Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2638: 3 confirmations, the action starts

The latest website: At the end of the demonstration, Xia Duo couldn't help asking: "Can just such a vortex sweep away all the clouds in the entire territory of Netheril? Even if it can, how long will it take?"

"Lord Xia Duo, this is just the beginning!"

Taraf gave a slight touch, reached out and tapped the huge vortex in the cloud map, "Considering the impact on the Great Xia Territory, the Wind Lord can't fully control the storm, this level is already the limit.

"But this is not the limit of the Wind Lord. Next, he will go above the clouds and continue to expand his influence."

Having said that, the cloud map changed again. Originally, it only showed the area around the Great Xia Territory, but now the field of vision is rapidly increasing, and the Great Xia Territory is getting smaller and smaller in the cloud map.

And the wind lord, in this process, is also flying higher and higher, and at the same time growing stronger, this is not the wind lord's body, but the storm he can control.

As the storm grows stronger, the water vapor in the clouds in the cloud map is continuously attracted, and then flies to higher altitudes as demonstrated before.

Then, Taraf added several wind elements one after another in the cloud map, starting from the sky above the eye of the storm created by the wind lord, and arranged them in a straight line all the way to the south.

"This is to open up the wind belt. Elder-level wind elements can do a good job. Of course, if there are several wind lords in the middle to control it, the effect will be even higher."

"It's an eye-opener!" Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh.

Taraph's demonstration doesn't look very clever. Simply put, it uses wind elements to transport water vapor, first moving to higher altitudes in the clouds, and then continuing to move to where it is needed.

But the devil is hidden in the details. Given the dark clouds in Netheril, there might be snow or rain ahead of time if there is any disturbance, not to mention the wind lord is so violently absorbing the moisture in the clouds.

This is a test of the precision of the control!

In addition, long-distance transportation in the horizontal direction is not as easy as most people imagine. If you compare it with water, it may be easier to understand the difficulty.

Because the sky and the earth are directly filled with gas, long-distance transportation of water vapor is equivalent to long-distance transportation of a liquid that is not the same as seawater without pipelines.

How to ensure that the water vapor can be transported there, instead of being diluted on the road, or falling directly into rainfall somewhere.

At first glance, this plan looks very rough and wild, but as long as you think about it a little deeper, you will know how amazing operations and perfect planning this plan requires!

Thinking about it this way, Xia Duo hesitated a little. After hesitating for a while, he asked Talaf, "Has Karin Shan ever made a similar move before?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned this plan."

Later, Talaf further introduced, "This plan is actually quite mature. Even now, Karinshan often migrates water vapor from the ocean to control and transform domestic deserts.

"From Netheril to Calimshan, although the distance exceeds the limit of water vapor migration in Calimshan in the past, the principles are the same, and there is no insurmountable technical threshold.

"As for the amount of water vapor, it's not a problem anymore. It's not a one-time transfer, but a continuous transfer with a certain upper limit of flux. Lord Xia Duo is really worrying too much!"

Although Talaf's explanation was very good, Xiaduo did not fully believe it, but combined with what Talaf said "this is a mature technology commonly used in Calimshan", if something goes wrong, it will not have much impact on the territory of Netheril.

After all, the biggest difference between the migration plan from Netheril to the south and Calimshan's own plan to migrate water vapor from the ocean is actually only the distance.

There shouldn't be any problems with the part of the specific project on the Netheril side, but if there is a problem during the migration process, it will largely be the fault of Calishan.

Of course, considering that it was Netheril who came forward to coordinate Katemir and Zamdas this time, Xia Duo felt that it was necessary to ask for more insurance.

"This matter is of great importance, and it involves many countries. Tarap, you should confirm again. I don't want any accidents to happen."

"Okay, I'm checking with my family to confirm."

Afterwards, Tarafu went to contact the family himself, while Xia Duo returned to the floating city to check the status of the core magic weapon of war magic. Although Niya didn't inform him, the [Light of Annihilation] outside has never stopped.

If you don't care about it, it is inevitable that something will happen.

Floating city, central control area.

Accompanied by Niya, Xia Duo personally checked the status of the core weapon of war magic. It is indeed a bit early to say that it is about to collapse, but it is definitely not good.

The main reason is that the wear and tear of dozens of core instruments varies, and some of them are close to the limit.

Therefore, Xia Duo decisively replaced the new ones. After the finalization of the war spells, he made a total of two sets of core magic weapons. Because the frequency of use is not high, one of them is at least 99% new.

But considering how long it will take until the water vapor migration officially starts, Xia Duo decided to make a new set after the maintenance is completed.

In this case, it was obviously too late for normal production, so the time acceleration spell made great contributions again.

When Xia Duo came out of the time acceleration area, Tarafu had already arrived in the floating city. After Xia Duo handed over the core magic weapon of the war spell to Niya, he immediately summoned the other party.

"Does the Maired family have anything to say?"

"My grandfather, Amur Pasha, guarantees in the name of the Maired family that there are no accidents in the plan itself, but there will inevitably be some external factors involved in the implementation process, such as Katemir and Zamdas."

The name of the Maired family is enough, but the latter sentence is superfluous, although Ketmil and Zamdas must be guarded against, UU reading www. But it always makes people feel a little awkward when these words come out of Tarafu's mouth.

After thinking for a while, Xia Duo replied: "Katemir and Zamdas, Netheril will be in charge of coordinating. At the same time, I will also transfer the floating city to the border between the two countries to ensure that there will be no external factors interfering with the operation!"

Strictly speaking, the water vapor migration plan will not pass through the territory of Ketmir and Zamdas, just because the two countries are at war, and will pass through the battlefield that may not break out at that time.

In fact, Xia Duo can also choose to go westward through the countries of the Northern Alliance, enter the sea, and then go south from the sea. If there is any accident in the middle, the rain or snowfall in the sea will not affect any party.

But in that case, Netheril will need to take more risks. It is not an easy task to cross the northern countries. It needs to negotiate with the countries to cross the border, and also needs to consider the possible sabotage actions of the demons.

Even Xia Duo doubted that once he chose this route, would it be the fuse of the all-out war predicted in the prophecy?

(end of this chapter)