Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2598: Trap or good intentions?

Xia Duo chose to go deep into the rock mass in the direction perpendicular to the road and approaching the core palace, but soon he encountered obstacles—

There is still an enchantment in the rock mass!

So Xia Duo didn't go to the square he discovered first, but continued to go deep in the rock mass along the periphery of the barrier. He wanted to see the approximate area covered by the barrier.

After a while, he came to the edge of the plane, probably called the edge of the plane, after all, this is also a folded space constrained from the main plane.

Except that the size is not as good as the main plane, everything else is the same as the main plane.

The main plane has the edge of the plane, so naturally this folding space also exists. When Xia Duo saw the edge of the plane, Xia Duo immediately realized that the protective magic on the two squares was not integrated.

Perhaps they are related in Mystic, but at least outwardly the two are separate.

Xia Duo speculated that it might be that in order to maintain the long-term existence of the core area, the Mysterious Land had to selectively cut off the support for some other non-core areas.

Of course, it is also possible that the mythos have been in disrepair for a long time, and the mythos in some areas have naturally failed, but considering that the collapse of the mythos is often accompanied by a magic net riot.

The place similar to the living area just now was a bit dilapidated and dusty, but it was almost in its original state, and it didn't look like it had experienced the magic net riot.

Therefore, Xia Duo is more inclined to the automatic selection of Misuo, or the active setting of the maintainer, thus giving up the maintenance and protection of non-core areas.

Then Xia Duo returned to the square he discovered at first. Unlike the square he discovered later, there were only two passages. There were passages on all sides of this square, but three of them were blocked.

After a simple investigation, Xia Duo found that the blocking method of these three passages is still an enchantment, and at the same time, the enchantment in these three directions is still separated from the enchantment on the other square, and they are independent of each other.

Xia Duo speculated that there is also a core area in each of the three directions, but he did not find the torrent of magic strings similar to the palace on the side of the square near the three enchantments.

Therefore, even if the core areas in these three directions are important, they are probably not as important as the previous palace.

Afterwards, Xia Duo searched the entire folding space, and found a total of one large, two middle, and four small barriers. The largest barrier is the area where the core palace is located.

The two enchantments with medium coverage are located on both sides of the largest enchantment, and the three are almost on the same straight line, while the four small enchantments are located on the same side of this straight line, scattered in random distribution.

In addition to the living area, Xia Duo also found a material warehouse. Due to its age, except for some gemstones, gold, and fine gold that can still remain the same, even Mithril has deteriorated and corroded.

Of course, more of them were suspected food, piles of black ash, which did not look like traces left by metal, wood or cloth.

After such a long time, the wood has either decayed, or has been petrified and crystallized. Although the cloth has decayed, it can still distinguish its original form.

As for metals, only the deterioration caused by the transmutation of elements will change their essence, otherwise even if they are rusted, they will only exist in a different form and can still be detected.

As for gold and gemstones, they will hardly deteriorate or rust, especially the former. The properties of the latter may change over a long period of time, but gemstones are always right.

Fine gold is slightly worse than gold, but it can still maintain its original shape. After a little rubbing, it will continue to show a metallic luster.

Considering that this area is only unprotected, but essentially still within the coverage area of ​​the mystic, Xia Duo did not move anything in the warehouse, so as not to encounter conflicts with the ancient defenders.

If possible, he still hopes to get along peacefully with the other party and negotiate calmly, at least during the initial period of contact.

And during the time when Xia Duo incarnated himself to explore the folding space, his body also completed a lot of probing work on the macro magic net in the folding space with the help of the scouting circle in the laboratory on the main plane.

Of course, since the scouting magic circle acts on the subtle, its exploration of the macroscopic magic net also starts from the microcosmic. Therefore, in this process, it is necessary to collect a large amount of data on the flow state of the strings of the magic net, and then obtain the specific macroscopic magic net through analysis. network status.

This part looks cumbersome and complicated, and it is actually the same, but after all, Xia Duo still has an avatar in the folding space, and he can make corrections to the detection process and direction of the scouting circle through observation from a macro perspective.

This is actually a process of analysis, and with the assistance of the brain, it progressed very smoothly.

Secret place, in front of the passage outside the square in front of the core palace.

Xia Duo's avatar stood like a wooden man for a long time, and occasionally his eyes became lively. After an unknown amount of time, Xia Duo's body finally stopped analyzing.

It's not unsustainable, but it's enough, now it's time to make a decision!

He preliminarily judged that most of the functions of the secret fan lock are in a dormant or closed state, but the protection of the core area is still cautious.

Now there are two paths before him—

One is to try to use the access method recorded in the secret volume of Dragon Madness, which is also the easiest way to verify whether this is Ferrez Fortress.

But the secret scroll was made by others, who knows if this is a signal to wake up the maintainers! Of course, if there is no problem with the secret scroll, once it succeeds, the benefits will be huge, which means that he can almost control the Fortress of Ferrez.

The other way is to try to obtain the permission of the Mystic through intrusion, which can also be used to determine whether this is the Ferez Fortress.

The advantage is that as long as you are careful, there is a high probability that you will not alarm the possible defenders of the secret ground. The disadvantage is that there is a small probability of triggering some countermeasures in the secret ground. UU Reading

Of course, there is another way that almost only flashed in Xia Duo's mind for a moment, and that is to enter the core area by overlapping with the portable space, but the enchantment is not an empty shell, but a field.

If you don't seize authority, or paralyze the barrier function, even if you enter, you will still be countered.

So the question still comes back to the permission of the fan lock, whether to try to use the method of obtaining permission in the secret volume of Dragon Madness, or to try to obtain permission through intrusion.

If it could be confirmed that this secret place was not Ferrez Fortress, then Xia Duo might not have such entanglements, but now all the phenomena here remind him that this place is very likely to be Ferrez Fortress.

In this case, if the authority is obtained in an intrusive way, it will be difficult to make room for change in case of failure.

But if he used the method in the secret volume of Dragon Madness, he was worried that it was a trap. It was really difficult to make a choice!

(end of this chapter)

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