Arcane Lord

v3 Chapter 2706: go to league headquarters for tea

However, the Battle Academy is just opposite the Academy of Magic, which means it takes a few more steps, so Xia Duo still passed.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the academy, he heard a deep and powerful shouting sound coming from the front. When he took a closer look, it turned out that it was the students on the training ground who were training.

Although it is certain that all the students are trained here, judging from the fighting will and fighting skills shown by these students, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are elite soldiers.

If Evereska's Academy of Magic is a large workshop, then the Battle Academy is a large barracks.

Seven or eight sword skill training grounds are neatly arranged under the cover of green trees, and outside the sword skill training ground are meditation rooms and spell practice rooms.

This is not available in the previous magic academy. The practice of the magic academy is to work in the workshop, and to keep doing it is to keep practicing.

This place is more like a magic academy than a magic academy.

Of course, what the Combat Academy teaches here are only a few standard combat spells, and it does not involve advanced knowledge such as the principles of spells.

I am afraid that real magic can only be learned at the above swordsmanship academy, but there is no way for elves of ordinary origin to go there.

Seeing this, Xia Duo couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for Evereska's next generation, and the next step is to see how Evereska's top management reforms.

If education can be opened up to a certain extent, it will undoubtedly be a significant loosening for the lower class; but if it is only with the help of more mature statutory laws such as the Great Xia Code that restricts class mobility, then for the lower class, I am afraid that the future will be very difficult. Even more desperate!

Leaving from the south of the city, Xia Duo successfully arrived at the headquarters of the Northern Land Alliance on the north side of the Dawn Square. Dum received the news and was already waiting outside the Demonic Intelligence Laboratory.

"Lord Xia Duo, this way please—"

This is the third time Xia Duo has come to the Demonic Intelligence Research Office, but the first two times he went straight to the archives, and did not take a good look here.

This time I came to "drink tea", which was much more leisurely than before, and Dum also deliberately diluted the discordant atmosphere that was called drinking tea, but actually an inquiry.

The two first passed the ceremony hall, then visited the other two archives, and the office scene of the members of the research room, and finally came to a small courtyard located relatively behind the entire building complex.

The tea set and everything have been prepared, and half a pot of original Bonu leaves originally from the Eastern world lies quietly in a small hollowed-out mithril pot.

Seeing the tea used for entertainment by the Demonic Intelligence Research Office, Xia Duo couldn't help but sigh that these guys are really extravagant, and Bonu Yuanye can drink whatever he wants.

But think about it, it should be just for entertaining guests. If he can really drink it casually, then what's the point of him cultivating tea trees!

With his current status, the countries of the elves should not restrict the export of raw Bonu leaves to him. Now that the restrictions are imposed, it shows that the output is really limited.

Perhaps only when the scale of the tea garden in the Tower of Waiting Time grows, can the original leaves of Bonu be truly popularized!

Speaking of which, although the original leaves of Bonu are more effective, Master Naishi actually prefers to brew tea powder made from leftover materials. Of course, the original leaves are unaffordable, but on the other hand, it is convenient.

This drinking method actually comes from the elves. Most of the elves' drinks are not extracts like raw leaf tea, but liquids that are evenly mixed with ingredients like juice, wine, and tea powder.

Xia Duo does not comment on other drinks, but for tea, he still thinks that the method of extracting liquid is more reasonable.

"This is the precious tea provided by Cormanthor for the Northland Alliance. It is usually locked in the warehouse. Even if you use a single leaf, you need to report and apply in advance. Now it has provided ten leaves at once, which shows that Lord Xiaduo is very respectful. Pay attention to."

Drinking tea is just a pretext, but if there is no tea, it will definitely not work. Dum carefully fetched water and tea leaves to make tea, while chatting with Xia Duo about some of the daily work experience of the Northern Alliance.

"Because it is supervised by all parties and no one obeys anyone, the internal order of the Northland Alliance is relatively perfect. From the passing of a resolution to the entry and exit of tea, there are fixed and strict procedures."

"Then, are you still comfortable working in the Northland Alliance?" Xia Duo asked curiously, and he wanted to know what Doom thought about this question.

Dum's ideas largely represent the views of the Seven Towers on order, and can also serve as a reference for the future expansion of the Great Xia Order in Netheril.

In this regard, Dum first showed a simple and honest expression, and then told Xia Duo, "I first learned that the Northern Alliance has many restrictions, and I didn't want to be stationed here.

"But after I came here, I discovered that the seemingly strict and rigid procedures here are actually more like the protection of freedom, because as long as we don't violate the procedures, the rest is all freedom.

"These procedures within the Northern Alliance are to a large extent formulated by each country based on the actual situation, and can accommodate the interests of all countries to the greatest extent. In other words, following the procedures is tantamount to safeguarding the interests of Netheril.

"So, unless it's like betraying Netheril, I can do whatever I want here, without any restrictions or discomfort."

"Isn't this the case inside the Seven Towers?" Xia Duo continued to ask.

Regarding this question, Dum did not answer directly, but mentioned the new Severton Covenant signed not long ago, and the new parliament based on the new covenant—

"Actually, after the signing of the new covenant, it's not bad to have a position in a subsidiary organization of the Severton Council. The council is bound by all parties, and even the Seven Towers cannot dominate it. This will make it easier to establish an order that is beneficial to the interests of all parties."

The implication is that there are no restrictions inside the seven towers, not completely free of restrictions, there are still restrictions between the seven towers, but it is difficult for contemporary controllers to be restrained within a single seven towers.

Xia Duo actually knew this situation a long time ago. Schom is so bad that even the inside of the Gilles Tower failed to overthrow it. UU reading www. On the contrary, caused Schom to constantly sing against the overall interests of Netheril on many issues.

Dum was not born in the Tower of Gilles, but other towers are similar. Even a wise controller cannot always be wise. Unrestricted power will naturally bring pressure to the people below.

That's the stress of worrying about an uncertain future.

It is estimated that this problem will not be solved for a long time, but the Seven Towers is actually not the most serious problem. After all, the Seven Towers are composed of lords, and the lords can also freely withdraw from the Seven Towers and become independent lords.

What is really serious is the unlimited power of the lord.

In the territory, the lord can do almost anything he wants. Even after the signing of the new covenant, the lord cannot kill the subjects for no reason, but he must pay attention to "cannot kill without reason", as long as he finds an excuse.

Whether the citizens live well or not depends almost entirely on the mood of the lord.

This is somewhat unacceptable to Xia Duo. Although he is also a lord himself, this does not affect his dislike of the lord-subject rule model.