Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2697: Take control of the process

Chapter 2687 Controlling the process

Soon, the ritual synchronization reached a critical point.

From this moment on, the entire ceremony will be gradually out of Paris' control, and Xia Duo is full of confidence in this. Following the spellcasting instructions one after another, Paris finally responded.

The reason why he didn't respond before was mainly because he didn't know Xia Duo's purpose, and he was entangled in the ceremony itself. Now he sees that Xia Duo wants to make changes to the ceremony, and even seize control of the ceremony.

Under such circumstances, how could Paris continue to swallow his anger!

A counterattack followed, but after all, there was no preparation in advance. All Paris could do was to block it with the inertia of ritual casting, and there was no way to do more.

Of course, the premise of this is that Paris still wants to continue the ceremony, and has not reached the point of breaking the jar.

Paris did this more to delay time, as long as it can be delayed until the end of the ceremony, but all this was expected by Xia Duo, and he even complied with Paris's procrastination strategy to a certain extent.

Just like Ryan was in Zhuguang Square before they acted, Ryan seemed to want to persuade the people to do something, maybe he thought so too, but in Xia Duo’s plan, Ryan’s role was just to Used to delay time.

Prevent the kale from taking drastic actions, such as more outright massacres.

And because the demons underestimated Xia Duo, they didn't expect the real reason behind Ryan's going out to appease the people, and they haven't taken any drastic actions until now.

As for now, on Paris' side, Paris should actually be able to realize the extraordinaryness of his opponent, but he is already in trouble, and there are only two options—

One is to give up the ceremony to fight back, but this is contrary to his original intention.

Another is to try to stall for time.

It's not that Paris didn't want to regain control of the ceremony through a method similar to "capital increase and share expansion" like Xia Duo, but that he realized that he hadn't expected this situation at all, and was completely unprepared for it.

As a last resort, the strategy of delaying time can only be adopted.

Xia Duo, on the other hand, tried his best to "increase capital" to this ongoing ritual spell without irritating Paris, so as to achieve the purpose of expanding control.

However, Xia Duo also knew that it was impossible for Paris to let him do this all the time. Once he realized that the ceremony was hopeless, Paris' behavior would be unpredictable.

Maybe it was to destroy the ceremony, or maybe it was to inform the demons to carry out a massacre.

If it's the former, this is exactly what Xia Duo is trying to deal with, but if it's the latter, he can only pray that the strength of the local mage is enough to subdue it.

While maintaining the collaborative computing network, there is still some pressure to deal with the demons. Xia Duo sincerely hopes that they can cope.

I don't know how long it has passed, but in such a fierce battle, time seemed to slow down a lot. At this moment, Xia Duo received a message from Dum in the Lingsi network——

Paris has given up the procrastinating blocking of the ritual inertia at the beginning, and has begun to become aggressive!

"I'm only reacting now, it's too late!"

Xia Duo has currently mastered more than 80% of the progress of the entire ritual spell. If it is a normal spell, in this case, he will stop if he says stop, but for this special spell involving timeline operations, we still have to try to get as much as possible. Only with 100% control right can it be stopped safely.

As for this opportunity, Paris obviously didn't want Xiaduo to win too easily.

Soon, Xia Duo learned of Paris' approach from the information sent back about the progress of the ceremony. This guy really "destroys what he can't get." After a short silence, he began to actively sabotage the progress of the ceremony.

It's a pity that Xia Duo has already mastered more than 80% of the process at this moment. Paris's sabotage actions do not pose much danger to the core of the ceremony, and the destruction of other non-core processes is actually what Xia Duo wanted to do.

Although he used the ritual synchronization method to seize control, he definitely didn't want the ritual to be completed. Therefore, at this stage, the ritual process can be gradually terminated.

Undoubtedly, Xia Duo chose to gradually end from the non-core process of the ceremony. At this moment, Paris's sabotage behavior helped him to some extent. Wherever Paris started to sabotage, he started to end there.

Under the perfect control of Xia Duo and the entire Lingsi network, Paris's destructive behavior is more like a cooperation.

But such a good thing didn't last long, and Paris quickly realized that when he realized that his behavior had not achieved the desired result, but instead achieved the enemy's purpose.

At this moment, even though there were many distances, Xia Duo could feel the anger of the other party that was hard to suppress.

The next moment, Xia Duo could feel the degree of anger from the message sent back—Paris began to attack the core process of the ceremony recklessly.

It can be said that this is the most dangerous step in this operation.

Of course, Xia Duo also expected this, but there was not much he could do, and he continued to end the ritual process from the periphery to the core according to the plan set in advance.

As for Paris's attack on the core process, it is delayed by the inertia of rituals as Paris did before, as long as the delay is until all non-core processes are terminated, or at least all non-controlled processes are terminated.

At that point, it's all over.

Of course, it is also possible that Paris destroyed the core process before that. This possibility cannot be completely eliminated, but if he realizes that something cannot be done, Xia Duo will give up in advance and then evacuate.

The reason why the members of the investigation team are gathered in the Silver Spire is not only to borrow the secret ceremony room here, but also to facilitate evacuation in case of emergency.

After all, everyone is together, there is no need to look for people everywhere, and you can leave immediately when you want to leave.

The so-called "Don't think about victory, think about defeat" is probably the case.

As for the envoy of Ryan who is still in the Zhuguang Square at UU Reading, if there is a chance at that time, Xia Duo doesn't mind giving him a hand. If there is no chance, it will be Ryan's fate.

If Ryan is forcibly taken away, is it necessary to forcibly take away all the people of Metril? Xia Duo will not take responsibility that does not belong to him at will!

Even if he is a time traveler, he is not arrogant enough to think that he is the savior of all creatures in this magical world.

Ten minutes later, Xia Duo suddenly showed his face, and it went more smoothly than expected. He finally saw the light of day in this race against time!

Before the non-core processes of the ceremony got out of control, he finally completed the termination of most of the non-core processes, and all the remaining processes were under his control.

In other words, from this moment on, Paris has nothing to do with this ceremony.

Although his destruction is still going on, it is just a scabies. Without the ritual itself, Paris and his followers are just meat on the chopping board.