Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2635: Conversation between grandparents and gr

Latest URL: At the same time, Taraf, who was teleported to the Sea of ​​Glory, also returned home quickly, and saw his grandfather, who was the true master of the Maired family—Amur Pasha by a pool.

"Grandpa, that's how it happened."

After fully introducing the trip to the Northland, Taraph silently bowed and stood beside the pool. Although his father was the heir of the family, as his father's second son, his power was actually extremely low.

If it wasn't for the last family crisis, because the Xia Duo he invited accidentally broke the plot, he wouldn't even be able to meet his grandpa directly now.

But even so, he still maintained great humility, followed the rules everywhere, and did not dare to go beyond the rules. Of course, the reason why he behaved like this was because of the previous incident that he had a little ambition that he might never have.

It is a bold decision to try to maintain and even monopolize the relationship with the Northland, and then use this opportunity to try to replace his elder brother, but it is also impossible. His elder brother has already started to get involved in family affairs.

If he doesn't start from this aspect, he may never be able to replace the other party.

Just as Taraf's thoughts were racing, a not-so-old figure slowly got up from the pool and walked towards the shore. Witnessed by Taraf, he quickly took a thin blanket from the servant at the side, stepped forward and put it on Amur.

However, his further move to help was rejected by Amur, "I'm not too old to move, let's sit and talk in the gazebo over there!"

Amur moved, and even brought a large group of servants to follow, some of them brought fruit, some held wine bottles, some held umbrellas, and some served snacks.

In addition, there were guards wearing only a sleeveless battle armor and holding a long-handled axe. They moved to deploy their defenses before everyone else.

When he arrived at the gazebo, Amur had someone pour Taraf a glass of rum, and then he said slowly, "You handled this matter well, you didn't take it all in, and you left room for it, and this matter itself is also beneficial to the family.

"But if you want to complete it successfully, that is, transfer the dark clouds of the Northland to Calimshan, it is not something that the Maired family can accomplish."

"What does Grandpa mean—" Talaf asked tentatively.

"Look for a close family to do it together. Of course, if the Lord Xiaduo can't handle Katemir and Zamdas, then he will have to pay a certain price."

"I see, how can I reply to Lord Xiaduo?" Talaf asked again.

"Let's just say that the Mered family will bring their allies to fully support the Northland water vapor migration plan, and you will coordinate the actions of the wind lords of all parties. As for the domestic side, I will let your brother help you."

Hearing his grandfather's instructions, Tarafu breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but feel disappointed. The relief was because his grandfather had acquiesced that he would continue to monopolize the connection with the Northland, but the disappointment was because he was not involved in domestic affairs. He might be getting farther and farther away from the status of heir.

After all, he is very clear about the actual friendship between himself and Xia Duo, and he thinks that if his brother comes over, it will not have any impact on the communication between the two parties.

In other words, his current so-called monopoly connection in the North is very fragile and can be easily replaced, while his brother's various domestic relationships are difficult to replace.

However, Taraf can also understand his grandfather's approach. Sharing risks is a normal way for family operations, let alone a grandfather who has always been known for his steady style.

It is impossible to completely gamble the family's future on the Northland, let alone Calinthian's extremely stubborn patriarchal inheritance tradition. Unless the heir in line is too weak, most family members are willing to maintain the tradition.

This is also an important pillar for the stable inheritance of the family.

In history, any non-sequential heir who crossed the line of succession either ended in bloodshed and chaos, or won with great feats, but even if he won, it would leave many hidden dangers.

The decline of many families in Calimshan is not because the descendants are ineffective, on the contrary, it is because the non-sequential heirs are too good, and can even bring the family to a short-term glory.

But after the glory, the hidden dangers that were suppressed before will burst out. If luck is unlucky, the decline of the family will be irreversible.

As for the Maired family, they had already suffered a lot of criticism in the previous assassination of the elven prince. Although it was finally proved that they were framed, the family's losses could not be fully recovered before the incident was reversed.

Not to mention that it was accompanied by allies turning against each other, neutrals besieging, etc. It can be said that even now, the family's situation is not very good.

In this case, the grandfather, who is the family controller, has no reason to take risks. It is already very good to support him to continue to monopolize the connection with the Northland.

Of course, this kind of support from a different angle is actually out of prudence considerations, and I am worried that some consequences that may be unfavorable to the family after the substitution.

It is precisely because of these that Talaf has no complaints about his grandfather letting his brother take charge of domestic affairs, at most he is a little disappointed.

"Then I will reply to Lord Xiaduo like this, brother over there—"

"I will send someone to inform him from your brother's side. You can go to the Northland now. After your brother has contacted the allies in the country, he will contact you."

"Yes, Grandpa."

Talaf responded and was about to leave, but was stopped by Amur, "The family had some cooperation with the Zilan Tower in Netheril before. Although the cooperation is broken now, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no follow-up. When you go to the Northland, you can pick a few scholars who have participated in the cooperation and bring them there. In addition, those in your family can also bring them there as helpers."


Hearing such words, Talaf's eyes turned a little red. He understood that this should be the family's last investment in him. What he can do in the future depends on himself!

Of course, this also means that he has firmly established himself on the Northland line.


Amur waved his hand, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com then turned his attention back to the wine glass in his hand, and waited until Tarafu's footsteps were far away before he suddenly sighed, and immediately asked his attendant to summon Tarafu's brother to come.

And on the other side, Severton.

Xia Duo has fully introduced the water vapor migration plan proposed by Taraf to Iolum, and also mentioned the obstacles that may be encountered in the completion of this plan—

"If the water vapor is moved to the south of Calimshan, it may be necessary for the parliament to send someone to the south to negotiate with Katemir and Zamdas on the passage of the water vapor wind belt.

"If the water vapor is moved to the Narrow Sea or the North Pole, you only need to coordinate with the inland lords, and you don't need to consider the situation abroad.

"Of course, if you choose the latter, it's clear that Calinshan's intention to complete such a project is not just to earn some arcane energy crystals, their real goal should be Mythra.

"Even if you don't give it this time, you may not be able to refuse it next time." (End of this chapter)