Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2574: Arctic Anomaly Appears

Next, while Xia Duo was conducting tests in the laboratory, he searched for the Dragon Maniac Control Center in the North Pole, which is where the fortress mentioned in the Dragon Mania Secret Scroll is located.

As time passed, all the tests on the calculator went smoothly, but the edge of the Arctic continent has been searched more than halfway, and there is still no trace of the ancient elf fortress.

When it was almost the middle of the month, Niya came to Mithra's laboratory to find Xia Duo, and asked Xia Duo to take a look at the remote conference system she made.

"I have conducted a small-scale use test in the Tower of Time, and the effect is not bad. Can you help me see what needs to be improved?"

Speaking, Niya took out a device that looked like a desk lamp from the dimensional bag. Below it was a wooden base, with a connecting rod on it, and a half-open flower bud at the top of the connecting rod. The part that should have been a flower stamen was very strange. familiar.

It is the crystal magic lamp mass-produced by the Tower of Time!

"This is a magic lamp? No, you actually put the teleconferencing function on the magic lamp!" Xia Duo was really surprised. He himself just thought of making a magic item for teleconferencing.

It is a good idea to integrate it into the magic lamp, or to be more precise, it adds the function of a magic lamp to the remote conference instrument, and the shape is also made into a table lamp style, which is actually an indoor decoration style.

That way it won't look out of place indoors.

It's just that the shape of the ornament that Niya is presenting is somewhat ordinary, it is the popular model of the territory's magic table lamp. If it is submitted to the parliament in this way, the magic lamp from the territory will be spread to the mainland in the future, and it will be criticized for it.

However, the styling is secondary. There are still a few days before the parliamentary meeting will be held. Niya has enough time to make a more refined style that is more in line with the aesthetics of the upper class of Nai Se.

"I'll give it a try."

As he spoke, Xia Duo fumbled to turn on the desk lamp, and the bulb turned on. Niya covered her mouth and snickered, and then told Xia Duo, "It's the switch next to it!"

All right! Magic items that use activators are not good in this respect. If the creator does not take the initiative to inform, the user will have to **** for a long time to figure out how to use it.

Unlike traditional magic items, anyone with basic magic knowledge can know how to use them. If we go one step further, even the encrypted core functional components can be deciphered.

This is probably the price of lowering the threshold of use!

It's like the beginning of the development of computers on earth, the threshold of use is very high, and most of the usable ones understand the principles, and even can design, but later, as the threshold of use is lowered, all the principles are hidden in the more convenient human-computer interface. Down.

Many people have used computers for a lifetime, and they may not know what the principle of a computer is, or even what components it is composed of.

However, this is also an inevitable trend in the development of things. People make tools for the convenience of use. Unless there are special needs, development will definitely develop in the direction of convenience. (not the only direction)

For example, Xia Duo, although he can learn more details through traditional magic items, in terms of personal use, he still prefers to use magic items with activators.

Without him, it is really convenient.

When using traditional magic items, you must enter the state of concentration to operate the corresponding open magic net strings, but for magic items with a starter, you only need to manually switch them.

From the perspective of how much energy is consumed, the former is at least ten times that of the latter, not to mention that mental fatigue is far more difficult to recover than physical fatigue.

So naturally it is not difficult to make a choice.

As Xia Duo activated the remote conference function, the magic desk lamp immediately erupted with a magical aura far exceeding that of a normal desk lamp. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough for Xia Duo to understand the general details of the spell.

Of course, this is also because Niya did not encrypt the experimental product. If it has been encrypted, I am afraid that it will have to obtain enough details through continuous startup, and then try to crack it.

"For the parliament, don't forget to encrypt!"

Xia Duo reminded, but before Niya could answer, the surrounding scene had changed as if faded and dyed, it was no longer the original laboratory environment, but a grand hall.

At this moment, he is in the outer area of ​​the hall, and each seat is independent, while in the center of the hall is a standard conference table, and the seats of the councilors stand around the conference table, and the distance between any two totally agree.

If you only look at the middle, even the position of the speaker is not special at all, but if you add the environment of the entire hall, it is not difficult to see that the speaker is under the emblem of the council.

Moreover, Xia Duo has tried to move the chairman seat, and he can move freely within a certain range, except that he cannot go behind the speaker, as if there is an air wall that fills it up.

At this moment, Niya's voice suddenly rang from far to near, "What you are experiencing now is a remote meeting scene with the authority of the lord. You can move anywhere between ten meters and three meters from the central round table. Only the speaker is behind you. The area around 60 degrees cannot be visited.”

While Nya was speaking, Niya's figure also cut into the illusion from hazy to clear. Seeing this scene, Xia Duo couldn't help asking:

"If it's meeting time, can others see you?"

"Of course not. Even what you say will not be collected by the teleconferencing system until the speaker allows you to speak. In addition, if the speaker agrees to your speech, your location will be highlighted, so that other people can confirm that it is you who are speaking. "

"So that's how it is, that's fine!"

The role of the speaker is to preside over the meeting, so he should have such authority. Speeches without order, even if they have something to say, may not be of much use.

In this way, I am afraid that the speaker will be more inclined to remote meetings. After all, offline meetings meet in person, and if the members want to quarrel, they will not care about the existence of the speaker.

Obviously, the cost of online silence is less than offline silence, and if it doesn’t work, there is still an offline way out. If the reality becomes tense, it will not be easy to ease it.

Next, UU Reading Xia Duo experienced the authority of the parliamentarian again, which is also the authority he will mainly use in the future. The authority of the lord is still too little, except for voting when the speaker initiates a vote Speak, and almost nothing else can be done.

Even the ability to move seats is prohibited after the meeting has started.

It can be said that if a lord does not file a motion with the other nine lords or with the support of the councilors before the meeting, then the entire meeting after that will be in a state of soy sauce.

Of course, compared to the past, this is already a great improvement, at least institutionally guaranteeing the lord's right to participate in and discuss state affairs.

In fact, Xia Duo really wanted to see how the councilors would behave if there was no result in the vote of the councilors, and then it was implemented or rejected by the lord's vote.

This is the best way to verify the operation of the current new system. Only after passing such a verification can it be said that the new system has really been established.

(end of this chapter)

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