Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2609: Ao Neng Bloodline project cooperation

Latest website: After the dinner, Xia Duo arranged for everyone to rest. The next day, the Tower of Time welcomed more guests who came to Daxia to visit the Cultural and Art Festival.

As Brunders said before, Horn came over in person, so he became the first person Xia Duo met that day. The two sides in the reception room did not have too many detours, and went straight to the point—

"Lord Xiaduo must have read the progress of the bloodline sequencing of Kieran Tower sent by Brundes. I wonder if you have any suggestions for the next cooperation?"

"Of course the sequencing plan will continue, but we can also start another new project, such as the Ao Neng bloodline. According to my speculation, if this bloodline can be realized, the potential is far greater than the general elemental bloodline."

There is also a reason why Xia Duo mentioned this. Arcane blood may be redundant for arcanists, but for ordinary people, it is undoubtedly the best way to enter the threshold of spellcasting.

Previously in [Projection Plane Evereska Independence], he and Evereska's elf mage had conducted research on the Ao Neng Rabbit, but the result was not smooth.

After traveling through the millennium, I saw the arcane elves of the "later generation" of the projected plane, but because the elf arcanists at that time were the existences that were hit by the mainstream elf society, the actual information left was very limited.

But even so, it allowed Xia Duo to learn a few exclusive spells related to arcane energy, but the artificial blood here is still far behind!

During a recent trip to the projected plane, he obtained some research materials related to bloodlines from the Red Heart Alliance. The Red Heart Alliance has also studied the arcane elves, but it is more used for a specific series of spells on the spot.

The special bloodline unique to the Red Heart Alliance is the demon bloodline, and their research in the field of bloodlines is more focused on this aspect. Therefore, it is quite unrealistic for Xia Duo to completely transplant this part of his experience to humans.

There is a problem that he does not want to face the most, that is, the research on the Ao Neng bloodline will inevitably involve human experiments. With the current state of bloodline sequencing not yet completed, it is estimated that it will take human life to carry out such research.

But this has to be done. The arcane bloodline is probably the most suitable method of longevity. For example, Xia Duo's improved Iolum longevity technique requires a lot of human body data to continuously correct the [Human Immortal Body Model].

This is a long-term job, and it is only initially available, but the shortcomings of this longevity method are also obvious, the threshold is too high, and it is difficult to popularize.

Unlike arcane bloodlines, as long as a safe method of arcane erosion can be found, arcane bloodlines can be produced in batches, and more importantly, bloodlines can be hereditary.

It is not necessary for the descendants to inherit the powerful bloodline abilities of the previous generation, as long as they can pass the threshold of casting spells, it is enough to ensure that there will not be any "squibs" among citizens of a civilized society in the future.

Xia Duo estimated that once this bloodline can be realized, it can be passed on stably for at least five generations, and after the fifth generation, it can continue to be vaccinated like a vaccine.

In the reception room, Xia Duo briefly introduced the possible abilities of the human arcane bloodline that he inferred based on various arcane experiments on the projected plane, among which the ability to directly generate and manipulate arcane energy is most likely to be acquired.

In other words, once one obtains this kind of bloodline, even without learning magic, one can automatically generate arcane energy just like creating arcane fire, and the ability to manipulate arcane energy can be further differentiated into the manipulation of four elements and even positive and negative energies.

As soon as Horn heard this, he became interested. This is much stronger than the various bloodlines commonly seen in Netheril. Zilan Tower has gathered most of the bloodlines of Netheril. The highest proportion of these special bloodlines is The blood of a single element.

Such as fire elemental bloodlines and water elemental bloodlines, most of the ancestors of the owners of these bloodlines had a strange experience, such as touching some extraordinary fire without dying, sinking into the deep sea but unexpectedly surviving.

In fact, it was infected by the elements. Every year from Severton to Askle, countless ships set sail and many people fell into the water, but very few survived.

It can be seen that it is really unreliable to obtain the elemental bloodline by re-enacting the legendary experience. Zilan Tower has made many attempts in the past, but rarely succeeded.

The reason why a legend is a legend is that it has done something that ordinary people cannot do.

Compared with the elemental bloodline, the arcane bloodline light is at least much safer to experiment with from the nature of the arcane itself, and the infection of the four elements is far more deadly than the arcane infection.

Horn once witnessed the scene of the human body being infected by the fire element and self-immolation in the experiment, and he also saw the scene of the human body being infected by the water element and turned into a puddle of mud.

Other failure scenarios were either choked to death by smoke, or petrified to death. On average, one hundred people did the experiment, and not even one survived!

It's not that Kiran High Tower has never thought about the arcane infection experiment before, but in the past, the cost of obtaining arcane energy has always been relatively high, and only arcanists can have a surplus, and it is impossible to use it in large quantities for experiments.

In addition, the Arcanist itself has arcane energy, but there is no erosion phenomenon. This may be explained by the storage of arcane fire, but the safety and stability of arcane energy can also be seen.

Therefore, in the past, the Kiran Tower generally believed that the erosion of arcane energy was a false proposition. In addition, the acquisition cost of arcane energy was relatively high, so that there was not even a single experiment of arcane energy erosion inside the Kiran Tower.

"This kind of project is estimated to be proposed only by Lord Shador who participated in the invention of Mythra. I just don't know if Lord Shador has confirmed the effect of arcane erosion?" Horn asked.

"I have done experiments with wild rabbits and confirmed that arcane energy erosion is feasible, but those arcane energy rabbits born from arcane energy erosion cannot exist for a long time, and will collapse and disintegrate soon."

In fact, the Ao Neng Rabbit experiment is too primitive. The Ao Neng Rabbit obtained by UU Reading in this way is actually closer to an energy state than a stable Ao Neng bloodline.

Of course, it was precisely these possible improvements that made Xia Duo decide to cooperate with the Seven Towers. Initially, animal experiments could be used, and after summing up more experience, they could gradually be changed to human experiments.

Hearing this explanation, Horn probably guessed the progress of Xia Duo's research, but after all, it was a field that Kilan Tower had never touched. He is also happy to see the results of cooperation.

"In this case, let's finalize the cooperation on this project!"

"Well, after a while, I will set up a bloodline research center in the Tower of Time to specialize in research on bloodlines. In this regard, Lord Horn needs more support. In addition, I will also send people to the Tower of Kilan to participate in the Arcane Bloodline project. .”

"It should be, haven't we already agreed before!"

(end of this chapter)