Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2595: Ancient Secret

Then on the laboratory side, after the light and shadow twisted and flickered, the scene after the folded space finally ushered in the first peeper after countless years.

Perhaps it is the peeping that is similar to the interplanetary, or it may be the evasion detection effect of the secret place. The scene of the folding space that Xia Duo saw from the projection is not clear, and it is still an elemental perspective.

Element detection is a method of detection with the least movement in the projective perception field. It is hidden in the weak element turbulence that naturally emerges and dissipates in the space, and is very suitable for the first round of spying on hidden areas.

From the perspective of elements, the folded space seems to be in silence, and the random appearance and disappearance of elements in the normal space seems mechanical and rigid here, and at the same time, the blurred outline of the real world that it connects has no movement at all.

Xia Duo speculated that it might be under the seal, and it was also protected by special magic, so he couldn't find his prying at the moment.

Either the ancient elves didn't think of this trick at all, or the movement he made was too small. In order to keep itself in existence for as long as possible, the secret place ignored all movements that did not involve the core part.

The former is probably unlikely. The magic technology of the ancient elves may not be worse than it is now, which can be seen from the constraints of the folding space of the plane.

Although there is also the possibility of developing in reverse, but in terms of avoiding detection, it is not possible to be ignorant of elemental detection, so Xia Duo is more inclined to the latter—

The secret place after folding the space is in a low-maintenance operation state, and the threshold for outside intrusion is set relatively high.

This is a bit similar to some sci-fi that Xia Duo saw in his hometown. In order to ensure that he can wait for assistance during Star Trek, the spacecraft will minimize unnecessary consumption as much as possible to retain the core life support system and signal receiving system.

Thinking about it this way, Xia Duo inexplicably came up with a possibly whimsical idea—

In the secret place after folding the space, should there still be ancient elf defenders?

This is indeed possible, but it is necessary to consider how this secret place was "lost". It may be a refuge from ancient wars, or it may be the Ferez Fortress where the Dragon Mystique control center is located.

The former may keep a large number of ancient elves, but after so many years, they have not come out. Either there is a problem with the life support equipment, or they went out a long time ago.

But it's not impossible to leave one or two to continue maintaining the shelter.

And if it's Fortress Ferris, there will almost certainly be defenders here!

According to the records of the Dragon Crazy Secret Scroll, the reason why the Dragon Crazy Secret Scroll appeared was because the last Dragon Crazy mytho builder was worried that the fanx would not be maintained after his death.

There are two sets of Dragon Madness Secret Scrolls left by the ancient mage, one is the one that was circulated in the north, and the other is kept in a cloud city of the ancient winged elves.

Based on this, it is speculated that during the period when the ancient mage died, the elves had already defeated the giant dragon and became the masters of the earth, the sky, and the sea, but the elves' magic may have declined after a period of prosperity.

Otherwise, the ancient mage didn't need to leave two sets of Dragon Madness Scrolls, but there should be a long-term maintenance team within the elves, who often maintain or even update the Dragon Madness Secret Scrolls.

The reason why I want to leave a secret volume that records the complete details of the Dragon Madness Lock is that the Dragon Madness Locke was already "in disrepair" at that time, and the maintenance threshold may be relatively high, only because the ancient mage who participated in the construction did not Inability to organize a maintenance team.

Of course, it is also possible that the elves feel that they have already won, and there is no need to continue to maintain the dragon mad lock. In this case, the original maintenance team may be disbanded.

And the disastrous consequences of the ancient mage who participated in the construction and even the Dragon Mad Misuo disintegrating and collapsing for a long time left behind a complete set of Misuo information.

But now it is too far away from that era, and there is a high probability that many speculations cannot restore the original situation. What Xia Duo can do now is to continue to explore and discover.

After making a little movement to confirm that the secret place was in a low-maintenance state, Xia Duo gradually let go of his movements, and soon, the almost "full spectrum" perception field sent back the most authentic video data of the secret place—

It was an empty square in the dark, with a small area, less than half the size of the altar square in Linshui Village, let alone compared with Codex Square.

But if the square is built in the stone of the mountain, it will be completely different. Of course, magic can be used to reduce the difficulty of construction, but the construction itself means that the builder has mastered a high level of magical construction ability.

The ground of the square is a distinctive emblem-like pattern, which occupies nearly half of the center of the square. Unfortunately, Xia Duo knows too little about the ancient elves, so he can only distinguish this pattern from the later generations—in fact, it is also relative to the current era. The ancient - style is very different.

If the elves of the "later generations" follow the delicate, complicated, and elegant route, then the emblem here is a typical case of simplicity and wildness.

The pattern is a scene of a long spear piercing through the dragon's jaw and protruding from the top of its head. Although the ground has already accumulated a finger-thick dust, the pattern is still clearly visible from the perspective of the detection spell.

Moreover, the pierced dragon should still be a red dragon in appearance!

From this pattern alone, Xia Duo can conclude that this secret place was definitely not built by "later elves", that is, the construction period of this secret place should be earlier than the Crown War.

That is, at least 10,000 years ago!

Even for long-lived elves, ten thousand years is an extremely long concept, let alone a past that is older than ten thousand years.

Xia Duo judged that the dragon should have been more active on the main plane when this secret place was built, otherwise the elves would not have made the pattern of spear piercing the dragon into a display similar to showing off their martial arts.

In the "later generation" elven society, although the giant dragon is still very powerful, because of the dragon madness, the big elven countries, such as Comanthor and Yeerlan, have more or less mastered the means of controlling the giant dragon.

In their propaganda, they even regarded the giant dragon as a kind of wild beast, rather than one of the former masters of the main plane.

In this case, which elf would make killing a dragon a show of martial arts?

Of course, when the dragon is stronger, killing the dragon can be regarded as a kind of glory, which can be remembered in a way similar to "Le stone".

From this point of view, there is a high probability that this secret place was at the same time as Longkuang Misuo, or earlier, and some ambitions of ancient elves were entrusted here.

"Perhaps this secret place is Ferrez Fortress!"

(end of this chapter)