land.