Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2659: Detective team attacked

"In the mountainous area in the northwest of Yeerland, the specific time of losing contact was yesterday, because according to the regulations, the investigation team needs to communicate with the rear at regular intervals, and overtime is equal to losing contact, let alone knowing the moment we are communicating, and no news has been sent back. .As for whether there were any special symptoms in advance—”

Elder Larian's steady voice revealed a trace of uneasiness, "It is because there is no sign that this matter is unusual. I think they may have discovered an important secret of the demons!"

"Is it the mountains in the northwest of Erland?"

Hearing this location, Xia Duo was thoughtful. Although the territory of Yeerlan was more mature than that of Netheril, it was not fully developed, such as the two mountainous areas in the north and south in the west.

The main area of ​​activity is still on the flatter plains in the east, with the capital Taivimansa as the core, expanding to the surrounding areas—mainly to the south.

But that is the main development area, and its southern part is not really bordered by Sharwen. In theory, of course, there is a border, but in fact there are still large areas of non-actual control.

This is the case in the south, not to mention the northwest. According to Xia Duo's knowledge, there are only a small number of settlements and some observation posts in the northwest of Yeerland.

There are only one or two military fortresses on the border with Shruvand, which is one of the important reasons why Yeerlan agreed to the establishment of an independent country in the Elam area.

It's very simple, all countries are staring at it, it is difficult to directly annex it, and it can only indirectly affect the manipulation, and there is a big risk of losing control. Of course, if it can be truly controlled, it will become a springboard for slowly devouring Sluvand.

Although it has given up direct annexation, it has won the support of various countries and enjoys many benefits of the new Elam kingdom.

But no one thought that the real Elam kingdom turned out to be the lair of the demons, and even if it wasn't the lair, it still had very important interests.

Now that the reconnaissance team of the Northland Alliance has disappeared in the northwest of Yeerlan, it is hard not to remind Xia Duo of the demons, not to mention that he is paying attention to the prophesied fog event recently, which is even more sensitive to him.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't tell Elder Larian his guess. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he said it or not. The Northern Alliance will still suspect the demons and intensify their investigations.

The only difference is just the basis of suspicion. The Northland Alliance is based on past experience and consistent hostility towards demons, while Xia Duo is based on comprehensive prophecies and the inside story of Elan that he learned before.

In fact, he really wanted to reveal the details of the Elan Kingdom, but he was also worried that the demons would be completely hidden by doing so. At least one obvious loophole was left in this way.

Although the Northern Alliance doesn't know yet, but he knows, he is also quietly investigating, although it is in the form of prophecy, it is also a feasible way.

After all, the demons have shown their strong advantages in the field of prophecy. If they don't make good use of such a flaw in the Kingdom of Elam, they may really have to wait until the demons have fully infiltrated all countries to find out.

But if it really waits until the phantoms have fully infiltrated all countries, it may be too late to find out by then.

In fact, the purpose of the demons is far from infiltrating countries, or infiltrating countries is not their real purpose at all, but just a necessary means in the process of achieving their goals!

Their real purpose is to change the current timeline of the main plane, and bring the Elan kingdom that exists in another timeline or in the fantasy of some demons to reality.

Of course, Xia Duo doesn't think that the Elan Kingdom of the Northern Alliance is the Elan that the Devils want, but it is definitely related to the Devils' plan.

A long time ago, when he first knew the true meaning of the name Elan, he decided at that time that once the situation of the demons was completely out of control, he would destroy Elan.

This kind is indeed simple and rude, but when it really comes to that time, he can't control so much, and he has to try various methods.

Once again, Elder Larian was asked to pay attention to the latest news. Shadow ended the communication with the other party, and then he summoned Aiwa to ask him to pay attention to topics related to the mist in Evereska.

At the same time, he also told Aiwa that if he heard that there was a fog in a certain place, he must not try to confirm it himself.

According to the prophecy, even the professional investigators sent by the Northland Alliance failed to return after entering the foggy area. Xia Duo didn't think that an ordinary human like Aiwa was so special.

"Remember to notify me as soon as you hear the news, don't make up your own mind!" Xia Duo ordered.

In fact, even he himself has never planned to explore it himself. At most, he just observes outside the fog to see if it is the same as the fog he saw in the prophecy.

If possible, see what kind of existence the fog is.

For the next few days, Xia Duo had been waiting for news from Evereska. Until mid-December, neither Elder Larian nor Aiwa had any intelligence related to the fog.

However, with regard to the investigation team that disappeared in the northwest of Erlan, the Northland Alliance has the investigation results, which are somewhat different from Xia Duo's expectations. According to Larian and even the information obtained from the Seven Towers——

Although the Northland Alliance found the bodies of the members of the reconnaissance team, they found the last traces of the team's battle. According to the judgment on the spot, the team did encounter the demons at that time, but it was not because of any important clues.

It was just being detected and ambushed normally. The reason why no information was sent back was also because the demons first discovered the scouting team and then ambushed.

It is said that after this incident, King Helien of Yeerlan and many elders of the council were furious, and vowed to find the demons who committed crimes in the territory of Yeerlan.

But until the moment Xia Duo received the information, Ye Erlan failed to find any more information beyond the investigation results of the Northern Alliance.

It seems that there is a conclusion on all aspects of this matter, and some actions have indeed been taken, but Xia Duo feels that this matter is not that simple.

There are still too many things that cannot be explained. For example, how can the professional investigators sent by the Demonic Intelligence Analysis Office, the national cooperation department of the Northern Alliance that specializes in dealing with the Demonic, not consider the situation of being ambushed?

Even if the investigators are not required to have strong combat capabilities, it is not an excessive requirement to be equipped with some powerful communication devices.

In this way, even if the investigators are attacked, UU Reading can ensure that the news will be sent back. If the rear responds in time, there will even be time to send rescue.

After all, it is a magical world, and there are various means of transmission. As long as there is a plan in advance, there are a lot of means to provide timely support.

Xia Duo felt that behind this incident, either the Northland Alliance did not pay enough attention to the demons, or there were some secrets that were inconvenient to disclose to the public.

The possibility of the former is unlikely. The demons have actually threatened the rule of various countries, and even the existence of the entire main plane, so it cannot be overemphasized.

Xia Duo doesn't think that the countries in the north don't pay enough attention to the demons, at least the elves must be full of hatred for the demons.

Then the real answer is just around the corner—

Either the Seven Towers and Larian concealed something, or Ye Erlan, who led the investigation at the time, concealed something.

(end of this chapter)

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