Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2599: Grab permission step 1

After deliberating for a long time, Xia Duo finally decided to use an intrusion method to gain access. No matter which method he needs to do most is to avoid meeting with possible defenders!

Using the method of obtaining authority recorded in the secret volume of Dragon Madness is almost equivalent to pinning his hopes on an ancient elf that he doesn't understand at all. (Due to cache reasons, users are requested to visit the .\n website directly in the browser to watch the fastest chapter update)

Instead of this, he would rather choose to believe in himself!

If the protector is well-intentioned, no matter what method he uses, it will not be an exaggeration for future generations. After all, so long has passed, and he is now considered an archaeological discovery, not a real invasion.

Furthermore, his avatar still appears in the form of an elf, and has nothing to do with his real body, the worst thing is to give up this avatar.

And if the maintainer was malicious from the beginning, he would have to use an intrusion method to gain access. At least at the beginning, the situation was completely in his own hands, and he had to find a way to take the initiative.

After making up his mind, Xia Duo immediately started to act.

He reinvested most of his consciousness into this avatar, and his body only retained the consciousness-controlling brain capable of casting spells to provide remote computing support for the avatar's actions.

Outside the square in front of the secret core palace, at the edge of the barrier.

Seeing that scene, Young Master Xia was overjoyed. Through that test, I confirmed the enchantment update cycle, which is very different from the update cycle I judged afterwards.

If you want to try to seize the authority of a fan lock, you will always be connected to a known open interface. It is worse than a hacker who seizes the authority of a certain computer, and you must form a wired or wired connection with the target.

Seeing that scene, Shao Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was not my first attempt, but the result of several attempts, and the so-called falling dust did not fall naturally.

It was a process of seizing authority bit by bit, and it was also a process of understanding that mysia bit by bit. And it's not a trivial matter, any action he does now may affect the future of the main plane, so even if God has made up his mind, I have to do it casually.

But now it's obviously an abnormal situation. Young Master Xia just controlled another mote, and hit the target mote hard when it fell to a certain low level.

At the same time, it also uses those interfaces that have been determined to be true, and disguises the operation of seizing permissions as a natural change of the fan lock to make a step-back test.

Observing the two speculated enchantment update cycles one after another, Xia Shao frowned slightly. Although the mythos in the secret place have a similar style to the fairy mythos on the main plane, they are generally more beautiful. delicate.

And I also blindly choose the interface first, but first use some abnormal raw shocks to test the protective barrier that is still alive in the core area.

That is a very bad entry point, and at the same time, it can also verify whether the access interface provided by the Dragon Madness Secret Scroll is true. Of course, regardless of whether it is true or not, Young Master Xia decided to use his own method.

Xia Duo looked solemn. Although he had personally participated in many mythos offensive and defensive competitions in the projection plane of the Red Heart Alliance, no matter which world he was in, it was always the first time in actual combat.

It is not my chance to update the enchantment. At that time, there will be changes involving the core function of Myzhao, because the enchantment in that area is the existence of Myzhao that was still maintained several years ago, and it is definitely the core of the core.

And now I'm standing outside, how can it be so coincidental that whatever I want appears?

Not to mention that there is no choice of position, so the artificial dust fall is now more controllable, and it is almost impossible to get any state you want.

Until Xia Shao tried to guide a beam of elemental turbulence to impact the barrier, the "old villain" finally endured, and the area hit by the element had a flash of inspiration, which completely eliminated the elemental turbulence.

Therefore, the movement trend of the target dust has not changed. Originally, it fell extremely quickly, but now it swayed from side to side, as if drunk.

After that, I judged that it is very unlikely that the enchantment is going back to its original state every moment. Now, through its reaction to the impact of the elements, I have observed the same change of the mystic as after that.

Based on the combination of the two, before nearly a hundred attempts, I finally knew an open interface that has little connection with the Mysuo core, and it is also an interface mentioned in Zhang Zhonghan's volume.

And this speck of dust that retreated into the barrier range fell naturally under the ground of the square within the range of the barrier, as Shao Shao thought, without causing any changes.

By comparison, I'm sure that the update period of the enchantment is about 100 seconds. In other words, as long as the enchantment cannot be destroyed within 100 seconds, the enchantment will return to its original intact state.

I was indeed prepared to use the naturally falling dust as a test medium, but I got stuck at the first step. Don't look at the dust that is as thick as a finger outside the passage, but this is the result of years of accumulation.

Very slowly, Young Master Xia locked onto a grain of fine dust that was rushing up and down from the top of the passage where I am now. It must be an abnormal situation. Inside the square.

Then I reduced the movement, from the intrusion of fine dust at the end to the intrusion of slightly smaller gravel, the barrier has not changed at all, and I completely tolerated it like an old villain.

Did that discovery not satisfy Xia Shao, because even if the Longkuang Secret Scroll was a trap, these interfaces were always completely false, and the mixture of true and false made it even more difficult to judge.

Of course, what Shao Shao wants is not to destroy the enchantment, but to seize the authority of the fan lock. I am quite suspicious of my own purpose.

Finally, at a position close to the ground, perhaps because some internal factors have changed again, the target mote suddenly made a small erratic, and retreated into the range of the enchantment.

As far as the eyes are concerned, the open interface of Xia Shao's link to the secret fan lock is also something to do, UU Reading But the part of the open interface that has been detected is not mentioned in the Dragon Madness Secret Volume The interface for obtaining permission by exception.

There must be no such step, even the most powerful white guest can do anything, or physically seize it by turning into a thug, it is obviously realistic.

But now, I haven't found an interface that I think is real, and the rest will come naturally. It is necessary to continue to test and find fewer interfaces.

I am sure that Shao Xia just wants to retreat into the range of the enchantment, this discovery is enough for me to realize that idea, but now my goal is to seize the authority of the mythos, which needs to be weaker enough to trigger the mythos or knots. The world has changed.

Even without the Dragon Crazy Secret Scroll as a reference, it is still very easy to determine the open interface corresponding to the core function of the Misuo that is in a high-maintenance state.

Those are the ones I need to avoid as much as possible. Although it is impossible to fall into another trap, but everything that can happen to a person, there must be no decision and no choice.

Therefore, while observing the enchantment update, I continued to test the enchantment to determine a more accurate enchantment update cycle.