Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2644: The head of advertising, the foundation

The latest website: Xia Duo and Niya chatted about the trivial matters in the design and manufacture process of the Void Warehouse, while inspecting the Void Warehouse itself.

As Niya said, many markers are set here to assist in locating the boundaries of each warehouse. It can be said that most of the construction of the entire void warehouse is here.

As for the manufacture of connectors, as long as the encrypted address is given out, any mage who can make dimensional bags can quickly start making them after learning a little new rules for connecting void warehouses.


Xia Duo thought for a while, and asked Niya tentatively: "Many designs on the main body of the Void Warehouse are systematic. Have you never thought of designing it as a fan lock for more convenient management?"

This wasn't an idea that Xia Duo had in the early morning, but came up with this idea after seeing the empty warehouse designed by Niya.

Because he hadn't thought about the difficulty of spatial positioning before, and the systematic management method that can be derived from this design. If it is designed as a fan lock, it will indeed be much more convenient for future operation and management.

It's just that it may be a little more difficult at the beginning. This is actually a choice between the difficult and the easy, or the easy and then the difficult.

Niya's current empty warehouse is almost a typical case of first easy and then difficult. For this, Niya's explanation is—

"I also thought about designing this place as a mystical lock, but I don't have enough experience, and I can't even estimate the design cycle at all, let alone the subsequent experimental verification and actual construction, which may not be completed in a year or two or even longer.

"Didn't you say that the Void Warehouse is of great importance, and it should be launched in the elf country as soon as possible? So I-"

I see!

Xia Duoquan understood that his feelings were due to his previous words that put too much pressure on Niya, which made Niya try her best to meet the deadline, and then came up with this work that Niya herself might not be very satisfied with.

Strictly speaking, if he hadn't been too demanding, this Void Warehouse would be ready for commercial use now! In fact, it is indeed commercially available now.

The significance of the Void Warehouse itself to Xia Duo lies in the future, and it doesn't matter if it is a little later. At this stage, the main promotion of the Tower of Time should be the communication fan lock.

However, Xia Duo wanted to establish a moiré announcement system in the Elven Kingdoms through overwhelming advertisements, so that he could know the exact time of the event and even many major events when he performed the prophecy ceremony.

It can be said that this is a great assistance to the prophecy ceremony!

Other prophets can rely on divine power, or some ancient black technology. Xia Duo has nothing, and even the inheritance of prophecy spells is very common, so he can only come up with some crooked ideas.

And if you want to advertise overwhelmingly in the territory of the elves, it must not be an ordinary commodity, otherwise it would be a joke for others.

The Void Warehouse is a high-end service that already exists in the elves. Chambers of commerce or families that have the conditions will build it themselves, and those who do not have the conditions will rent ready-made ones.

Of course, most of them are rented by chambers of commerce. Families only rent empty warehouses under rare circumstances. Generally, renting is also for temporary needs, or for the harm of their own business.

Void warehouses are more difficult to open the market in Netheril. The society of Netheril is actually a very discrete society. There is indeed a lot of consensus, but the order is quite weak.

Most Nether mages are worried about storing their things in warehouses managed by others.

But in the elven society, the situation is different. This is a mature business model. The difference is that the Tower of Time does not have enough credibility in the elven countries, and the initial business may be very few.

But Xia Duo doesn't really need to operate the Void Warehouse in the elven society. He only has two purposes. One is to advertise on the grounds of operating the Void Warehouse and to set up a cloud announcement system.

The other is to turn the Void Warehouse into an "export to domestic sales" and let the Netherese mage accept this brand-new storage model. This is an important means for him to exert influence on Netheril in the future, and it is also an important foundation for leadership one.

Apart from these two purposes, the others are just incidental. If in the process, you can make a fortune in the elf countries, that would be great.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo told Niya, "Now this empty warehouse can actually be put into use. It's because I thought too much and asked too much, which made it difficult for you."

"Is there still a need to design mythical locks here in the future?"

"If you want it, you should study the communication fan lock first, and then we will design this virtual warehouse fan lock together."


Niya nodded heavily, and then asked, "Then are you going to promote this empty warehouse in the elf countries now?"

"Yes, this matter needs to be done as soon as possible."

"Who are you going to ask to do this?" Niya asked again.

"I'm going to let the patriarch Oripus of the Silver Leaf family take charge of it personally. It's more convenient for an experienced and long-standing upper family elf to come forward to carry out business in the elf country, but the territory chamber of commerce also needs to send someone there."

The Silver Leaf family has already declined, and has joined the human territory, but after all, it has a high-ranking family origin. Most of the ancestors have a relationship with most of the high-ranking families in the northern elf countries.

With him coming forward, at least the first step shouldn't be a problem, and the humans who selected the Territory Chamber of Commerce used to show that this empty warehouse came from humans.

Maybe concealment is a better choice, but Xia Duo doesn't intend to do this. Whatever should be, if it is concealed in advance and exposed later, it may become an excuse for the elves to attack him for being dishonest.

Anyway, he doesn't take making money as his first goal, so it's better not to keep this kind of excuse.

In the next few days, Xia Duo successfully completed the research on the key element of the spirit automation—the guidance of the spirit will, and the next step is to adapt the specific magic weapon production plan.

As for the Void Warehouse, the patriarch Oripus of the Silver Leaf family also agreed to help him open up the elf market. The first step is to test the waters. Xia Duo chose Everesca as the location.

On the one hand, he has a little friendship with Elder Larian of Evereska, and has a good relationship with the Council of Elders of Evereska. On the other hand, it is determined by Evereska's neutral status. UU reading

The headquarters of the Northern Alliance is located. As long as the situation is successfully opened here, it will be a matter of course to enter other elf countries.

On November 12, 839 in the Nether calendar, Orepus officially set off for Evereska. The entourage included some members of the Silverleaf family, as well as professionals who were proficient in Elvish and had dealt with elves selected by the Territory Chamber of Commerce. person.

Xia Duo had great expectations for them. At the same time, he also felt a breakthrough in the design of the Jingpo automation network device.

Next, as long as the actual product is made and run-in for a while, it can be put into production. According to estimates, after one such device is put into use, it can link magic nets for 120 node magical objects a day.

Based on the first batch of ten units planned to be manufactured, there are 280,000 nodes, and the total time is only more than half a year.

And this is just a preliminary quadruple soul design, and it can be improved in the future, and the efficiency will definitely continue to improve. The first batch of only ten units is also based on this consideration. (end of this chapter)