Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2694: Eloquent, the last moment

Soon, the figure of Ryan's envoy appeared in Zhuguang Square. He came alone, not accompanied by members of the investigation team or local mages.

After all, wouldn't the former's accompanying rumors confirm the rumors of being controlled, while the latter could not rule out the possibility of the demons getting involved. If the demons used their identity as an **** to say something they should not say, it would be more troublesome.

Therefore, Ryan simply did not bring any entourage, and came to Zhuguang Square alone. As a close minister of the Crown Prince, he did not lack such courage.

For a political creature, compared to the depression and silence, the threat of the devil is nothing!

"Residents of Metril, I am Ryan, the foreign affairs advisor of King Helien, I have heard your calls, and now I am here to personally answer your doubts, I hope you will not be used by the traitors .”

With the effect of the spell, Ryan's words instantly overwhelmed the noise of the entire square, becoming the only voice in the huge square.

But suppression alone is not enough. Ryan seized the opportunity to show the tokens that could prove his identity, and at the same time shouted to the leaders such as Mandatom:

"Mandatom, you shameless betrayer, do you dare to stand up and confront me?"

Mandatom is the commander of the City Guards of Metril City. From the perspective of the Yeerlan elves, Mandatom is at a loss, and he doesn't know what cards Ryan has.

Under such circumstances, it is definitely impossible for him to stand up and confront him, because once confronted, the people will think, and thinking will undoubtedly dilute the enthusiasm of the people.

Since ancient times, the vast majority of cults and conspirators have not debated with their opponents, but repeatedly brainwashed them with one or two short-answer slogans.

Because the truth becomes clearer and clearer, and at the end of the debate, their followers will easily see their essence and make choices that are contrary to their wishes.

But if he does not stand up and confront him, Mandatom can continue to incite the public, and the responsibility behind the speech can be downplayed through the public's voice.

To put it simply, it means that the public can blame whatever they say.

For example, "I'm not the only one who said it, others also said it, why didn't you look for someone else, but came to me?", "I just doubt, can't doubt be okay?"

Although Ye Erlan did not say that the law does not punish the public, in practice, under special circumstances, it is actually very difficult for the "public" to be punished.

For example, this time, the people gathered here only because of the instigation of the demons, but the people's intentions were indeed good, to defend Metril and Yeerlan, and so far there has been no radical action.

Is this also a punishment?

After such a punishment, aren't you afraid that the hearts of the people will be dispersed?

The most important thing is that there is no such law as illegal assembly in Ye'erlan, and there is no basis for punishment. It is very likely that nothing will be done afterwards, and a few words of praise may even be needed, so as not to chill the hearts of the people.

In just a few seconds after Ryan asked Mandatom to stand up and confront him, voices of doubt arose from every corner of the square, and there were even echoes among the voices—

"We are very familiar with the leader of Mandatom, how could he be a traitor! The messenger must have been deceived by those invaders!"

"Yes, the commander of Mandatom has always been kind. Under his command, the City Guards never had any conflicts with the people. There is nothing to doubt about this."

"This messenger doesn't look like a good elf at first glance. He said he was a messenger, and I also said that I am a messenger!"

"Tokens can also be forged. Who would believe that a strange face suddenly stood up and said that the Mandatom leader we see every day is a traitor!"

Words like these rang out one after another from all over the square, and it didn't look like they were colluding with each other at all, which once again ignited the anger of the people.

Seeing this situation, Ryan was inevitably a little nervous, but he had come to this point, even if there was an abyss in front of him, he would step into it without hesitation.

"Guys, listen to me—"

Xia Duo was more or less concerned about Ryan's situation, not to mention that he asked Philip for more tokens and information. After Badigal conveyed it, he immediately passed it to Ryan simultaneously.

Therefore, Ryan can eloquently talk about the various relationships in the upper layers of Metril City in Zhuguang Plaza, and even the so-called truth behind the big and small events that happened in Metril in the past.

These are what ordinary people love to hear, and in the process of telling these stories, Ryan has repeatedly shown various evidences that can reveal his identity.

At the same time, I also put forward a small request to the people, that is, to protect themselves and pay attention to possible attackers around, because the traitors do not want to see the people stand together with the envoy of the crown king.

"This guy still has a set!"

Xia Duo silently praised, and then re-invested in the collaborative computing. The reason why Ryan has nothing to do now is that on the one hand, the demons are also thinking about delaying time, and on the other hand, it is also the most important—

Xia Duo asked the four senior mages who were on standby in the Silver Spire to take care of it. Anyway, the current collaborative computing of Lingsi Network mainly uses the subconscious mind shared by each accessor.

It means that the consciousness is still idle, and other things can be done, and it will not cause too much burden on the consciousness.

Under the torment of countless insiders, Xia Duo quickly completed the analysis of Metril's original mysia, and at the same time made a preliminary judgment on Paris's ongoing ritual spell.

The purpose of this ceremony is similar to what Xia Duo had guessed before. It is mainly used for positioning and reversing the timeline. Of course, Xia Duo made a definite judgment after careful analysis, but there is also a speculative part.

However, Xia Duo believes that the true function of the ceremony should be indistinguishable from his judgment.

In addition, this ritual itself does not need to use external mythos. Paris uses mythos as an important medium for casting spells, so as to increase the scope of influence of ritual spells.

Xia Duo speculates that the final impact of this spell may go far beyond Metril's area, but it will involve a wider range. He can't say for the time being how wide it is, after all, this is an area he had previously A spell that has never been tried.

The devil may know, but it is impossible for the devil to tell him, so he can only guess as far as possible, so as to remind himself not to take chances, and to go all out.

The next step is to designate a plan to stop the ceremony. If it is any other spell, it is very simple, as long as the casting of the spell is destroyed and the spell cannot continue.

As for the impact of the failure of the spell, no matter how bad it is, it will not be greater than the impact of the success of the spell. This price is completely worth it.

But now this ritual spell involves the timeline, no one knows what the impact of random destruction is, and no one can guarantee that the impact of doing so will be smaller than the success of the spell.

Therefore, if you want to stop Paris's ceremony, you must take control of the ceremony from Paris, and in the case of Paris's simultaneous competition and even destruction, the ceremony will be ended perfectly.

The difficulty is quite high, but Xia Duo has the confidence to complete it, and he will definitely be able to complete it!