Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2679: means of communication

The arrival of Dax, the chief mage of Metril City, and Gaudit, a councilman, brought the latest information about Paris. The other party imprisoned most of the city council members, and even prepared to sacrifice the entire city.

Hearing this horrific news, Ryan almost jumped up in a hurry, but now there is no way to stop it all by himself, so he can only look at the investigators around him anxiously and begging for help. They:

"The situation is urgent, please help the innocent people in Metril!"

"Help is for sure. After all, we have already been involved." As one of the leaders of the investigation team, Dum, who intends to take responsibility, took the lead in responding to Ryan's request.

But then he changed the subject and turned his gaze to Dax, "I have a few questions, and I would like Master Dax to answer them."

"What question? If I can answer it, I will answer it."

"Just yesterday, a reconnaissance team from the Northern Alliance disappeared in Metril City. Do you know what happened?" Dum asked.

This was originally intended to be a question to Metril's senior management, but now that Paris has rebelled, the commander of the city guards will most likely not be able to ask, and only the chief mage in front of him can ask.

But for this question, Dax showed a confused expression, "Northern Alliance's reconnaissance team? Is the Northern Alliance sending a reconnaissance team to Metril?"

"They didn't come to Metril specially, but passed by halfway. More precisely, they were planning to return to Evereska from Metril, but they disappeared."

"I don't know. I haven't heard of any reconnaissance team. I didn't even know about the arrival of Ryan's envoy until after I escaped from the Silver Spire."

Only then did Dax react belatedly, "Are you human? Why did humans appear in Metril City? Who are you?"

"We are an investigation team from the Northland Alliance. We came to investigate the disappearance of the investigation team that happened yesterday. This was agreed by Tavimansa."

After Dum finished speaking, Ryan also nodded affirmatively, and added a little more, "The king and the council attach great importance to this matter, and have notified Metril City in advance, explaining the situation, don't you Didn't you get the message?"

"I swear that I have not received any relevant news. It must be Paris. He intercepted or even tampered with the subpoena from the capital, and deceived most of the members of the city council to the Silver Spire."

Dax was agitated, and kept cursing Paris, even the Gaudit MP who followed him and escaped from the Silver Spire.

"Enough is enough, insults are useless now, the key is how to deal with it!"

Even as the crown prince and the envoy of the council, saying such emotional words is completely offensive. After all, no matter whether Dax is suspected or guilty, he is a high-ranking mage.

But right now, no one cares about Ryan's tone of voice, and it is even this decisive attitude that can gain the trust of others.

At this moment, Xia Duo also took the initiative to stand up and gave everyone a big comfort:

"Everyone, I have already contacted the Speaker Badigal of the Severton Council through special means of communication. If there is no accident, he should inform the Tavimansa side of what happened on Metril's side. Maybe now Support is on the way, what we have to do now is to find out what happened in the city."

In the end, there is no way to hide the contact with the outside world. As Xia Duo said, support may be on the way now, and it may even be outside the Matril Mystery.

Afterwards, as long as there is a pair of information, it is known that someone has tipped off, and this tipping off is not a bad thing. Of course, Badigal's measure will not deliberately hide Xia Duo's credit.

So it's okay to say it in advance now, it can just boost the morale of everyone, of course, there is no need to say anything about the demons, because this involves the magic of erasing traces unique to the demons.

There is no record of this kind of spell in the Northern Land Alliance. Considering that the Demonic Intelligence Research Office is already the result of a full exchange of information between countries, it is unlikely that countries will hide this aspect.

Now that the situation is urgent, if you talk about demons or something, it will inevitably be another explanation and proof. In fact, there is no way to prove it.

As long as Paris can be dealt with now, follow-up investigations can be done slowly.

"Can you still contact the outside world under such circumstances?" Some elves showed obvious expressions of disbelief, especially Councilor Gaudit who followed Dax to escape from the Silver Spire.

He also has a lot of research on magic. Although he has not yet achieved the highest level of magic, he is far superior to most ordinary mages. He tried to contact the outside world just after he escaped from the Silver Spire, but it didn't work at all.

The essence of mythos is to reconstruct the macroscopic magic net structure in an area, but clever mythos can often have a restrictive effect on the microcosmic magic net strings.

In layman's terms, as long as you can think of restrictions, you can restrict them. Of course, there is a question of benefit trade-offs.

At present, the entire area of ​​Metril City is under confinement, and it is impossible to contact the outside world at all. If you can contact, you can actually leave.

Xia Duo could have ignored the doubts of individual elves, but in order to reach a consensus, he would practice attacking the Silver Spire later, so he explained:

"I don't need to lie on this issue, and I can say that I am not the only one who can contact the outside world. Do you think I am right? Mage Dradale!"

The Master Delladale that Xia Duo said was the Comanthor investigator who came here with a puppet body. At this time, when Xia Duo called his name, Dradale also stood up a little unnaturally:

"Lord Xia Duo is right. UU Reading I do have a way to contact the outside world, as long as I give up my current puppet incarnation and use my body to spread the news here, but I have to be like Lord Xia Duo Real-time contact, I still can't do it."

"I trust Lord Xiaduo."

Of course, there are opinions, and of course there are people who stand in line. Even the name Shaduo has a high reputation among the elves, especially the elves of Ilfaran who know Netheril better.

Due to the urgency of the current situation, the issue of contact with the outside world was quickly skipped, "We can't control things outside the city for the time being, but inside the city, we are here. After all, it is impossible to remain indifferent and let the situation develop. Something must be done .”

"Paris is performing a sacrificial ceremony at the Silver Spire, we must destroy the ceremony." It was the chief mage Dax who spoke.

It's just that Dax is still suspicious, and everyone is hesitant about whether to attack Silver Spire, but the more this is the case, the more decisive it is.

Shadow, Doom, and Ryan unanimously proposed to attack the Silver Spire, but Dax was not required to participate. Although other investigators intended to stop Paris or break through the blockade, they had no clue about this and could only reluctantly agree.